Again your mentally deranged and delusional personality fogs your reality. You are the one who attacks posters who come on here and post realty such as the actual police report. You chose not,to believe reality and then have no documentation to offer such as a web based link to support your deranged views. You are a sad sack of shit with no life.

Sweetheart, every ounce of FACTUAL TRUTH shows what happened in Bill Clark's death!
Rant on as YOU do about me personally, it remains TRUE that Bill's death had NOTHING to do with foul play. He died of NORMAL causes!
It's not important whether or not YOU believe in any form of misguided conspiracy. Every piece of evidence researched by The FBI and POLICE and any other investigating organization, shows there was NO foul play!
And if YOU believe there was some kind of cover- up by ANY investigating organization, then YOU truly do have YOUR head up your ass! NO logical minded human being would believe such crap! WAKE UP! The case has long been CLEARED and CLOSED, and most ALL our employees know it!

Sweetheart, every ounce of FACTUAL TRUTH shows what happened in Bill Clark's death!
Rant on as YOU do about me personally, it remains TRUE that Bill's death had NOTHING to do with foul play. He died of NORMAL causes!
It's not important whether or not YOU believe in any form of misguided conspiracy. Every piece of evidence researched by The FBI and POLICE and any other investigating organization, shows there was NO foul play!
And if YOU believe there was some kind of cover- up by ANY investigating organization, then YOU truly do have YOUR head up your ass! NO logical minded human being would believe such crap! WAKE UP! The case has long been CLEARED and CLOSED, and most ALL our employees know it!

Damn you are a mental stooge. Your deranged banter is not remotely close to reality and you NEVER offer any legit documentation to support your delusional false claims. Post a web link to document this so called "Factual Truth" and we'd love to see a web link of Bill's "Normal Caused Death."

Damn you are a mental stooge. Your deranged banter is not remotely close to reality and you NEVER offer any legit documentation to support your delusional false claims. Post a web link to document this so called "Factual Truth" and we'd love to see a web link of Bill's "Normal Caused Death."

Sweetheart, YOU need to have the guts to call the Maricopa County Sheriff's Office. They will directly tell YOU the case has been CLOSED for over 9 years! So why won't YOU do it? They will tell YOU the case is CLEARED and CLOSED! They will tell YOU they have NO record of foul play in Bill Clark's death! YOU can actually discuss details with a live representative of the Sheriff's Dept. This is what several of our employees have done. It is better and more acurate than posting any kind of web link report!
Both the FBI and POLICE have signed off on the case. NO foul play was EVER determined! Have the decency and "guts" to HEAR the TRUTH! If there was ANY cause for concern about foul play, this case would still be OPEN and ACTIVE. This case is, and has been CLOSED with NO arrests!- EVER! This would be IMPOSSIBLE if murder was suspected!

Sweetheart, YOU need to have the guts to call the Maricopa County Sheriff's Office. They will directly tell YOU the case has been CLOSED for over 9 years! So why won't YOU do it? They will tell YOU the case is CLEARED and CLOSED! They will tell YOU they have NO record of foul play in Bill Clark's death! YOU can actually discuss details with a live representative of the Sheriff's Dept. This is what several of our employees have done. It is better and more acurate than posting any kind of web link report!
Both the FBI and POLICE have signed off on the case. NO foul play was EVER determined! Have the decency and "guts" to HEAR the TRUTH! If there was ANY cause for concern about foul play, this case would still be OPEN and ACTIVE. This case is, and has been CLOSED with NO arrests!- EVER! This would be IMPOSSIBLE if murder was suspected!

Haha you need to have the "guts" to post the web link of the police report. We want to read the link about the "No foul play!" Its 2017 dick weed and it's a web based world. Post the link you gutless fuck weed.


