And DARLIN', once again a LUNATIC FRINGE CONSPIRACY FREAK attacks the TRUTH, but NEVER, EVER let's anyone KNOW WHY he believes Bill Clark was murdered! NO detailed explanation given.
It's so typical of these "few" leftover LIARS! They don't want to show how AFRAID and EMBARRASSED they are. They are simply too deep into their lies about a murder having occurred! They can NO LONGER handle the TRUTH. THEY KNOW this case has been CLOSED for over 10 years! THEY KNOW our employees and co- workers see the TRUTH, that Bill died of NATURAL CAUSES!
And of course, they will NEVER, EVER state WHY and HOW Bill was murdered. But they DO expect YOU to believe them, despite giving NO REASON! But our people are just too smart for these LIARS, and now they know they CAN'T continue their LIES much longer!

There are a group of us new employees who would like to see you prove Bill died,of natural causes by providing web based link. Anybody can say anything but web links prove points.

There are a group of us new employees who would like to see you prove Bill died,of natural causes by providing web based link. Anybody can say anything but web links prove points.

And DARLIN; there are many more employees and co- workers who would like YOU to state even ONE reason WHY YOU think Bill was murdered!!
YOU have asked me for PROOF. Try calling the Maricopa County Sheriff's Office and give them the obsolete dated information. 602- 876- 1742. The case# is 06-00885. It has been CLOSED for over 10 years. THEY WILL TELL YOU THIS!!
Now what verbal Evidence or Proof do YOU have that Bill was murdered?? WHY have YOU NEVER ONCE said WHY YOU believe Bill was murdered?? ANSWER: YOU'RE too AFRAID and too EMBARRASSED! YOU DON'T KNOW HOW to get out of YOUR CONSPIRACY FREAK LIES! ALL our employees and co- workers KNOW this! YOU can't expect to get away with these lies. This is what Jazz employees want to know!! When YOU review the lies about Bill wearing a "WIRE", and then being murdered by the FBI, (pgs. 5&6) YOUR STUPIDITY becomes more evident! BUT let's hear it from YOU!

And DARLIN; there are many more employees and co- workers who would like YOU to state even ONE reason WHY YOU think Bill was murdered!!
YOU have asked me for PROOF. Try calling the Maricopa County Sheriff's Office and give them the obsolete dated information. 602- 876- 1742. The case# is 06-00885. It has been CLOSED for over 10 years. THEY WILL TELL YOU THIS!!
Now what verbal Evidence or Proof do YOU have that Bill was murdered?? WHY have YOU NEVER ONCE said WHY YOU believe Bill was murdered?? ANSWER: YOU'RE too AFRAID and too EMBARRASSED! YOU DON'T KNOW HOW to get out of YOUR CONSPIRACY FREAK LIES! ALL our employees and co- workers KNOW this! YOU can't expect to get away with these lies. This is what Jazz employees want to know!! When YOU review the lies about Bill wearing a "WIRE", and then being murdered by the FBI, (pgs. 5&6) YOUR STUPIDITY becomes more evident! BUT let's hear it from YOU!

Us new reps don't get why you get so angry, defensive and passive aggressive on here when all we ask for is a basic web link to back up your claim about Bill dying of natural causes. No need to get into all this other stuff. All us new reps truly want to see is that web link and then we will believe you. If you can't provide it, and you get angry and defensive, that points to you being a fraud. I have called the number that you got from page 5 and they did provide the 911 tape.

Us new reps don't get why you get so angry, defensive and passive aggressive on here when all we ask for is a basic web link to back up your claim about Bill dying of natural causes. No need to get into all this other stuff. All us new reps truly want to see is that web link and then we will believe you. If you can't provide it, and you get angry and defensive, that points to you being a fraud. I have called the number that you got from page 5 and they did provide the 911 tape.

DARLIN', I don't believe YOU are a "new rep".
If YOU were a "new rep", YOU would be angry that NO CONSPIRACY FREAK has had the "guts" to state WHY he believes Bill was murdered. WHY would YOU automatically believe Bill was murdered, and did NOT die of Natural Causes?? What caused YOU to accept this as FACT?? DO YOU have the "guts" to tell us?? This is WHY I KNOW YOU'RE NOT a new rep!
I have always listed the phone number for the Maricopa County Sheriff's Office, to PROVE this case has been CLOSED over 10 years! The CONSPIRACY FREAKS have NEVER said WHY they believe Bill was murdered! This shows they have absolutely NO CREDIBILITY among our employees and co- workers. They are LIARS. No employee or co- worker would believe them (YOU) based upon "say-so" alone!
Bill died of Natural Causes. Period. DARLIN', they are AFRAID, EMBARRASSED, and too DUMB to comment on WHY they think Bill was murdered! Notice how they always stay away from talking SPECIFICS!!

