OK DARLIN', I'll bite; WHO do YOU think murdered Bill and WHY?? WHY would anyone choose to murder a pharma sales rep at a NSM?? WHY would anyone choose to murder Bill Clark at all?? He was a sales rep. Period. And as always, YOU refuse to elaborate on YOUR beliefs!
YOU are the idiot if YOU think any rational person would believe YOU!! YOU offer NO reason, NO EVIDENCE, and NO PROOF that Bill was murdered! WHY would any Jazz employee (especially a new employee) or any co- worker simply take YOUR word that Bill was murdered, without any EXPLANATION??
My beliefs vontinue to be that YOU are a FRIGHTENED, EMBARRASSED, Conspiracy Freak, who KNOWS Bill died of NATURAL CAUSES. YOU KNOW the case has been CLOSED for over 10 years!
Because DARLIN', the FBI, POLICE, the Maricopa County Sheriff, and Jazz Pharma have concluded this to be TRUE. Our employees and co- workers ALL KNOW this to be true. WHAT have YOU got to counteract this??

Your pissy little temper eats at you. Do you even know what Xyrem was? You obviously don't work at Jazz if you keeping asking for things to be spelled out for you 11 years after the fact. Didn't your momma teach you not to play with fire. You keep
Playing with Fire and keep getting burned but are too dumb to know. You make this very easy and enjoy playing the part of dumbo the dumb ass. Lmfao

Your pissy little temper eats at you. Do you even know what Xyrem was? You obviously don't work at Jazz if you keeping asking for things to be spelled out for you 11 years after the fact. Didn't your momma teach you not to play with fire. You keep
Playing with Fire and keep getting burned but are too dumb to know. You make this very easy and enjoy playing the part of dumbo the dumb ass. Lmfao

DARLIN', still too STUPID and AFRAID and EMBARRASSED to tell us WHY YOU think Bill was murdered!! YOU really are pathetically DUMB to even think any employee and co- worker would have reason enough to believe YOUR blanket statement that "Bill was murdered"!
If Bill was murdered, WHY is this case CLOSED, and has been for over 10 years?? WHY do idiots on pages 5 and 6, etc. blame the FBI and POLICE, trying to say there was a COVER- UP?? Bill Clark wore a WIRE?? YOUR sheer STUPIDITY is AMAZING!! WHY has there NOT been a person of interest charged with "suspicion" of murder in 10 years?? NO ONE in his right mind would believe Bill was murdered!
CLEARLY, Bill died of NATURAL CAUSES!! Every day, I will continue to call YOU OUT with PROOF, and asking for YOUR REASONING! And of course, YOU will have NOTHING CREDIBLE to offer anyone. YOU just CAN'T!

I will continue to call YOU OUT with PROOF, and asking for YOUR REASONING! And of course, YOU will have NOTHING CREDIBLE to offer anyone. YOU just CAN'T!- quote

Yes you are finally making sense of your delusional self. I could not have said this any better myself about you. You have never offered any PROOF to document Bill's true cause of death. You got nothing credible to support your personal opinion of how Bill died. Again, maybe you should educate yourself on Xyrem. It's a a little late , 11 years late to be exact but maybe just maybe you can get up to speed. Peter Gleason was another good guy that lost a life in this Xyrem mess as well.

I will continue to call YOU OUT with PROOF, and asking for YOUR REASONING! And of course, YOU will have NOTHING CREDIBLE to offer anyone. YOU just CAN'T!- quote

Yes you are finally making sense of your delusional self. I could not have said this any better myself about you. You have never offered any PROOF to document Bill's true cause of death. You got nothing credible to support your personal opinion of how Bill died. Again, maybe you should educate yourself on Xyrem. It's a a little late , 11 years late to be exact but maybe just maybe you can get up to speed. Peter Gleason was another good guy that lost a life in this Xyrem mess as well.

