I once had a buddy that died of "unexplained causes" from blunt force trauma. I think he fell down on a miniature golf course and hit his head. It was totally weird.

DARLIN, YOUR stupidity is surpassed by NOTHING YOU have ever said!
If Bill CLARK wa murdered at a NSM 10 years ago, doesn't it make sense that the FBI and POLICE, etc., would have a list of ALL NSM attendees?? And doesn't it make sense that the FBI and POLICE, etc., would have arrested someone, somebody during the last 10 years?? Wouldn't they have found someone who they suspected may have murdered Bill?? They already had the list of attendees to interview! NO NSM murderer who worked at Jazz could have fooled the FBI for so long a time- 10 years!
Clearly, all our employees and co- workers are smart enough to realize this!! Yes, the case has been CLOSED for over 10 years, and NOT ONE solitary sole has EVER been ARRESTED. NOT ONE!

"As the supposed "obit" YOU wrote says, he was the winner of a sales award! He was a sales rep, nothingt more!!" Quote

Once again your self assumptions and out right lies make you look like a total dumb ass with your posts. You are soooo clueless and do not know what the hell you are talking about. You are too dumb to even know Bill's REAL and LEGIT obit. Ass wipe! Stop making shit up and show some respect for Susan.

"As the supposed "obit" YOU wrote says, he was the winner of a sales award! He was a sales rep, nothingt more!!" Quote

Once again your self assumptions and out right lies make you look like a total dumb ass with your posts. You are soooo clueless and do not know what the hell you are talking about. You are too dumb to even know Bill's REAL and LEGIT obit. Ass wipe! Stop making shit up and show some respect for Susan.

Well DARLIN', as usual, YOU refuse to talk in terms of TRUTH and FACTS. YOU NEVER once mention HOW Bill was "supposedly" murdered! While I'm NOT interested in Bill's obit, I think it's important that YOU admit Susan KNOWS Bill died of NATURAL CAUSES at the NSM! She knows because 5 INVESTIGATING authorities have said HOW Bill died: The FBI, POLICE, INVESTIGATORS, Maricopa County Sheriff, and Jazz Pharmaceuticals! ALL, EVERY ONE, have agreed Bill's cause of death was from coronary issues. NO Foul Play, NO murder, NO Blunt Force Trauma! These are the FACTS. PERIOD.
YOU are a FRIGHTENED LIAR, who is too EMBARRASSED to admit the TRUTH, so YOU continue to try to push a non- existent Conspiracy Theory about Bill's death. The problem is that YOU are much too SCARED to say WHO murdered Bill, WHY Bill was murdered, and HOW Bill was murdered!! Our employees and co- workers easily see through YOU!

Well DARLIN', as usual, YOU refuse to talk in terms of TRUTH and FACTS. YOU NEVER once mention HOW Bill was "supposedly" murdered! While I'm NOT interested in Bill's obit, I think it's important that YOU admit Susan KNOWS Bill died of NATURAL CAUSES at the NSM! She knows because 5 INVESTIGATING authorities have said HOW Bill died: The FBI, POLICE, INVESTIGATORS, Maricopa County Sheriff, and Jazz Pharmaceuticals! ALL, EVERY ONE, have agreed Bill's cause of death was from coronary issues. NO Foul Play, NO murder, NO Blunt Force Trauma! These are the FACTS. PERIOD.
YOU are a FRIGHTENED LIAR, who is too EMBARRASSED to admit the TRUTH, so YOU continue to try to push a non- existent Conspiracy Theory about Bill's death. The problem is that YOU are much too SCARED to say WHO murdered Bill, WHY Bill was murdered, and HOW Bill was murdered!! Our employees and co- workers easily see through YOU!

Ok you have zero credibility based on your lies, ignorance, and delusions. Nobody on here takes you seriousy with anything other than laughing at you for being the ass clown that you are.

Ok you have zero credibility based on your lies, ignorance, and delusions. Nobody on here takes you seriousy with anything other than laughing at you for being the ass clown that you are.

DARLIN', every day I will "mock" YOU and call YOU OUT for refusing to say WHY YOU believe Bill Clark was murdered. Of course, according to 5 authorities, he died of NATURAL CAUSES. The FBI, POLICE, All investigators, the Maricopa County Sheriff, and Jazz Pharmaceuticals tell us this. As well as his autopsy!
Again, YOU attack me for telling the TRUTH, but NEVER say WHY or HOW or WHO murdered BIll. YOU remain a pathetic loser! And OUR employees and co- workers KNOW the TRUTH about Bill's death.
They KNOW the case has been CLOSED for 10 years, and they KNOW there was NO FOUL PLAY and NO BLUNT FORCE TRAUMA. As one of a few Conspiracy Freaks, YOUR FEAR and EMBARRASSMENT won't allow YOU to comment on Bill's death! So, AVOIDANCE rules YOUR decision!

