Sweetheart, the only thing YOU feel is Your hand!
I'm so glad to see that our employees have accepted the TRUTH about the death of Bill Clark. From the Maricopa County Sheriff's Office, we all know Bill died from natural causes.
No more invalid conspiracy theories!

I do art work on your tonsils and all you say afterwards is Thank You!

It started and ended with the FBI investigation of Orphan/Jazz. Jazz rolled over Paid $20 mil. to stay out of trouble with the Feds. Just ask Carol - she knows and remembers well that the wire she received that day was for Bill to wear. Top rep. A lot to loose. A lot of pressure. But he was found out and people got real pissed...thought he was a turncoat. It got really ugly...and then they murdered him. Ask Todd.

You just can't get enough of the big one eyed monster. You like how the big one eyed monster chokes you.

Well sweetheart, another fantasy!
But YOU need to tell us which HAND YOU use??
Bill Clark's case has been solved many years ago. He died of natural causes, which is why his case has been CLEARED and CLOSED! Both the FBI and POLICE have decided this over 9 years ago! It's FACT, OTHERWISE, the case would still be OPEN. Simple and direct.

Well sweetheart, another fantasy!
But YOU need to tell us which HAND YOU use??
Bill Clark's case has been solved many years ago. He died of natural causes, which is why his case has been CLEARED and CLOSED! Both the FBI and POLICE have decided this over 9 years ago! It's FACT, OTHERWISE, the case would still be OPEN. Simple and direct.

The one eyed monster lives in your throat. You can't live without it.

The one eyed monster lives in your throat. You can't live without it.

You know sweetheart, with YOUR obvious intellegence, I'm sure YOU use BOTH HANDS!
Bill's death was accidental as ruled by The Federal Bureau of Investigation and POLICE! As long as our employees are able to "grasp" the TRUTH, I'm personally satisfied!

You know sweetheart, with YOUR obvious intellegence, I'm sure YOU use BOTH HANDS!
Bill's death was accidental as ruled by The Federal Bureau of Investigation and POLICE! As long as our employees are able to "grasp" the TRUTH, I'm personally satisfied!

Did you really say Bill's death was ACCIDENTAL????
I could sware you have been saying all along he died of natural causes.
Was it murder by accident?

Did you really say Bill's death was ACCIDENTAL????
I could sware you have been saying all along he died of natural causes.
Was it murder by accident?

I'm just following the investigation reports about Bill' death. The FBI and POLICE have long ago concluded that Bill's death was NOT due to any kind of foul play! NO person has ever been arrested for any crime involving Bill's death. There was NO murder. The FBI, POLICE, and Jazz Pharmaceuticals are NOT involved in any type of cover- up. If so, the cover- up MUST be proved. It hasn't been, and NEVER will be, because it's alive only in the minds of conspiracy freaks, who enjoy thinking- up non- existent, unproven happenings for the sake of excitement!
As always, one can call the Maricopa County Sheriff's Dept. at 602-876-1742, prompt# 2.
Conspiracy must ALWAYS be proven for there to be any credibility.

I'm just following the investigation reports about Bill' death. The FBI and POLICE have long ago concluded that Bill's death was NOT due to any kind of foul play! NO person has ever been arrested for any crime involving Bill's death. There was NO murder. The FBI, POLICE, and Jazz Pharmaceuticals are NOT involved in any type of cover- up. If so, the cover- up MUST be proved. It hasn't been, and NEVER will be, because it's alive only in the minds of conspiracy freaks, who enjoy thinking- up non- existent, unproven happenings for the sake of excitement!
As always, one can call the Maricopa County Sheriff's Dept. at 602-876-1742, prompt# 2.
Conspiracy must ALWAYS be proven for there to be any credibility.