DARLIN', if YOU had just spec of GUTS, YOU would accept the FACT that this case has been CLOSED for over 10 years! How do I KNOW?? By asking the Maricopa County Sheriff 602-876-1742, case# 06-00885.
But I know YOU will NEVER, EVER call because YOU'RE much too AFRAID and EMBARRASSED about the TRUTH! YOU have NO CREDIBILITY! EDUCATE YOURSELF on this!
If YOU are really DUMB enough to think Bill was murdered by the FBI, who FORCED him to wear a "WIRE", then YOU are really a helpless CONSPIRACY FREAK who survives in a world of TOTAL AVOIDNCE. YOU'RE probably too far gone from the world of REALITY to seek any help! Our employees and co-workers are able to see this. They have NOTHING else, because YOU offer NOTHING else!
Bill died of Natural Causes, and EVERY SINGLE INVESTIGATING AUTHORITY bares this out!!OTHERWISE, the case would be OPEN!

I will continue to call YOU OUT with PROOF, and asking for YOUR REASONING! And of course, YOU will have NOTHING CREDIBLE to offer anyone. YOU just CAN'T!- quote

Yes you are finally making sense of your delusional self. I could not have said this any better myself about you. You have never offered any PROOF to document Bill's true cause of death. You got nothing credible to support your personal opinion of how Bill died. Again, maybe you should educate yourself on Xyrem. It's a a little late , 11 years late to be exact but maybe just maybe you can get up to speed. Peter Gleason was another good guy that lost a life in this Xyrem mess as well.

DARLIN', as YOU always do, YOU fail to mention specifics of WHY YOU believe Bill was murdered!
This is typical of YOUR FEAR, EMBARRASSMENT, and YOUR overall STUPIDITY and AVOIDANCE of the TRUTH! Bill died of Natural Causes!!
Try calling the Maricopa County Sheriff's Office to find out WHY this case has been CLOSED for over 10 years! 602-876-1742, case# 06-00885. WHY are YOU so AFRAID to do this??
YOU are so far out of the realm of REALITY if YOU believe the FBI murdered Bill, after FORCING him to wear a "WIRE"! Surely, our employees and co- workers are smart enough to KNOW this is a lie manufactured by the FEW remaining Conspiracy FREAKS who are left over!! WHY would someone murder a sales rep?? WHY? WHO? OUR employees are NOT as dumb as YOU think they are!
DARLIN', the case has been CLOSED for over 10 years now. ACCEPT it!

DARLIN', as YOU always do, YOU fail to mention specifics of WHY YOU believe Bill was murdered!
This is typical of YOUR FEAR, EMBARRASSMENT, and YOUR overall STUPIDITY and AVOIDANCE of the TRUTH! Bill died of Natural Causes!!
Try calling the Maricopa County Sheriff's Office to find out WHY this case has been CLOSED for over 10 years! 602-876-1742, case# 06-00885. WHY are YOU so AFRAID to do this??
YOU are so far out of the realm of REALITY if YOU believe the FBI murdered Bill, after FORCING him to wear a "WIRE"! Surely, our employees and co- workers are smart enough to KNOW this is a lie manufactured by the FEW remaining Conspiracy FREAKS who are left over!! WHY would someone murder a sales rep?? WHY? WHO? OUR employees are NOT as dumb as YOU think they are!
DARLIN', the case has been CLOSED for over 10 years now. ACCEPT it!

Once again, You failed to to provide specific documentation such as a web based link to prove your myth of how Bill died. You are clueless and have no earthly idea. . You pulled this natural cause thing out of your ass along with your head that has been stuck up there. The number you keep posting to call was the original number posted on page 5 from 10 years ago. This is the number that will send you a copy of the 911 tape which will give you all the info you need. Damn son, you are such a moron and a mentally ill moron at that.

Once again, You failed to to provide specific documentation such as a web based link to prove your myth of how Bill died. You are clueless and have no earthly idea. . You pulled this natural cause thing out of your ass along with your head that has been stuck up there. The number you keep posting to call was the original number posted on page 5 from 10 years ago. This is the number that will send you a copy of the 911 tape which will give you all the info you need. Damn son, you are such a moron and a mentally ill moron at that.