Sweetheart, the true ignorance of YOUR posts is amazing! The world, and everyone at Jazz knows YOUR attempts at raising a conspiracy theory about Bill's death is made- up!
All YOUR theories about foul play, murder, conspiracy and collusion about Bill's death, are figments of YOUR imagination(s). The Federal Bureau of Investigation, POLICE, and every other investigative organization, are NOT trying to hide anything. Why would they?
Bill Clark was a pharmaceutical sales representative from a small pharma company. The FBI and Police would have NO cause to conceive any kind of conspiracy. And for what possible reason?
You attack me personally,which is the only thing YOU are able to do. But I promise I will continue to explain the TRUTH about Bill's death! Thankfully, others here at Jazz KNOW the TRUTH!
Again, YOU have absolutely NO guts to hear the TRUTH from the Maricopa County Sheriff's Dept. It only takes a simple phone call. A phone call that other employees have made! 602-876-1742, #2. But as gutless as YOU are, I don't expect you to call. YOU are afraid of being proven wrong! NO foul play, NO murder, NO arrest EVER made, NO suspect(s), WHY? And why is this case listed as being CLEARED and CLOSED?? Why is this case not OPEN?
Questions YOU cannot possibly answer, or choose NOT to answer out of IGNORANCE and FEAR!

Sweetheart, the true ignorance of YOUR posts is amazing! The world, and everyone at Jazz knows YOUR attempts at raising a conspiracy theory about Bill's death is made- up!
All YOUR theories about foul play, murder, conspiracy and collusion about Bill's death, are figments of YOUR imagination(s). The Federal Bureau of Investigation, POLICE, and every other investigative organization, are NOT trying to hide anything. Why would they?
Bill Clark was a pharmaceutical sales representative from a small pharma company. The FBI and Police would have NO cause to conceive any kind of conspiracy. And for what possible reason?
You attack me personally,which is the only thing YOU are able to do. But I promise I will continue to explain the TRUTH about Bill's death! Thankfully, others here at Jazz KNOW the TRUTH!
Again, YOU have absolutely NO guts to hear the TRUTH from the Maricopa County Sheriff's Dept. It only takes a simple phone call. A phone call that other employees have made! 602-876-1742, #2. But as gutless as YOU are, I don't expect you to call. YOU are afraid of being proven wrong! NO foul play, NO murder, NO arrest EVER made, NO suspect(s), WHY? And why is this case listed as being CLEARED and CLOSED?? Why is this case not OPEN?
Que stions YOU cannot possibly answer, or choose NOT to answer out of IGNORANCE and FEAR!

Why are you so scared to post the link of the police report? It's public record and it's all web based. Just post the link and save all the delusional drama that your life relies on to live. Post the link and put an end to all this mindless banter.

Why are you so scared to post the link of the police report? It's public record and it's all web based. Just post the link and save all the delusional drama that your life relies on to live. Post the link and put an end to all this mindless banter.

Sweetheart, all the mindless banter belongs to YOU! Why is Bill' case CLOSED? Why has the case been CLOSED for so many years? Now, YOU know, or YOU should know, that cases are NEVER EVER CLOSED if there is any hint or finding of any kind of foul play! These cases are OPEN! But interestingly, the FBI, POLICE, and all investigating authorities EVER involved in Bill Clark's case have ALL AGREED that this case was a case of a simple death occurrance! Nothing more.
Getting VERBAL answers to you questions about the CURRENT status of Bill Clark's death will eliminate any questions, any doubts, and it offers the ability to actually ASK any questions about Bill's death, so many years ago! The Maricopa County Sheriff's Office has the answers.
NO foul play, NO conspiracy or collusion on the part of any investigaing agency or pharmaceutical company, NO possibility of a murder, NO person ever suspected of causing Bill's death. NO person ever arrested.
The death of Bill Clark has been CLEARED and CLOSED many years ago, and remains this way today, unless YOU are able to PROVE otherwise - today!

Sweetheart, all the mindless banter belongs to YOU! Why is Bill' case CLOSED? Why has the case been CLOSED for so many years? Now, YOU know, or YOU should know, that cases are NEVER EVER CLOSED if there is any hint or finding of any kind of foul play! These cases are OPEN! But interestingly, the FBI, POLICE, and all investigating authorities EVER involved in Bill Clark's case have ALL AGREED that this case was a case of a simple death occurrance! Nothing more.
Getting VERBAL answers to you questions about the CURRENT status of Bill Clark's death will eliminate any questions, any doubts, and it offers the ability to actually ASK any questions about Bill's death, so many years ago! The Maricopa County Sheriff's Office has the answers.
NO foul play, NO conspiracy or collusion on the part of any investigaing agency or pharmaceutical company, NO possibility of a murder, NO person ever suspected of causing Bill's death. NO person ever arrested.
The death of Bill Clark has been CLEARED and CLOSED many years ago, and remains this way today, unless YOU are able to PROVE otherwise - today!