You are full of shit with your made up posts. Police reports don't say "bill's death was not due to any foul play." You are one sick son of a bitch for tainting Bill's murder. The real police report is public record and has been posted on her several times.
NO Evidnce, NO Proof, NO Credibilty

You are full of shit with your made up posts. Police reports don't say "bill's death was not due to any foul play." You are one sick son of a bitch for tainting Bill's murder. The real police report is public record and has been posted on her several times.
NO Evidnce, NO Proof, NO Credibilty

Yes sweetheart, the reports from the FBI and POLICE do say that the death of Bill Clark was comprised of NORMAL CIRCUMSTANCES! There was NO foul play involved according to any investigating authority!
If YOU had just ONE shred of decency and ONE ounce of guts inside YOU, YOU would do what many other employees here at Jazz have done, and call the Maricopa County Sheriff's Office at 602-876-1742, press# 2, and at least get SOME TRUTH and FACTS about Bill Clark's death! But seemingly YOU are deathly afraid to make a phone call. Why? I don't know. I guess its fear of being proven wrong! The case has been CLEARED and CLOSED for over 9 years. The Sheriff's Dept. will tell YOU this openly!

Yes sweetheart, the reports from the FBI and POLICE do say that the death of Bill Clark was comprised of NORMAL CIRCUMSTANCES! There was NO foul play involved according to any investigating authority!
If YOU had just ONE shred of decency and ONE ounce of guts inside YOU, YOU would do what many other employees here at Jazz have done, and call the Maricopa County Sheriff's Office at 602-876-1742, press# 2, and at least get SOME TRUTH and FACTS about Bill Clark's death! But seemingly YOU are deathly afraid to make a phone call. Why? I don't know. I guess its fear of being proven wrong! The case has been CLEARED and CLOSED for over 9 years. The Sheriff's Dept. will tell YOU this openly!

You are an attention starved mentally deranged fraud. You decite, your material is unoriginal and copied. Time to stop all the bull shit which means that would end your loser life. Hahaha

bill was murdered
it's time for investigative journalism
accidental vs natural causes is a pretty big spread
you keep on falling of that cliff

Yes sweetheart, it is a pretty BIG spread! And the burden of PROOF is on YOU! YOU have yet to explain why this case has been CLEARED and CLOSED by EVERY investigative authority, including The Federal Bureau of Investigation, and The POLICE. The case has been CLOSED for over 9 years and YOU know it! No one has ever been arrested or charged. The FBI doesn't cover- up cases for a mid- size pharmaceutical company! NO foul play was involved! This is something YOU will NEVER, EVER be able to PROVE! Case CLOSED!
Unsolved murder investigations are NEVER CLOSED. They are left OPEN, always. YOU seem to THRIVE on phoney conspiracy! Why, when the case is officially listed as being CLOSED and CLEARED?
I am thankful our employees here at Jazz realize foul play and murder are completely non- existent nonesense with regard to Bill Clark's death. YOU keep lying. YOU keep falling off that cliff with NO shred of proof!

Yes sweetheart, it is a pretty BIG spread! And the burden of PROOF is on YOU! YOU have yet to explain why this case has been CLEARED and CLOSED by EVERY investigative authority, including The Federal Bureau of Investigation, and The POLICE. The case has been CLOSED for over 9 years and YOU know it! No one has ever been arrested or charged. The FBI doesn't cover- up cases for a mid- size pharmaceutical company! NO foul play was involved! This is something YOU will NEVER, EVER be able to PROVE! Case CLOSED!
Unsolved murder investigations are NEVER CLOSED. They are left OPEN, always. YOU seem to THRIVE on phoney conspiracy! Why, when the case is officially listed as being CLOSED and CLEARED?
I am thankful our employees here at Jazz realize foul play and murder are completely non- existent nonesense with regard to Bill Clark's death. YOU keep lying. YOU keep falling off that cliff with NO shred of proof!

You have yet to explain why you are an attention starved mentally deranged fuck up who ignores reality of a documented police report.

You have yet to explain why you are an attention starved mentally deranged fuck up who ignores reality of a documented police report.

