
So ridiculously Corporate-y...none of his pep talks even make any sense just a string of corporate cliches. Nobody wants to work for this narcissist. Seriously he has a severe personality disorder… And he’s in charge of so many careers?? How does that even happen!
it's because he's smarter than you

If Garry is so smart why Is this company failing miserably? Why is the volume so low? Why have doctors departed from using our test in a major way? Why have territories all lost 50% of their volume after bad policy was handed down under Garry?

Kim Kelderman-

When are you going to step in and end this “Management by Fear” campaign we have going on in Waltham?
Clearly a few management heads need to be cut. Numbers were excellent last year before all of the billing policies and PAP’s were instituted. This is not rocket science. Garry Couett needs his walking papers and negative business policy has to change.

Micromanagement harassment needs to stop as well Kim!
You have a great group of salespeople. Unhook then from all of the bullshit that’s causing sales to be so poor. It’s time for change.

Kim Kelderman-

When are you going to step in and end this “Management by Fear” campaign we have going on in Waltham?
Clearly a few management heads need to be cut. Numbers were excellent last year before all of the billing policies and PAP’s were instituted. This is not rocket science. Garry Couett needs his walking papers and negative business policy has to change.

Micromanagement harassment needs to stop as well Kim!
You have a great group of salespeople. Unhook then from all of the bullshit that’s causing sales to be so poor. It’s time for change.

It’s amazing the level of Plausible Deniability that exists in top management here at ExoDx. Management has not a clue what they are doing. Not a clue!

At some point Silverman you have to start being honest with your employees. Our test volume took a huge hit/dive after your bullshit Medicare LCD on 12/1/2019. This was before Covid-19 hit. You can see the trending in Jan & Feb. Terrible billing and lack of coverage continues to seriously plague ExosomeDx. Btw, the test average volume is 43 per day, not 60 a day, so start using statistics instead of smoke & mirrors. Everyone is watching Steve Silverman, including the board of directors. Act like a true businessman and not the buffoon that you actually are.

Cal Ripken won’t change a thing...
You are all losers.

The Riddler

Waste of money. They probably spent 100k on this gig thinking this will change everything :) Ha! Meanwhile they're stealing every penny they can from the field reps who have priceless relationships and really can change everything if treated with an ounce of dignity or respect. Basics gotta start with the basics. Don't worry, Karma will do the math.

HEY Steve P.S.... what were the results of the employee engagement survey?? Noticed you side-swiped that one ;)

Waste of money. They probably spent 100k on this gig thinking this will change everything :) Ha! Meanwhile they're stealing every penny they can from the field reps who have priceless relationships and really can change everything if treated with an ounce of dignity or respect. Basics gotta start with the basics. Don't worry, Karma will do the math.

HEY Steve P.S.... what were the results of the employee engagement survey?? Noticed you side-swiped that one ;)

Management will never be honest about the engagement survey, because they were slammed in the surveys. What an awful management group at ExoDx.
Ripken will not change the current trajectory at all.
Garry, you are fired!

Thos is the beginning of the end for ExoDx

L & A

SilverSurfer just doesn’t get it.
Out to lunch.
That’s what $500k per year does to your perception of reality. Maybe DiMeo should “adjust” his salary to be more in line with sales. I’m sure he won’t mind.
Lord knows they just blew $250k on the Tutrone Study and Cal’s Consulting agreement.

All in for interviewing.

Dear Chuck-

The sales are going down not up.
I think it’s time to clip Garry & Steve’s wings. Neither one of them has a clue!


Garry we do not appreciate your repeated efforts to remind the sales force through ComplianceWire, that if we aren't employed on the last day of the quarter that you won't pay our bonus, like you sent to all of us today via email. You are a total schmuck Garry. Karma is a bitch Garry.
You are a weak weak man and a total loser. Can't wait to see your lunatic pacing at our next meeting.

Garry just admit to Steve and Chuck that you don't have the faintest idea how to commercialize EPI in todays market. We already know, based on your terrible performance and awful people skills that you don't have a clue what you are doing.
Wait a minute, you work for a robot and an autistic engineer, they don't have a clue how to run a company either. LOL!!!!
How long before all of us are given pink slips Garry?

Garry just admit to Steve and Chuck that you don't have the faintest idea how to commercialize EPI in todays market. We already know, based on your terrible performance and awful people skills that you don't have a clue what you are doing.
Wait a minute, you work for a robot and an autistic engineer, they don't have a clue how to run a company either. LOL!!!!
How long before all of us are given pink slips Garry?

A joke to whom? She's a baddass. Awesome job at not letting leadership breeze over details so they can further slop their way through running this ship and further violate the sales force. The rep team has plenty o' kiss-ass cowards that don't know how to sniff out manipulative discrepancies. Garry/Steve/the "Leaders" HATE that they can't slop their way through the details when she's listening.

But this isn't about her. This is about a narcissist, a buffoon, another buffoon with a calculator, and an angry laptop bandit (puppeting under a team of thiefs and criminals).

Garry Couett is a total coward.
What a fuckin loser. He is so disrespectful, and has no sales acumen.
Garry hides behind RSM’s and makes them the bad guys. How’s 35 tests a day treating you Garry? You will be fired soon. You have failed miserably Garry!