Now sweetheart, YOU know the police report says NO foul play, and the case is CLOSED! Also, if YOU had the guts, like other employees, to phone the Maricoppa County Sheriff's Office, you would know the TRUTH about the POLICE report, and the FBI findings!
If there was even a slight hint of foul play, the case would have remained OPEN, instead of being CLEARED and CLOSED for the last 9 years! But of course, this is something YOU can't accept, so YOU simply ignore this FACT!
All your misplaced anger at me will NEVER change the decided outcome of this case. It has been decided that Bill Clark's death was due to NORMAL causes. And unless the FBI and POLICE discover something different, Bill's death will always be listed as due to NORMAL causes! YOUR anger, YOUR conspiracy theory nonesense, YOUR fear of speaking with the authorities, will NEVER change the FINDINGS. It's been this way for about 9 years, and will continue to be this way!