Another long winded post confirming that you are a scared little puss to post a web based link of the truth. Post the link of police report you hack shit.

Another long winded post confirming that you are a scared little puss to post a web based link of the truth. Post the link of police report you hack shit.

Sweetheart, YOU are not only ignorant, but a scum- bag as well! But, I think most people can forgive YOUR lack of brains! It's HARDER to forgive YOU for being a scum- bag.
Bill's case has been CLEARED and CLOSED for years, and YOU know it! This is the TRUTH according to the Maricopa Count Sheriff's Dept. The information they have comes from the FBI and POLICE.
So, pull YOUR head out of YOUR ass! It's been stuck there for a long, long time! Most of our employees don't seem to understand why YOU can't do what they have already done! 602-876-1742, selection #2.

Sweetheart, YOU are not only ignorant, but a scum- bag as well! But, I think most people can forgive YOUR lack of brains! It's HARDER to forgive YOU for being a scum- bag.
Bill's case has been CLEARED and CLOSED for years, and YOU know it! This is the TRUTH according to the Maricopa Count Sheriff's Dept. The information they have comes from the FBI and POLICE.
So, pull YOUR head out of YOUR ass! It's been stuck there for a long, long time! Most of our employees don't seem to understand why YOU can't do what they have already done! 602-876-1742, selection #2.

More hollow air bull shit dancing around the truth. You are a SCARED little girly man! You either do not know how to post a web based link which shows how big of a dumb ass you are or you are scared of the true police report! End of story!

More hollow air bull shit dancing around the truth. You are a SCARED little girly man! You either do not know how to post a web based link which shows how big of a dumb ass you are or you are scared of the true police report! End of story!

So sweetheart, why do YOU have such FEAR of doing what so many others have done? Simply pick- up the phone and ask YOUR questions to a "live" sheriff's dept. service personnel! C'mon, don't be afraid, YOU won't be arrested for inquiring about Bill Clark's death 9 years ago!
If anything different was listed on the web 9 years ago, it's obsolete today! Bill's case is CLEARED and CLOSED today, and has been for many years. It has been determined that NO foul play was involved in Bill's case. This was determined by the FBI and POLICE. Who else would or could have final determination? YOU can even ask the Maricopa County Sheriff's Dept. if the current status has been changed from the initial report.
Many of our employees at Jazz have taken it upon themselves to call 602-876-1742. They feel certain about the TRUTH. I know for some reason YOU are totally "gutless" and deathly afraid to make a simple phone call. But YOU really do owe it to YOURSELF, and it may help YOU to get YOUR head out of YOUR ass!

So sweetheart, why do YOU have such FEAR of doing what so many others have done? Simply pick- up the phone and ask YOUR questions to a "live" sheriff's dept. service personnel! C'mon, don't be afraid, YOU won't be arrested for inquiring about Bill Clark's death 9 years ago!
If anything different was listed on the web 9 years ago, it's obsolete today! Bill's case is CLEARED and CLOSED today, and has been for many years. It has been determined that NO foul play was involved in Bill's case. This was determined by the FBI and POLICE. Who else would or could have final determination? YOU can even ask the Maricopa County Sheriff's Dept. if the current status has been changed from the initial report.
Many of our employees at Jazz have taken it upon themselves to call 602-876-1742. They feel certain about the TRUTH. I know for some reason YOU are totally "gutless" and deathly afraid to make a simple phone call. But YOU really do owe it to YOURSELF, and it may help YOU to get YOUR head out of YOUR ass!

Blah blah blah.... Post the link of the police report you scared dumb fuck. Ok so web based links are foreign to you I guess. WTF get your sorry ass out of your moms basement.

Blah blah blah.... Post the link of the police report you scared dumb fuck. Ok so web based links are foreign to you I guess. WTF get your sorry ass out of your moms basement.

Sometimes sweetheart, YOUR ignorance is overwhelming! YOU, who have this FEAR of making a phone call to the Maricopa County Sheriff's Dept. is simply just an indication of how far YOUR head is buried in YOUR ass!
It's especially curious to all those Jazz employees who have called and got information about the most recent status of Bill Clark's death. These people KNOW there was NO foul play involved in Bill's death!
But YOU, YOU'RE a "gutless" wonder for not even attempting to call the Sheriff's Office! 602-876-1742 is all it takes to be advised of the TRUTH about Bill's death. YOU can't do it, so YOU have nothing left but to attack and curse at me. I'm just the messenger! YOU obviously appear to be highly UN- EDUCATED.