DARLIN', once again YOU FAIL to have the "guts" to tell us all HOW and WHY Bill was murdered! YOUR FEAR and EMBARRASSMENT and STUPIDITY continue to rule YOUR decisions.
The FACT simply is that the case has been CLOSED for over 10 years! This is undeniable! If there was any belief that a murder took place, this case would have been OPEN, and would have remained OPEN today!
The case is CLOSED because Bill Clark died of NATURAL CAUSES! Where's the COVER- UP??
NO, only a "PURE" IDIOT like YOU would seriously believe that the FBI would have murdered Bill, after forcing him to wear a "WIRE"! Surely, our employees and co- workers would NEVER believe such absolute crap!
Making- up such garbage is more than incredible! So, tell us again what YOU believe, specifically.

DARLIN', once again YOU FAIL to have the "guts" to tell us all HOW and WHY Bill was murdered! YOUR FEAR and EMBARRASSMENT and STUPIDITY continue to rule YOUR decisions.
The FACT simply is that the case has been CLOSED for over 10 years! This is undeniable! If there was any belief that a murder took place, this case would have been OPEN, and would have remained OPEN today!
The case is CLOSED because Bill Clark died of NATURAL CAUSES! Where's the COVER- UP??
NO, only a "PURE" IDIOT like YOU would seriously believe that the FBI would have murdered Bill, after forcing him to wear a "WIRE"! Surely, our employees and co- workers would NEVER believe such absolute crap!
Making- up such garbage is more than incredible! So, tell us again what YOU believe, specifically.

You poor delusional bastard. You make one ass brained and desperate self assumption after another. Now you assume the FBI had a role in Bill's murder. You don't know your ass from a hole,in the wall. When someone challenges you to post a web link to prove how Bill died, you panic, get all flustered and pull more delusional bull shit out of your ass. You got no web links to post as evidence and NEVER have which is the one constant FACT about your delusional bull shit on here.

You poor delusional bastard. You make one ass brained and desperate self assumption after another. Now you assume the FBI had a role in Bill's murder. You don't know your ass from a hole,in the wall. When someone challenges you to post a web link to prove how Bill died, you panic, get all flustered and pull more delusional bull shit out of your ass. You got no web links to post as evidence and NEVER have which is the one constant FACT about your delusional bull shit on here.

DARLIN', YOUR STUPIDITY and lack of understanding shows how incompetent YOU really are.
I assume the FBI had a role in Bill's death because it is mentioned several times on earlier posts (5,6,7) by YOUR CONSPIRACY FREAK friends. I assumed some of those FREAKS believed it! THEY posted it years ago!
But the ONE CONSTANT here on this topic is that EVERYONE sees how YOU REFUSE to specifically comment on HOW and WHY Bill died. YOU AVOID this like the plague!! FEAR, EMBARRASSMENT and STUPIDITY won't allow YOU to say HOW and WHY Bill died!! So, WHY should any of our employees and co- workers believe YOUR simple RANTS, when the case has been CLOSED for over 10 years?? YOU continue to refuse to state anything SPECIFIC about Bill's death! WHY are YOU so AFRAID?? Just answer that.

DARLIN', YOUR STUPIDITY and lack of understanding shows how incompetent YOU really are.
I assume the FBI had a role in Bill's death because it is mentioned several times on earlier posts (5,6,7) by YOUR CONSPIRACY FREAK friends. I assumed some of those FREAKS believed it! THEY posted it years ago!
But the ONE CONSTANT here on this topic is that EVERYONE sees how YOU REFUSE to specifically comment on HOW and WHY Bill died. YOU AVOID this like the plague!! FEAR, EMBARRASSMENT and STUPIDITY won't allow YOU to say HOW and WHY Bill died!! So, WHY should any of our employees and co- workers believe YOUR simple RANTS, when the case has been CLOSED for over 10 years?? YOU continue to refuse to state anything SPECIFIC about Bill's death! WHY are YOU so AFRAID?? Just answer that.