DARLIN', every day I will "mock" YOU and call YOU OUT for refusing to say WHY YOU believe Bill Clark was murdered. Of course, according to 5 authorities, he died of NATURAL CAUSES. The FBI, POLICE, All investigators, the Maricopa County Sheriff, and Jazz Pharmaceuticals tell us this. As well as his autopsy!
Again, YOU attack me for telling the TRUTH, but NEVER say WHY or HOW or WHO murdered BIll. YOU remain a pathetic loser! And OUR employees and co- workers KNOW the TRUTH about Bill's death.
They KNOW the case has been CLOSED for 10 years, and they KNOW there was NO FOUL PLAY and NO BLUNT FORCE TRAUMA. As one of a few Conspiracy Freaks, YOUR FEAR and EMBARRASSMENT won't allow YOU to comment on Bill's death! So, AVOIDANCE rules YOUR decision!

You "telling the truth?" Now that another lie in itself. Haha.... Your entire little delusional and anonymous life that you live on here is built on nothing but lie after lie.

Actually another poster calls your material lies but it's more like stupidity and you just being too ignorant to even know what the hell you are speaking about. You misuse terms, you don't even understand something as basic as Bill's obit and you don't even know who the other Jazz significant players are who have strong ties into this case. All you do is feed your mental illness on here over your daily lunch hour at your group residence home that you live in. You are a mentally ill nastard.

Actually another poster calls your material lies but it's more like stupidity and you just being too ignorant to even know what the hell you are speaking about. You misuse terms, you don't even understand something as basic as Bill's obit and you don't even know who the other Jazz significant players are who have strong ties into this case. All you do is feed your mental illness on here over your daily lunch hour at your group residence home that you live in. You are a mentally ill nastard.

DARLIN', YOU continue YOUR "masked" accusations, pretending to tell everyone that Bill was murdered! Of course, he was NOT!
The only "strong ties" to this case was the decision by the FBI, POLICE, Investigators, the Maricopa County Sheriff, Jazz Pharmaceuticals, and the Autopsy performed on Bill, that his death was from NATURAL CAUSES!
WHY else would this case be CLOSED 10 years ago without a single ARREST or suspicion in 10 years??
If there was ANY OTHER pertinent information, this case would be OPEN! If YOU KNOW something more than just a "Conspiracy Theory", let us ALL KNOW!
But YOU won't. Too STUPID, too AFRAID, too ENBARRASSED, so YOU just AVOID everything!
And DARLIN', our employees and co- workers know it!

KPHO Channel 5 Phoenix Cold Case Investigations made the 911 tape public back in 2006 from the case of the Carefree Resort death. Damn you are some kind of moron to plaster your misinformed ignorance on here. wake up and educate yourself before making yourself look like such a dumb ass. You obviously did not even sell Xyrem.

KPHO Channel 5 Phoenix Cold Case Investigations made the 911 tape public back in 2006 from the case of the Carefree Resort death. Damn you are some kind of moron to plaster your misinformed ignorance on here. wake up and educate yourself before making yourself look like such a dumb ass. You obviously did not even sell Xyrem.

DARLIN', the only one misinformed is YOU! YOU really believe YOU can get away with saying NOTHING specific about Bill's death, about a PHONY murder, and have our employees and co- workers believe YOU??
Every specific, EVERY bit of TRUTH and FACT show Bill Clark died of Natural Causes, and this case has been CLOSED for 10 years.And NO ARREST EVER made. EDUCATE YOURSELF on THAT!!
YOUR STUPIDITY, FEAR, EMBARRASSMENT, and CONSPIRACY FREAK misguided beliefs show how out of touch with reality YOU really are! YOU can only AVOID SPECIFICS of YOUR own beliefs! SO PITIFUL!
Someday, although I seriously doubt it, YOU may wake- up and have the "guts" to tell ALL of US WHY YOU believe Bill was murdered!! And YOU may even tell US WHO killed him, and HOW he was killed! For NOW, there is absolutely NO reason WHY anyone should believe YOU without giving SPECIFICS!

Has any new information come to light regarding Bill's death? Looks like the same old BS. Don't you people have anything better to do with your lives.