DARLIN', I don't believe YOU are a "new rep".
If YOU were a "new rep", YOU would be angry that NO CONSPIRACY FREAK has had the "guts" to state WHY he believes Bill was murdered. WHY would YOU automatically believe Bill was murdered, and did NOT die of Natural Causes?? What caused YOU to accept this as FACT?? DO YOU have the "guts" to tell us?? This is WHY I KNOW YOU'RE NOT a new rep!
I have always listed the phone number for the Maricopa County Sheriff's Office, to PROVE this case has been CLOSED over 10 years! The CONSPIRACY FREAKS have NEVER said WHY they believe Bill was murdered! This shows they have absolutely NO CREDIBILITY among our employees and co- workers. They are LIARS. No employee or co- worker would believe them (YOU) based upon "say-so" alone!
Bill died of Natural Causes. Period. DARLIN', they are AFRAID, EMBARRASSED, and too DUMB to comment on WHY they think Bill was murdered! Notice how they always stay away from talking SPdECIFICS!!

Take a deep breath and calm down. You get all worked up and angry and you start making foolish accusations and assumptions on here. I called the number from page 5 and requested the 911 tape and it sounds legit to me. All us new reps are asking ifrom you is to provide a web link to support your claim of a natural causes death like you keep claiming. It's a very reasonable and basic request that would certainly pit an end to all this foolishness.

Take a deep breath and calm down. You get all worked up and angry and you start making foolish accusations and assumptions on here. I called the number from page 5 and requested the 911 tape and it sounds legit to me. All us new reps are asking ifrom you is to provide a web link to support your claim of a natural causes death like you keep claiming. It's a very reasonable and basic request that would certainly pit an end to all this foolishness.

DARLIN', after 10 years there's nothing that can be printed! Calling the Maricopa County Sheriff's Office information officer, 602-876-1000, at the Maricopa County Sheriff's Office SWITCHBOARD, YOU can have all YOUR questions answered. The Officer will tell YOU what to do!
YOU will then find out that the case has been CLOSED for over 10 years, and that William Clark died of NATURAL CAUSES! NO murder investigation has taken place! YOU will talk with a LIVE person!
But DARLIN', the real question is whether or not YOU have the "guts" to call!! I think YOU'RE too AFRAID and too EMBARRASSED to admit the TRUTH!
YOU have had opportunity to SPECIFICALLY state WHY YOU believe he was murdered. YOU continue to refuse! But since I have given the SWITCHBOARD phone number, I hope any of our NEW employees and co- workers will take the time to call, if they have any doubts at all about how Bill died! Most EVERYONE knows he DID NOT die from Foul Play or Blunt Force Trauma! This is good news to me! He was NOT murdered. Bill was simply a sales rep, just like everyone else. Case# 06-00885.

DARLIN', after 10 years there's nothing that can be printed! Calling the Maricopa County Sheriff's Office information officer, 602-876-1000, at the Maricopa County Sheriff's Office SWITCHBOARD, YOU can have all YOUR questions answered. The Officer will tell YOU what to do!
YOU will then find out that the case has been CLOSED for over 10 years, and that William Clark died of NATURAL CAUSES! NO murder investigation has taken place! YOU will talk with a LIVE person!
But DARLIN', the real question is whether or not YOU have the "guts" to call!! I think YOU'RE too AFRAID and too EMBARRASSED to admit the TRUTH!
YOU have had opportunity to SPECIFICALLY state WHY YOU believe he was murdered. YOU continue to refuse! But since I have given the SWITCHBOARD phone number, I hope any of our NEW employees and co- workers will take the time to call, if they have any doubts at all about how Bill died! Most EVERYONE knows he DID NOT die from Foul Play or Blunt Force Trauma! This is good news to me! He was NOT murdered. Bill was simply a sales rep, just like everyone else. Case# 06-00885.

Well I called that same number from page 5 which is the same number you listed and I received the 911 tape after 10 years. It's great evidence and you really need to listen to it to set the record straight for your own self. It's quite foolish to be asking people for their personal opinion of what they THINK when there is a 911 tape available.

Well I called that same number from page 5 which is the same number you listed and I received the 911 tape after 10 years. It's great evidence and you really need to listen to it to set the record straight for your own self. It's quite foolish to be asking people for their personal opinion of what they THINK when there is a 911 tape available.

