Damn son you are one dumb delusional bastard. You are alone all by yourself.... There are no other Jazz employees who post on here to follow your delusional bull shit. You should have learned that when you posted something asking "employees" what they thought of Bill's death and not one single person responded to you. Your OCD posts are common and is vintage behavior of people like you who suffer from NPD. Low self esteem, feelings of self worthlessness, grandiosity, delusions....etc. this is all you. This is an anonymous site that you pathetically try to use to promote your delusions and grandiosity. You pretend like it's some sort of internal Jazz site but reality is its open to the general public to post away on. Bottom line is you are a mentally ill loser that nobody cares about. So stop acting out like you are this expert of Jazz affairs and go take your psych meds.

YOU know DARLIN', YOU still have NOT indicated one single reason WHY YOU believe Bill was murdered! NOT ONE!
But thats OK, because our employees and co- workers see this every day. They KNOW the reason WHY YOU NEVER try to defend YOURSELF, is because of YOUR FEAR and YOUR EMBARRASSMENT at having to defend something like Bill having been murdered! YOU CAN'T defend it!
And YOUR truly DUMB reasoning that because BIll wa so "healthy", he COULD NOT possibly have died from Natural Causes!! If this is not the height of natural STUPIDITY, nothing is! This kind of reasoning is WHY our employees and our co- workers know YOU have NOTHING to back YOU up on Bill's death. YOU and a couple of other Conspiracy Freaks are all that's left. And NONE of YOU have the "guts" to state WHY YOU believe Bill was murdered!! YOU live on AVOIDANCE! YOU have shown what a moron YOU are!
YOU few are all LOSERS! The case is CLEARED and CLOSED for 10 years. It was the decision of the FBI, POLICE, Investigating Authorities, the Maricopa County Sheriff, and Jazz Pharmaceuticals! Case CLOSED! Now comment on that!

YOU know DARLIN', YOU still have NOT indicated one single reason WHY YOU believe Bill was murdered! NOT ONE!
But thats OK, because our employees and co- workers see this every day. They KNOW the reason WHY YOU NEVER try to defend YOURSELF, is because of YOUR FEAR and YOUR EMBARRASSMENT at having to defend something like Bill having been murdered! YOU CAN'T defend it!
And YOUR truly DUMB reasoning that because BIll wa so "healthy", he COULD NOT possibly have died from Natural Causes!! If this is not the height of natural STUPIDITY, nothing is! This kind of reasoning is WHY our employees and our co- workers know YOU have NOTHING to back YOU up on Bill's death. YOU and a couple of other Conspiracy Freaks are all that's left. And NONE of YOU have the "guts" to state WHY YOU believe Bill was murdered!! YOU live on AVOIDANCE! YOU have shown what a moron YOU are!
YOU few are all LOSERS! The case is CLEARED and CLOSED for 10 years. It was the decision of the FBI, POLICE, Investigating Authorities, the Maricopa County Sheriff, and Jazz Pharmaceuticals! Case CLOSED! Now comment on that!

#mentaldisorder....... You don't care how stupid you look with your posts or that people on here view you as a psycho nut job.... All you care about is feeding your mental illness.

#mentaldisorder....... You don't care how stupid you look with your posts or that people on here view you as a psycho nut job.... All you care about is feeding your mental illness.

YOU know DARLIN', it really is possible to get the help YOU need for Anger Management! Just contact HR, and they'll be sure to give YOU a referral! YOU certainly need it, especially with YOUR rants!
But what I think it is, is the FEAR and EMBARRASSMENT that has such control over YOUR inability to say anything about the death of Bill Clark; HOW he died, WHY he died, WHO may have been responsible for his death. Even WHERE he died, while YOU were sitting in the bar at the NSM at his supposed time of death!
These are the things that our employees and co- workers wonder about when YOU post, just ranting at me! At least I give reasons WHY he died of Natural Causes! They KNOW this.
NO, there was NO Foul Play, NO murder, NO Blunt Force Trauma involved in Bill's death. DARLIN', as healthy a man as he may have been, Bill died of Natural Causes! Otherwise his case would be OPEN. It isn't! It's CLEARED and CLOSED. Just ask anyone YOU choose to ask! And have the "guts" to say something!