DARLIN', Bill Clark's death has been solved 10 years ago, there's NOTHING more to say!
He was not murdered by the FBI or POLICE, or anyone else! If YOU think he was, then tell us specifically, WHO and WHY! Tell our employees and co- workers!

DARLIN', Bill Clark's death has been solved 10 years ago, there's NOTHING more to say!
He was not murdered by the FBI or POLICE, or anyone else! If YOU think he was, then tell us specifically, WHO and WHY! Tell our employees and co- workers!

If You think he was not murdered and that's your own personal opinion. There were no authorities agreeing on anything. Please stop using your delusional personal opinion as your evidence. Just say IMO he was not murdered but stop all your delusional and grandiose BS. You have NEVER been able to back up any of your personal option claims with any web based link of evidence. Remember what you think does not count unless you bring documentation. If all these so called "authorities" said all these things there would be web based links to post as proof. You have Nothing accept your delusions and grandiose thoughts.

If You think he was not murdered and that's your own personal opinion. There were no authorities agreeing on anything. Please stop using your delusional personal opinion as your evidence. Just say IMO he was not murdered but stop all your delusional and grandiose BS. You have NEVER been able to back up any of your personal option claims with any web based link of evidence. Remember what you think does not count unless you bring documentation. If all these so called "authorities" said all these things there would be web based links to post as proof. You have Nothing accept your delusions and grandiose thoughts.

DARLIN', the only way to show Bill was NOT murdered is to show PROOF he died of NATURAL CAUSES.
When the FBI, POLICE, Investigating Authorities, The Maricopa County Sheriff's Dept., and Jazz Pharmaceuticals, ALL say that there was NO murder, this is FACT! This is a PROOF source!
YOU CAN'T just say Bill was murdered and NEVER SAY HOW or WHY. NONE of YOU CONSPIRACY FREAKS can say he was murdered WITHOUT giving an example! YOU are too FRIGHTENED, too EMBARRASSED to mention any SPECIFICS of Bill's death! YOUR AVOIDANCE CAN'T be allowed to substitute for TRUTH! Our employees and co- workers WON'T accept this nonsense! Neither will I.
I will continue to "call YOU" on this!!

DARLIN', the only way to show Bill was NOT murdered is to show PROOF he died of NATURAL CAUSES.
When the FBI, POLICE, Investigating Authorities, The Maricopa County Sheriff's Dept., and Jazz Pharmaceuticals, ALL say that there was NO murder, this is FACT! This is a PROOF source!
YOU CAN'T just say Bill was murdered and NEVER SAY HOW or WHY. NONE of YOU CONSPIRACY FREAKS can say he was murdered WITHOUT giving an example! YOU are too FRIGHTENED, too EMBARRASSED to mention any SPECIFICS of Bill's death! YOUR AVOIDANCE CAN'T be allowed to substitute for TRUTH! Our employees and co- workers WON'T accept this nonsense! Neither will I.
I will continue to "call YOU" on this!!

" Our employees and coworkers won't accept this nonsense! Neither will I."

The first part of this statement is indeed true. As a new rep here at Jazz I searched for answers with the powers that be within the company and nobody knows anything about this story. It is indeed very sad that such inaccurate personal opinions has been posted over and over again on here with no web based documentation ever being provided. Look I don't know if Bill was murdered or not but I will say that police reports and all kinds of other documentation has been posted on this site especially on the first 5-6 pages of this thread. While you have NEVER posted any documentation to support your opinion other than running your mouth. As far as the second part of the above quote, "neither will I", Nobody cares what you think as nobody here at Jazz even knows that you exist. Remember, you posted asking for employees to give you feed back on Bill's death and nobody acknowledged you. You are an anonymous loser who runs your mouth but nobody really cares about you or what you spout off.

" Our employees and coworkers won't accept this nonsense! Neither will I."

The first part of this statement is indeed true. As a new rep here at Jazz I searched for answers with the powers that be within the company and nobody knows anything about this story. It is indeed very sad that such inaccurate personal opinions has been posted over and over again on here with no web based documentation ever being provided. Look I don't know if Bill was murdered or not but I will say that police reports and all kinds of other documentation has been posted on this site especially on the first 5-6 pages of this thread. While you have NEVER posted any documentation to support your opinion other than running your mouth. As far as the second part of the above quote, "neither will I", Nobody cares what you think as nobody here at Jazz even knows that you exist. Remember, you posted asking for employees to give you feed back on Bill's death and nobody acknowledged you. You are an anonymous loser who runs your mouth but nobody really cares about you or what you spout off.