Now sweetheart, YOU know the police report says NO foul play, and the case is CLOSED! Also, if YOU had the guts, like other employees, to phone the Maricoppa County Sheriff's Office, you would know the TRUTH about the POLICE report, and the FBI findings!
If there was even a slight hint of foul play, the case would have remained OPEN, instead of being CLEARED and CLOSED for the last 9 years! But of course, this is something YOU can't accept, so YOU simply ignore this FACT!
All your misplaced anger at me will NEVER change the decided outcome of this case. It has been decided that Bill Clark's death was due to NORMAL causes. And unless the FBI and POLICE discover something different, Bill's death will always be listed as due to NORMAL causes! YOUR anger, YOUR conspiracy theory nonesense, YOUR fear of speaking with the authorities, will NEVER change the FINDINGS. It's been this way for about 9 years, and will continue to be this way!

Now sweetheart, YOU know the police report says NO foul play, and the case is CLOSED! Also, if YOU had the guts, like other employees, to phone the Maricoppa County Sheriff's Office, you would know the TRUTH about the POLICE report, and the FBI findings!
If there was even a slight hint of foul play, the case would have remained OPEN, instead of being CLEARED and CLOSED for the last 9 years! But of course, this is something YOU can't accept, so YOU simply ignore this FACT!
All your misplaced anger at me will NEVER change the decided outcome of this case. It has been decided that Bill Clark's death was due to NORMAL causes. And unless the FBI and POLICE discover something different, Bill's death will always be listed as due to NORMAL causes! YOUR anger, YOUR conspiracy theory nonesense, YOUR fear of speaking with the authorities, will NEVER change the FINDINGS. It's been this way for about 9 years, and will continue to be this way!

If "no guts" were your only problem you would have it so easy. You waste your mentally deranged life away down in your moms basement denying reality and believing your delusional stories. The actual police report in question has been posted on here for all to read multiple times. You have your rotary dial phone and your dail up modem internet connection down there in moms basement. Problem is you still believe it is 1988. Damn near 20 years have passed your clueless ass since you been down there. It does not get any better for you down there. "It has been decided that" you are a fucked up looney bird.

If "no guts" were your only problem you would have it so easy. You waste your mentally deranged life away down in your moms basement denying reality and believing your delusional stories. The actual police report in question has been posted on here for all to read multiple times. You have your rotary dial phone and your dail up modem internet connection down there in moms basement. Problem is you still believe it is 1988. Damn near 20 years have passed your clueless ass since you been down there. It does not get any better for you down there. "It has been decided that" you are a fucked up looney bird.

Sweetheart, all YOUR personal attcks on me won't change the TRUTH about Bill Clark's death! His case is CLEARED and CLOSED, with NO foul play ever determined, and of course, NO suspect ever arrested. Perhaps the FBI and POLICE know LESS than YOU, but I don't think so! Neither do our employees who have the sense to decide upon TRUTH and FACTS.
Only a handful of nervous, misguided, liars believe there ever was a conspiracy. They stir up unsubstantiated nonesense, and attack anyone who cites the TRUTH. But as long as our employees know the TRUTH, based on FACTS they can find out from the Maricopa County Sheriff's Dept., I know my responses are RIGHT and HONEST!

Sweetheart, all YOUR personal attcks on me won't change the TRUTH about Bill Clark's death! His case is CLEARED and CLOSED, with NO foul play ever determined, and of course, NO suspect ever arrested. Perhaps the FBI and POLICE know LESS than YOU, but I don't think so! Neither do our employees who have the sense to decide upon TRUTH and FACTS.
Only a handful of nervous, misguided, liars believe there ever was a conspiracy. They stir up unsubstantiated nonesense, and attack anyone who cites the TRUTH. But as long as our employees know the TRUTH, based on FACTS they can find out from the Maricopa County Sheriff's Dept., I know my responses are RIGHT and HONEST!

Again your mentally deranged and delusional personality fogs your reality. You are the one who attacks posters who come on here and post realty such as the actual police report. You chose not,to believe reality and then have no documentation to offer such as a web based link to support your deranged views. You are a sad sack of shit with no life.