Sometimes sweetheart, YOUR ignorance is overwhelming! YOU, who have this FEAR of making a phone call to the Maricopa County Sheriff's Dept. is simply just an indication of how far YOUR head is buried in YOUR ass!
It's especially curious to all those Jazz employees who have called and got information about the most recent status of Bill Clark's death. These people KNOW there was NO foul play involved in Bill's death!
But YOU, YOU'RE a "gutless" wonder for not even attempting to call the Sheriff's Office! 602-876-1742 is all it takes to be advised of the TRUTH about Bill's death. YOU can't do it, so YOU have nothing left but to attack and curse at me. I'm just the messenger! YOU obviously appear to be highly UN- EDUCATED.

Your mental issues hide behind each redundant OCD post that you make. You get all pissy and start insulting people when they call you out for being a mental misfit. Say what you want but refusal to post the web link of the police report further exposes you for the mental dumb fuck that you are. You post at 11:00 ish each day which shows that your free hour at the group home where you live.

Your mental issues hide behind each redundant OCD post that you make. You get all pissy and start insulting people when they call you out for being a mental misfit. Say what you want but refusal to post the web link of the police report further exposes you for the mental dumb fuck that you are. You post at 11:00 ish each day which shows that your free hour at the group home where you live.

You know sweetheart, it's quite interesting to everyone why YOU have this inate FEAR of checking with the Maricopa County Sheriff's Office, when most other employees don't seem to have any problem! Let's just leave it to YOUR FEAR of the TRUTH!
YOUR ignorance is remarkable, but it's all YOU have against me! To protect YOUR LIES and YOUR avoidance of accepting the TRUTH, YOU attack me! Don't YOU realize others at Jazz see this and wonder WHY FEAR is so overwhelming in YOUR life! What has led YOU to this point in YOUR pathetic life? Why don't YOU suggest to investigating authorities that they should arrest someone because Bill was murdered? And YOU know this how? Is it a possibility that the FBI and/ or POLICE would want to talk to YOU if YOU claim foul play was involved? Or would they simply laugh YOU off?
Our new employees know full well that there was NO foul play involved in Bill Clark's death. Most everyone knows it because they have called the Sheriff's Office, and got the FACTS. Of course, this is something YOU will NEVER, EVER do!! YOU have NO interest in the TRUTH!

You know sweetheart, it's quite interesting to everyone why YOU have this inate FEAR of checking with the Maricopa County Sheriff's Office, when most other employees don't seem to have any problem! Let's just leave it to YOUR FEAR of the TRUTH!
YOUR ignorance is remarkable, but it's all YOU have against me! To protect YOUR LIES and YOUR avoidance of accepting the TRUTH, YOU attack me! Don't YOU realize others at Jazz see this and wonder WHY FEAR is so overwhelming in YOUR life! What has led YOU to this point in YOUR pathetic life? Why don't YOU suggest to investigating authorities that they should arrest someone because Bill was murdered? And YOU know this how? Is it a possibility that the FBI and/ or POLICE would want to talk to YOU if YOU claim foul play was involved? Or would they simply laugh YOU off?
Our new employees know full well that there was NO foul play involved in Bill Clark's death. Most everyone knows it because they have called the Sheriff's Office, and got the FACTS. Of course, this is something YOU will NEVER, EVER do!! YOU have NO interest in the TRUTH!

It's 2017 so stop running your shit filled mouth and just post the link if you got any legit info.

You know sweetheart, so many people at Jazz wonder how YOU can avoid the TRUTH. I suspect it's a combination of FEAR and IGNORANCE!
With such reputable agencies as the FBI and local POLICE determining Bill Clark's death was due to natural causes, most everyone is well- satisfied!
What makes YOU so very different from everyone else, is that YOU have a FEAR to learn and accept the TRUTH. It's something YOU just can't handle! But attacking me personally is not a problem for YOU. The problem occurs when YOUR unfounded attacks against me have NO real influence and meaning on this case. Others then wonder why YOU refuse to accept the FACTS and the TRUTH about Bill's death. FACTS and TRUTH that have long ago been established.