Again you poor delusional bastard. You answer one lie with another. You pulled this natural cause death out of your ass. You did not sell Xyrem, you did not know Bill or Peter Gleason and obviously we're not in Arizona at the NSM. Hell, you do not even know what a natural cause death is and you are obsessed with this fear thing. The only scared person here is you. You continue to avoid posting web based info to prove your delusional cause of death is true. This is so easy here. Just post the web link but you can't. Poor delusional bastard.

Again you poor delusional bastard. You answer one lie with another. You pulled this natural cause death out of your ass. You did not sell Xyrem, you did not know Bill or Peter Gleason and obviously we're not in Arizona at the NSM. Hell, you do not even know what a natural cause death is and you are obsessed with this fear thing. The only scared person here is you. You continue to avoid posting web based info to prove your delusional cause of death is true. This is so easy here. Just post the web link but you can't. Poor delusional bastard.

DARLIN', YOU'RE so ANGRY and caught- up in YOUR CONSPIRACY FREAK ideology, YOU might qualify for a "scholarship" to the anger management course of YOUR choice! NO out of pocket expense at all!
Whatever, Bill Clark's case has been CLOSED for over 10 years!! NO murder, No foul play, NO blunt force trauma! Otherwise, this case would still be OPEN. I KNOW our employees and co- workers understand this!
But of course, as YOU always do, YOU AVOID ANY SPECIFICS of a murder! YOU are too FRIGHTENED, EMBARRASSED, and STUPID to say what's on YOUR mind. WHY are YOU so AFRAID to tell us WHY and HOW exactly Bill died?? YOUR CONSPIRACY FREAK beliefs have LOST OUT to death by NATURAL CAUSES. EVERYONE at Jazz KNOWS it! That's WHY YOU'RE so ANGRY! Get help!

DARLIN', YOU'RE so ANGRY and caught- up in YOUR CONSPIRACY FREAK ideology, YOU might qualify for a "scholarship" to the anger management course of YOUR choice! NO out of pocket expense at all!
Whatever, Bill Clark's case has been CLOSED for over 10 years!! NO murder, No foul play, NO blunt force trauma! Otherwise, this case would still be OPEN. I KNOW our employees and co- workers understand this!
But of course, as YOU always do, YOU AVOID ANY SPECIFICS of a murder! YOU are too FRIGHTENED, EMBARRASSED, and STUPID to say what's on YOUR mind. WHY are YOU so AFRAID to tell us WHY and HOW exactly Bill died?? YOUR CONSPIRACY FREAK beliefs have LOST OUT to death by NATURAL CAUSES. EVERYONE at Jazz KNOWS it! That's WHY YOU'RE so ANGRY! Get help!

Funny thing is you deflect exactly how you are and spin it to say others are that way. You are the one who gets all pissy, angry and insults when people question your delusional BS. You keep pretending that there are these employees who believe your BS. There are none who care nor have they ever acknowledged you EVER on here. You even posted on here asking for their help and NOBODY responded cause they know you are a delusional fraud. Again, this is a very simple matter but you refuse to comply cause it would expose you for the delusional and moronic fraud that you are. Ya poor delusional bastard. Put an end to all your moronic games by simply providing a web link to prove your BS is true. A simple web link is all it takes. Can you do it? Anything other than a web link proves you are a delusional fraud.

Funny thing is you deflect exactly how you are and spin it to say others are that way. You are the one who gets all pissy, angry and insults when people question your delusional BS. You keep pretending that there are these employees who believe your BS. There are none who care nor have they ever acknowledged you EVER on here. You even posted on here asking for their help and NOBODY responded cause they know you are a delusional fraud. Again, this is a very simple matter but you refuse to comply cause it would expose you for the delusional and moronic fraud that you are. Ya poor delusional bastard. Put an end to all your moronic games by simply providing a web link to prove your BS is true. A simple web link is all it takes. Can you do it? Anything other than a web link proves you are a delusional fraud.