DARLIN', YOU KNOW there has NEVER been one single shred of any EVIDENCE stating HOW, WHERE, WHY and WHEN Bill died! NOTHING to CONFIRM anyones beliefs that Bill was murdered. Everyone is TOO SCARED and TOO EMBARRASSED to say anything at all about the EVIDENCE of a murder!
By calling the Maricopa County Sheriff at 602-876-1742, CASE# 06-00885, they WILL let YOU know the case has been CLOSED and DORMANT for the last 10 years! They are NOT searching for anyone suspected of murder. Although I find it very strange that in the last 10 plus years, with the FBI and POLICE having a ROSTER of ALL ATTENDEES at the NSM, they have NOT detained or suspected one person they could possibly charge with murder!! This is because they concluded Bill died of NATURAL CAUSES!
Until someone tells us HOW and WHY Bill was murdered, we accept his death from Natural Causes.

DARLIN', YOU KNOW there has NEVER been one single shred of any EVIDENCE stating HOW, WHERE, WHY and WHEN Bill died! NOTHING to CONFIRM anyones beliefs that Bill was murdered. Everyone is TOO SCARED and TOO EMBARRASSED to say anything at all about the EVIDENCE of a murder!
By calling the Maricopa County Sheriff at 602-876-1742, CASE# 06-00885, they WILL let YOU know the case has been CLOSED and DORMANT for the last 10 years! They are NOT searching for anyone suspected of murder. Although I find it very strange that in the last 10 plus years, with the FBI and POLICE having a ROSTER of ALL ATTENDEES at the NSM, they have NOT detained or suspected one person they could possibly charge with murder!! This is because they concluded Bill died of NATURAL CAUSES!
Until someone tells us HOW and WHY Bill was murdered, we accept his death from Natural Causes.

While you are calling that number, you should request a copy of the 911 tape and the police report which were both made available long before you started copy cat posting for people to call the same number, at least be original with your bogus crap and come up with your own material.

DARLIN', YOU KNOW there has NEVER been one single shred of any EVIDENCE stating HOW, WHERE, WHY and WHEN Bill died! NOTHING to CONFIRM anyones beliefs that Bill was murdered. Everyone is TOO SCARED and TOO EMBARRASSED to say anything at all about the EVIDENCE of a murder!
By calling the Maricopa County Sheriff at 602-876-1742, CASE# 06-00885, they WILL let YOU know the case has been CLOSED and DORMANT for the last 10 years! They are NOT searching for anyone suspected of murder. Although I find it very strange that in the last 10 plus years, with the FBI and POLICE having a ROSTER of ALL ATTENDEES at the NSM, they have NOT detained or suspected one person they could possibly charge with murder!! This is because they concluded Bill died of NATURAL CAUSES!
Until someone tells us HOW and WHY Bill was murdered, we accept his death from Natural Causes.

Now that is dumb and far fetched to think a meeting attendee would be a murder suspect. Do you try to be this dumb or does it just come natural? Captain Obvious if murder cases were that simple and easy to solve there would not be 1/3 of them in America unsolved with no suspects ever being identified.

Now that is dumb and far fetched to think a meeting attendee would be a murder suspect. Do you try to be this dumb or does it just come natural? Captain Obvious if murder cases were that simple and easy to solve there would not be 1/3 of them in America unsolved with no suspects ever being identified.

OK DARLIN', I'll bite; WHO do YOU think murdered Bill and WHY?? WHY would anyone choose to murder a pharma sales rep at a NSM?? WHY would anyone choose to murder Bill Clark at all?? He was a sales rep. Period. And as always, YOU refuse to elaborate on YOUR beliefs!
YOU are the idiot if YOU think any rational person would believe YOU!! YOU offer NO reason, NO EVIDENCE, and NO PROOF that Bill was murdered! WHY would any Jazz employee (especially a new employee) or any co- worker simply take YOUR word that Bill was murdered, without any EXPLANATION??
My beliefs vontinue to be that YOU are a FRIGHTENED, EMBARRASSED, Conspiracy Freak, who KNOWS Bill died of NATURAL CAUSES. YOU KNOW the case has been CLOSED for over 10 years!
Because DARLIN', the FBI, POLICE, the Maricopa County Sheriff, and Jazz Pharma have concluded this to be TRUE. Our employees and co- workers ALL KNOW this to be true. WHAT have YOU got to counteract this??