YOU know DARLIN', it really is possible to get the help YOU need for Anger Management! Just contact HR, and they'll be sure to give YOU a referral! YOU certainly need it, especially with YOUR rants!
But what I think it is, is the FEAR and EMBARRASSMENT that has such control over YOUR inability to say anything about the death of Bill Clark; HOW he died, WHY he died, WHO may have been responsible for his death. Even WHERE he died, while YOU were sitting in the bar at the NSM at his supposed time of death!
These are the things that our employees and co- workers wonder about when YOU post, just ranting at me! At least I give reasons WHY he died of Natural Causes! They KNOW this.
NO, there was NO Foul Play, NO murder, NO Blunt Force Trauma involved in Bill's death. DARLIN', as healthy a man as he may have been, Bill died of Natural Causes! Otherwise his case would be OPEN. It isn't! It's CLEARED and CLOSED. Just ask anyone YOU choose to ask! And have the "guts" to say something!

You really do like showing off your 3rd grade intelligence by always flipping things. You are the one who gets enraged and starts throwing out insults. Your caps lock words are very intimidating (lmfao). You discovered this site 9 years after the murder and now can't live without it. Saying that law enforcement agencies cleared and closed the case is not only a lie but it does not even make sense. Your lies about the cause of death also point to your mental sickness. You don't even know what natural cause death is. You started out by saying he died of heart attack and then switched gears. You pull things out of your ass and lie about everything. You never knew Bill and was not at the NSM. You know for you this is not even about Bill but all about a means for you to act out your mental illness on this site. You are delusional to think "employees" actually believe anything that you post and this was evident by a post you made asking for their feedback and got zero responses. There are no employees supporting or believing you on here. Again, you are nothing more than a poor lost mentally ill bastard wasting your life away on here but are to mentally deranged to even get that reality.

All very true. Let's not forget Dr Gleason another fallen comrade who this troll obviously did not know either and does not even have BS answers to lie about with.

Once again DARLIN', its so obvious WHY YOU continue to refuse to acknowledge anything about Bill's death, while still saying he was murdered! Surely any employee and co- worker can see YOU have NEVER offered any EVIDENCE and PROOF of any murder. YOU are really nothing more than a liar and a phony, who has been caught- up in FEAR and EMBARRASSMENT!
If YOU would only offer some kind of PROOF that Bill was a murder victim, perhaps some few employees and co- workers would believe YOU! But I'm confident that sitting on a bar stool at the NSM DID NOT enable YOU to see Bill murdered! Despite Bill's good health, he really did die of Natural Causes!
And WHY has this case been CLEARED and CLOSED for 10 years?? I would certainly love to hear YOUR EXPLANATION of HOW the FBI killed Bill Clark!! Is THIS HONESTLY what YOU really believe?? WHY would the FBI murder a sales rep, and then try to COVER IT UP?? Until YOU explain this, YOU can't expect anyone, especially reps who were NOT working for JAZZ, at the time, to believe YOU! But we all KNOW YOU'LL never try to explain this! YOU and the few Conspiracy Freaks left over just can't do it!
I offer explanations, YOU offer NOTHING! Let our employees and co- workers decide for themselves.

Once again DARLIN', its so obvious WHY YOU continue to refuse to acknowledge anything about Bill's death, while still saying he was murdered! Surely any employee and co- worker can see YOU have NEVER offered any EVIDENCE and PROOF of any murder. YOU are really nothing more than a liar and a phony, who has been caught- up in FEAR and EMBARRASSMENT!
If YOU would only offer some kind of PROOF that Bill was a murder victim, perhaps some few employees and co- workers would believe YOU! But I'm confident that sitting on a bar stool at the NSM DID NOT enable YOU to see Bill murdered! Despite Bill's good health, he really did die of Natural Causes!
And WHY has this case been CLEARED and CLOSED for 10 years?? I would certainly love to hear YOUR EXPLANATION of HOW the FBI killed Bill Clark!! Is THIS HONESTLY what YOU really believe?? WHY would the FBI murder a sales rep, and then try to COVER IT UP?? Until YOU explain this, YOU can't expect anyone, especially reps who were NOT working for JAZZ, at the time, to believe YOU! But we all KNOW YOU'LL never try to explain this! YOU and the few Conspiracy Freaks left over just can't do it!
I offer explanations, YOU offer NOTHING! Let our employees and co- workers decide for themselves.