Darlin', I have provided YOU ane everyone else with the phone number and case number of the Maricopa County Sheriff's Office. Anyone can easily call them and discuss WHY this case has been CLOSED for over 10 years!
But YOU continue YOUR LIES by saying Bill was murdered! YOU can't bring YOURSELF to speak the TRUTH. YOU are completely buried in FEAR, EMBARRASSMENT, and STUPIDITY! YOU continue to REFUSE to say WHY YOU Believe Bill was murdered. YOU don't want to admit Bill died of NATURAL CAUSES. YOU NEVER explain WHY NO AGENCY has this case listed as being OPEN. It would be OPEN if anyone believed Bill was murdered!
So YOU need to accept the TRUTH, just like our employees and co- workers have!
HOW difficult could it really be for YOU to tell WHY YOU think Bill was murdered?? YOUR AVOIDANCE can't be helping YOUR case!

Ah as expected more mindless banter. You keep saying you know how Bill died but you NEVER post any web based link to prove it. Please save the BS about calling the sheriffs office as you got those numbers from page 5 from 10 years ago. Do yourself a favor and next time you call those numbers ask for a copy of the 911 tape along with the police report. All the documented evidence is there. You should also learn more about Xyrem and Dr Gleason which will also help you actually understand much of this. Otherwise, if you have any other legit info that you feel strongly about, post the web link if you want to be taken seriously. Otherwise, it's just more mindless banter to occupy your lonely life down in your moms basement.

Ah as expected more mindless banter. You keep saying you know how Bill died but you NEVER post any web based link to prove it. Please save the BS about calling the sheriffs office as you got those numbers from page 5 from 10 years ago. Do yourself a favor and next time you call those numbers ask for a copy of the 911 tape along with the police report. All the documented evidence is there. You should also learn more about Xyrem and Dr Gleason which will also help you actually understand much of this. Otherwise, if you have any other legit info that you feel strongly about, post the web link if you want to be taken seriously. Otherwise, it's just more mindless banter to occupy your lonely life down in your moms basement.

Well DARLIN', since the case has been CLOSED for 10 years now, there may NOT be anything to post1
By calling the Maricopa County Sheriff's Office at 602-876-1742, case# 06-00885, YOU and all our employees can learn about WHY this case is CLOSED!
YOUR FEAR and EMBARRASSMENT prevents YOU from telling anyone WHY YOU believe Bill was murdered. I will answer YOU EVERY DAY to let our newer reps know Bill died from Natural Causes. NO, he was NOT murdered! He was NOT forced to wear a "WIRE" by the FBI, like the FEW remaining CONSPIRACY FREAKS believe.
DARLIN', YOU just don't have the "guts" to tell our employees and co- workers HOW and WHY Bill was murdered! EVERYONE wonders WHY NOT! I will call this out to EVERYONE, EVERY DAY!
YOU tell me I need to prove Bill died of Natural Causes, I tell YOU to prove he was murdered!!

Well DARLIN', since the case has been CLOSED for 10 years now, there may NOT be anything to post1
By calling the Maricopa County Sheriff's Office at 602-876-1742, case# 06-00885, YOU and all our employees can learn about WHY this case is CLOSED!
YOUR FEAR and EMBARRASSMENT prevents YOU from telling anyone WHY YOU believe Bill was murdered. I will answer YOU EVERY DAY to let our newer reps know Bill died from Natural Causes. NO, he was NOT murdered! He was NOT forced to wear a "WIRE" by the FBI, like the FEW remaining CONSPIRACY FREAKS believe.
DARLIN', YOU just don't have the "guts" to tell our employees and co- workers HOW and WHY Bill was murdered! EVERYONE wonders WHY NOT! I will call this out to EVERYONE, EVERY DAY!
YOU tell me I need to prove Bill died of Natural Causes, I tell YOU to prove he was murdered!!

