
Do not apply to work for Exosome Dx Sales... Management will lie, cheat, and steal their way through your energy, devotion, and spirit. Steve Silverman & Garry Couett are a bunch of greedy, insecure, and narcissistic clowns who will ruin your career and your spirit.
Sales has given everything they’ve got to these absolute ignaramuses and they treat you like absolute shit. Do not come here. Trust me when I say everyone is interviewing to get out of ExosomeDx/Bio-Techne. The company has 6 months before management is closing the doors. Do you want to be on that ship when it goes down?

A day late and a dollar short losers!
There is zero trust with management.
Without trust, you have no company.
Company will go out of business in 6 months. Da Nile ain’t just a river in Egypt!!

Fight like Cal

If your business was safe and sound, why bother to even respond? It shows weakness, and that you are worried about your failing business. Weakness followed by lies. 30,000 people know that ExosomeDx is an awful place to work, that employees are emotionally abused. Doctors have largely departed using EPI.
The company is in shambles which is why you hire Cal Ripken, which btw, docs could give a fuck less about.


If your business was safe and sound, why bother to even respond? It shows weakness, and that you are worried about your failing business. Weakness followed by lies. 30,000 people know that ExosomeDx is an awful place to work, that employees are emotionally abused. Doctors have largely departed using EPI.
The company is in shambles which is why you hire Cal Ripken, which btw, docs could give a fuck less about.


Dear Mismanagement Team,

There’s lots of disgruntled employees on here. Do you really want me to list all of them now? You are currently being sued by several of them. I find it hilarious that management thinks this is one individual.
Like, “what reason would anyone be disgruntled with us?” WE ONLY STOLE $60,000 out of each of the sales reps pockets this past year. It’s no big deal. We promoted a bunch of internal people with the money we saved and we are still in the black on the theft of sales Comp.

it’s no big deal. Come to Bio-Techne, it’s a great place to work! Hahahaha! You guys are idiots! Hahaha!

How’s the laptop bandit, I mean James Rucks doing in his Meth Lab?

Garry Couett -NSM,
Will go down in history as the biggest loser and failure at ExosomeDx/Bio-Techne. He was brought in to manage the sales team and grow the business. Instead of doing this, Garry fired half of the reps, and the business fell by 70% under Garry’s management. In my book, Garry is responsible 100% for this and he needs to be fired Chuck Kummeth.
Garry you are a failure as an NSM, and a failure as a human being. From
What I heard you are a shitty husband and family man too. Wow, your family must be proud!

Chuck Kummeth,

You are a fuckin moron for purchasing ExosomeDx without really investigating the company thoroughly. Look at all of the families and peoples health and careers you affected with your dumbass acquistion of this company. The board should fire your fuckin ass you hillbilly dickhead! You are a true piece of shit for doing this to all of the sales people you rear ended today. FY!

Garry Couett -NSM,
Will go down in history as the biggest loser and failure at ExosomeDx/Bio-Techne. He was brought in to manage the sales team and grow the business. Instead of doing this, Garry fired half of the reps, and the business fell by 70% under Garry’s management. In my book, Garry is responsible 100% for this and he needs to be fired Chuck Kummeth.
Garry you are a failure as an NSM, and a failure as a human being. From
What I heard you are a shitty husband and family man too. Wow, your family must be proud!

All managers at this company are incompetent!
None of them can get hired anywhere else, so we are stuck with these jagoffs!

Tutrone & Cal Ripken call today was embarrassing. Management tried to say that EPI saved Cal’s life. We all know Cal would have had a biopsy regardless of using EPI.

After all of the firings this week, coupled with several more resignations that are coming by the end of the week, Exosome Diagnostics is truly dead in the water.

watch what happens to the test volume in the next couple weeks after all of the severed reps shut down their perspective territories. You will have your worst quarter yet Garry!


Massive forced layoffs continue at ExosomeDx. Many top reps let go.
Company will shutter its doors 6/1/2021 if things don’t vastly improve by then. A really sad state of affairs people.
Reps shutting down territories after layoffs. Where is Garry Couett when this is going on? He’s hiding. A fraud and a coward.