Damn this is too easy and you are a moron. Think about how stupid you are. You can't just make up shit to,post as it makes you look like a total dumb ass. It's physically impossible for this case to be cleared and closed. 1/3 of all murder cases in the US have never been cleared cause suspect has never been arrested. No case can be cleared unless an arrest as been made. Bill's case falls into this category with never having an arrest in the case which means it's impossible to be cleared. Boy you are an ass brain.

Damn this is too easy and you are a moron. Think about how stupid you are. You can't just make up shit to,post as it makes you look like a total dumb ass. It's physically impossible for this case to be cleared and closed. 1/3 of all murder cases in the US have never been cleared cause suspect has never been arrested. No case can be cleared unless an arrest as been made. Bill's case falls into this category with never having an arrest in the case which means it's impossible to be cleared. Boy you are an ass brain.[/Q

DARLIN', it's difficult to imagine how truly stupid an individual can be!
There will NEVER be an ARREST made, because Bill Clark was NOT murdered. When I say the case has been CLEARED, it has been CLEARED and OFF the books for any murder case!! If YOU like, we'll just use the term CLOSED! NO ONE is searching for a murderer who doesn't exist!!
Bill's case falls into the category of death from Natural Causes!! Therefore, there's no investigation for the last 10 years! NOBODY investigates death from Natural Causes! It has NOTHING to do with murder, Foul Play, or Blunt Force Trauma, since NONE of this ever occurred!!
But through it all DARLIN', it's still interesting to note how YOUR STUPIDITY, FEAR, and EMBARRASSMENT continue to PREVENT YOU from telling ALL of us WHY YOU eroneously think Bill was murdered! Our employees and co- workers have NO reason to believe YOU. YOU OFFER NO specific EVIDENCE that Bill was murdered! YOU NEVER have and YOU NEVER will. Our employees know this by now.

To the person saying no proof, no credibility....blah, blah - i know who you are.... BM .. let's see if you'll continue to post!

DARLIN', it's really amazing how IGNORANT YOU people are!!
First of all, NOBODY cares about the 1/3 of all murder cases that go unsolved. BILL CLARK WAS NOT MURDERED! So nothing YOU write about "unsolved murder cases" means anything. Bill died of Natural Causes! Period. No one is searching for a murderer!
YOUR FEAR and EMBARRASSMENT is surpassed only by YOUR STUPIDITY! I say this because NEVER have YOU given a reason WHY YOU believe Bill was murdered. NEVER. YOU saw NOTHING from YOUR barstool at the NSM!
Secondly, this case has been CLEARED by the FBI and POLICE. They no longer have Bill Clark's death on their books! The Maricopa County Sheriff has also CLEARED the case, BUT the Maricopa County Sheriff still maintains a file of any death that occurred in Maricopa County, even if that death was from Natural Causes!
If YOU would call them at 602-876-1742, and give them the (old) case# 06-00885 they would tell YOU they are NOT looking for any murder suspect, since it was decided Bill Clark died of Natural Causes, 10 years ago!
The case really is CLEARED and CLOSED!
And to the IDIOT who says he KNOWS me, I will continue to post here until ALL our employees and co- workers accept the TRUTH about Bill Clark's death!! YOU are as "dumb" as the other Conspiracy Freak!

Hey BM, now that we know who you are this should get much easier to solve. Enough of your non evidence based delusional assumptions BM! Why do you make this so difficult on yourself? Just post web based links to support your assumptions and no need to type in caps lock and to write so much bull shit. We'll be waiting to read the factual links that you post. Good luck with that BM.

Hey BM, now that we know who you are this should get much easier to solve. Enough of your non evidence based delusional assumptions BM! Why do you make this so difficult on yourself? Just post web based links to support your assumptions and no need to type in caps lock and to write so much bull shit. We'll be waiting to read the factual links that you post. Good luck with that BM.