Again how can you say Bill died of natural causes when you have no web based link to prove it? Just listen to the 911 tape. You obviously know the number to call to,obtain it. Where were you the first 9 years post Bill's murder anyway

Well DARLIN', since the case has been CLOSED for 10 years now, there may NOT be anything to post1
By calling the Maricopa County Sheriff's Office at 602-876-1742, case# 06-00885, YOU and all our employees can learn about WHY this case is CLOSED!
YOUR FEAR and EMBARRASSMENT prevents YOU from telling anyone WHY YOU believe Bill was murdered. I will answer YOU EVERY DAY to let our newer reps know Bill died from Natural Causes. NO, he was NOT murdered! He was NOT forced to wear a "WIRE" by the FBI, like the FEW remaining CONSPIRACY FREAKS believe.
DARLIN', YOU just don't have the "guts" to tell our employees and co- workers HOW and WHY Bill was murdered! EVERYONE wonders WHY NOT! I will call this out to EVERYONE, EVERY DAY!
YOU tell me I need to prove Bill died of Natural Causes, I tell YOU to prove he was murdered!!

Again how can you say Bill died of natural causes when you have no web based link to prove it? Just listen to the 911 tape. You obviously know the number to call to,obtain it. Where were you the first 9 years post Bill's murder anyway? I mean everyone is entitled to their personal opinion but at some point you need a web based link to close the deal. You got nothing to show to support your BS cause of death.

Again how can you say Bill died of natural causes when you have no web based link to prove it? Just listen to the 911 tape. You obviously know the number to call to,obtain it. Where were you the first 9 years post Bill's murder anyway? I mean everyone is entitled to their personal opinion but at some point you need a web based link to close the deal. You got nothing to show to support your BS cause of death.

DARLIN', what I have is the support from the Maricopa County Sheriff's Office who states that there is NOTHING that would make this case opened. They say that the case was CLOSED over 10 years ago! They will also tell YOU that if murder was at all suspected, the case would STILL be OPEN! It is NOT!
And WHAT tiny shred of EVIDENCE or PROOF do YOU have or suspect that makes YOU believe Bill Clark was murdered?? YOU offer NOTHING! WHY do YOU suspect Bill was murdered?? WHAT do YOU know that causes YOU to think people SHOULD believe he was murdered?? WHY should our employees and co- workers take YOU at YOUR "blanket" statement?? WHY do YOU continue to avoid this??

DARLIN', what I have is the support from the Maricopa County Sheriff's Office who states that there is NOTHING that would make this case opened. They say that the case was CLOSED over 10 years ago! They will also tell YOU that if murder was at all suspected, the case would STILL be OPEN! It is NOT!
And WHAT tiny shred of EVIDENCE or PROOF do YOU have or suspect that makes YOU believe Bill Clark was murdered?? YOU offer NOTHING! WHY do YOU suspect Bill was murdered?? WHAT do YOU know that causes YOU to think people SHOULD believe he was murdered?? WHY should our employees and co- workers take YOU at YOUR "blanket" statement?? WHY do YOU continue to avoid this??

"Our employees" quote

What a dumb ass. Nobody knows you or gives 2 shits about you. Why don't you try sending out another post to "your employees" again and watch how they ignore you and laught at your dumb ass once again. Now call the sheriffs office and request the 911 tape. It's that simple.

"Our employees" quote

What a dumb ass. Nobody knows you or gives 2 shits about you. Why don't you try sending out another post to "your employees" again and watch how they ignore you and laught at your dumb ass once again. Now call the sheriffs office and request the 911 tape. It's that simple.

And DARLIN', once again a LUNATIC FRINGE CONSPIRACY FREAK attacks the TRUTH, but NEVER, EVER let's anyone KNOW WHY he believes Bill Clark was murdered! NO detailed explanation given.
It's so typical of these "few" leftover LIARS! They don't want to show how AFRAID and EMBARRASSED they are. They are simply too deep into their lies about a murder having occurred! They can NO LONGER handle the TRUTH. THEY KNOW this case has been CLOSED for over 10 years! THEY KNOW our employees and co- workers see the TRUTH, that Bill died of NATURAL CAUSES!
And of course, they will NEVER, EVER state WHY and HOW Bill was murdered. But they DO expect YOU to believe them, despite giving NO REASON! But our people are just too smart for these LIARS, and now they know they CAN'T continue their LIES much longer!