Well DARLIN', it's easy for our employees and co- workers to see YOUR STUPIDITY and IGNORANCE as YOU post here.
I hope it amazes everyone just how much FEAR and EMBARRASSMENT YOU have that prevents YOU from stating WHY YOU believe Bill Clark was murdered. So, YOU rely on AVOIDANCE of the subject.
It is really astonishing how YOU expect our employees and co- workers to buy into YOUR view, without stating WHY YOU believe Foul Play occurred! These people KNOW that Bill;s death was ruled as having occurred from Natural Causes 10 years ago. This is especially meaningful to our newest employees who are curious to know what happened before joining Jazz.
The FBI, POLICE, the Maricopa County Sheriff, and Jazz have all confirmed the cause of Bill's death! Natural Causes. And DARLIN', by the way, I'm NOT BM!

Well DARLIN', it's easy for our employees and co- workers to see YOUR STUPIDITY and IGNORANCE as YOU post here.
I hope it amazes everyone just how much FEAR and EMBARRASSMENT YOU have that prevents YOU from stating WHY YOU believe Bill Clark was murdered. So, YOU rely on AVOIDANCE of the subject.
It is really astonishing how YOU expect our employees and co- workers to buy into YOUR view, without stating WHY YOU believe Foul Play occurred! These people KNOW that Bill;s death was ruled as having occurred from Natural Causes 10 years ago. This is especially meaningful to our newest employees who are curious to know what happened before joining Jazz.
The FBI, POLICE, the Maricopa County Sheriff, and Jazz have all confirmed the cause of Bill's death! Natural Causes. And DARLIN', by the way, I'm NOT BM!

Stop blowing hot air dumb fuck and just post a web link to prove your bull shit. It's that simple. Otherwise, STFU.

Stop blowing hot air dumb fuck and just post a web link to prove your bull shit. It's that simple. Otherwise, STFU.

DARLIN', only a complete moron would make a statement that Bill Clark was murdered and NOT give a reason WHY they think he was murdered! But this is the way that the few left- over Conspiracy Freaks think they can convince our employees and co- workers that Bill was murdered! But our employees KNOW from PROOF and EVIDENCE that Bill died of Natural Causes! (Maricopa County Sheriff's Dept. 602-876-1742, case# 06-00885).
Yes, this case has been CLOSED for 10 years now!
And DARLIN', it really would benefit YOU to get help with anger management contro! YOU certainly need it, NOT just for YOUR complete STUPIDITY, but for YOUR FEAR, EMBARRASSMENT issues, and YOUR AVOIDANCE issues. YOU need to understand that our employees and co- workers are bright enough to reject YOU!

Read page five of What Really Happened To Bill

Keep in mind Ashcroft cronies were involved too

DARLIN', Once again I call YOU out for NOT giving any FACTS about Bill's death! FEAR and EMBARRASSMENT have overtaken YOU, and YOU NEVER say WHY or HOW Bill was murdered, and WHO murdered Bill!
This is all because Bill died of NATURAL CAUSES! This is why 10 years ago the case was CLOSED, This is what the FBI, POLICE, Investigating Authorities, the Maricopa County Sheriff's Dept., and Jazz have determined! What have YOU determined, and WHY!! YOU can add STUPIDITY to YOUR refusal to answer this question! Only a couple of Conspiracy Freaks try to convince our newer employees and co- workers Bill was the victim of Foul Play. NOT TRUE, and they KNOW it! Nobody is looking for a non- existent murderer, because NO murder took place!.

DARLIN', Once again I call YOU out for NOT giving any FACTS about Bill's death! FEAR and EMBARRASSMENT have overtaken YOU, and YOU NEVER say WHY or HOW Bill was murdered, and WHO murdered Bill!
This is all because Bill died of NATURAL CAUSES! This is why 10 years ago the case was CLOSED, This is what the FBI, POLICE, Investigating Authorities, the Maricopa County Sheriff's Dept., and Jazz have determined! What have YOU determined, and WHY!! YOU can add STUPIDITY to YOUR refusal to answer this question! Only a couple of Conspiracy Freaks try to convince our newer employees and co- workers Bill was the victim of Foul Play. NOT TRUE, and they KNOW it! Nobody is looking for a non- existent murderer, because NO murder took place!.

Buddy, you are barking up the wrong tree with your angry and hostile anonymous temper on this site. You really need to chill out. It appears you are very confused, desperate and just enjoy wasting your time on this site. Anyone who knows anything about Jazz knows that you need to start by contacting Carol, Val, and Myers internally to get the info you are desperately trying to get on here. Also, contact Srg. Swingle.

Buddy, you are barking up the wrong tree with your angry and hostile anonymous temper on this site. You really need to chill out. It appears you are very confused, desperate and just enjoy wasting your time on this site. Anyone who knows anything about Jazz knows that you need to start by contacting Carol, Val, and Myers internally to get the info you are desperately trying to get on here. Also, contact Srg. Swingle.

Well DARLIN', it continues to show how FEARFUL and EMBARRASSED YOU are to NEVER, EVER say a single word that Bill Clark was murdered. SO, EVERY post I make, EVERY single day, I will expose YOU and YOUR AVOIDANCE, showing our employees and our co- workers that YOU refuse to mention one single word about HOW YOU think Bill died, and WHY!
YOU are so tightly entwined in the grip of LIES and CONSPIRACY, that YOU are UNABLE to tell the TRUTH! UNABLE to accept the FACTS of Bill's death! I'm sure EVERYONE at Jazz sees YOUR AVOIDANCE!
Bill died of Natural Causes, and that has been proven by the FBI, POLICE, INVESTIGATORS, the Maricopa County Sheriff's Dept., and Jazz!

Read page five of What Really Happened To Bill

Keep in mind Ashcroft cronies were involved too

There are tons of documented evidence on the first 5-6'pages of this thread. Long list of stuff. Here is Bills's obit.

William Lewis Clark "Bill" Jr. CLARK, William "Bill" Lewis, Jr. William "Bill" Lewis Clark Jr., 44, of Kensington, the devoted husband of Susan (Burns) Clark and the loving father of his daughter, Jaime, died unexpectedly Friday, (March 3, 2006) in Phoenix, AZ. Raised in Simsbury by his parents, William Clark Sr. and Joan (Washa) Clark, he attended the University of Delaware where he was a founding member of Zeta Beta Tau Fraternity, received his bachelors degree in physical therapy from Quinnipiac, and, after many years practicing physical therapy, he became a pharmaceutical sales representative, and was presently employed by Jazz Pharmaceuticals. He had just received the prestigious President's Cup sales award in Arizona.

There are tons of documented evidence on the first 5-6'pages of this thread. Long list of stuff. Here is Bills's obit.

William Lewis Clark "Bill" Jr. CLARK, William "Bill" Lewis, Jr. William "Bill" Lewis Clark Jr., 44, of Kensington, the devoted husband of Susan (Burns) Clark and the loving father of his daughter, Jaime, died unexpectedly Friday, (March 3, 2006) in Phoenix, AZ. Raised in Simsbury by his parents, William Clark Sr. and Joan (Washa) Clark, he attended the University of Delaware where he was a founding member of Zeta Beta Tau Fraternity, received his bachelors degree in physical therapy from Quinnipiac, and, after many years practicing physical therapy, he became a pharmaceutical sales representative, and was presently employed by Jazz Pharmaceuticals. He had just received the prestigious President's Cup sales award in Arizona.

DARLIN', yes everyone knows Bill died UNEXPECTEDLY, but there was NO Foul Play, NO murder, NO BLUNT Force Trauma involved. He died of NATURAL CAUSES! The FBI, POLICE, Investigating Authorities, the Maricopa County Sheriff, and Jazz Pharmaceuticals who were "privy" to his body, post- mortem, ALL agreed his death resulted from Natural Causes NO murder, and NO Foul Play!
You are simply a Conspiracy Freak who has unsuccessfully tried to convince our employees and co- workers that Bill's death was the result of murder! BUT WHO?? WHY?? As the supposed "obit" YOU wrote says, he was the winner of a sales award! He was a sales rep, nothingt more!!
So unless YOU state that YOU KNOW Foul Play was involved, or the FBI killed him,or there was a COVER- UP CONSPIRACY, YOUR AVOIDANCE rings hollow!