DARLIN', YOU are an absolute LIAR about any tapes!
I merely asked YOU to state YOUR SPECIFIC opinion of WHY YOU believe Bill Clark was murdered!!
This is something YOU CAN'T do because YOU are too FRIGHTENED and too EMBARRASSED! So at all cost, YOU EVADE and AVOID stating WHY YOU believe Bill was murdered! YOU KNOW there was NO murder, and YOU KNOW Bill died of NATURAL CAUSES!
YOU KNOW this case has been CLOSED for OVER 10 years! YOU also KNOW that IF any murder or any Foul Play was suspected, this case would be OPEN today!
So DARLIN', if YOU want to have any CREDIBILITY with our employees and co- workers, YOU need to give YOUR opinion WHY Bill was murdered! But I really believe EVERYONE KNOWS YOU NEVER will! YOU are a liar, and a left- over Conspiracy Freak who is AFRAID of the TRUTH!!

DARLIN', YOU are an absolute LIAR about any tapes!
I merely asked YOU to state YOUR SPECIFIC opinion of WHY YOU believe Bill Clark was murdered!!
This is something YOU CAN'T do because YOU are too FRIGHTENED and too EMBARRASSED! So at all cost, YOU EVADE and AVOID stating WHY YOU believe Bill was murdered! YOU KNOW there was NO murder, and YOU KNOW Bill died of NATURAL CAUSES!
YOU KNOW this case has been CLOSED for OVER 10 years! YOU also KNOW that IF any murder or any Foul Play was suspected, this case would be OPEN today!
So DARLIN', if YOU want to have any CREDIBILITY with our employees and co- workers, YOU need to give YOUR opinion WHY Bill was murdered! But I really believe EVERYONE KNOWS YOU NEVER will! YOU are a liar, and a left- over Conspiracy Freak who is AFRAID of the TRUTH!!

Again the phone number listed on page 5 gives you access to the 911 tape, the police report and the autopsy report. No anonymous personal opinions needed on here. It's cut and dry. Don't be such a delusional dweeb

Again the phone number listed on page 5 gives you access to the 911 tape, the police report and the autopsy report. No anonymous personal opinions needed on here. It's cut and dry. Don't be such a delusional dweeb

DARLIN', what is so truly inconsistent about YOU is that YOU don't believe that Bill Clark died of Natural Causes, and the case has been CLOSED for 10 years, but YOU continuously refuse to state WHY YOU believe he was murdered!!
How can YOU refuse to believe one thing, but NEVER say WHY YOU believe something else??
This is WHY I KNOW YOU are NOT a new rep! A new rep is smart enough to question WHY YOU believe what YOU do! This is WHY every employee and co- worker KNOWS EXACTLY what a LIAR YOU are!!
Case CLOSED over 10 years now! 602-876-1742 or 602-876-1000. YOUR CHOICE! (I love it)!!

DARLIN', what is so truly inconsistent about YOU is that YOU don't believe that Bill Clark died of Natural Causes, and the case has been CLOSED for 10 years, but YOU continuously refuse to state WHY YOU believe he was murdered!!
How can YOU refuse to believe one thing, but NEVER say WHY YOU believe something else??
This is WHY I KNOW YOU are NOT a new rep! A new rep is smart enough to question WHY YOU believe what YOU do! This is WHY every employee and co- worker KNOWS EXACTLY what a LIAR YOU are!!
Case CLOSED over 10 years now! 602-876-1742 or 602-876-1000. YOUR CHOICE! (I love it)!!

Thanks for continuing to provide the numbers that were originally posted on page 5 from years ago. One call that's all it takes. You can get 911 tape, autopsy report and police report. No need to aimlessly waste your years away by asking anonymous posters what they THINK happened to Bill. You have a choice to either call those numbers for ALL the legit evidence or read page 5. The 911 tape is REAL and can't be spun with your delusional and mentally ill mind. It does not matter what some JOE Smoe says on here when the 911 tape is available and has all the answers.

Thanks for continuing to provide the numbers that were originally posted on page 5 from years ago. One call that's all it takes. You can get 911 tape, autopsy report and police report. No need to aimlessly waste your years away by asking anonymous posters what they THINK happened to Bill. You have a choice to either call those numbers for ALL the legit evidence or read page 5. The 911 tape is REAL and can't be spun with your delusional and mentally ill mind. It does not matter what some JOE Smoe says on here when the 911 tape is available and has all the answers.

C'mon now DARLIN', YOU know the Officer's at the Maricopa County Sheriff's Dept, can NOT be "spun"!
If the 911 tape is "REAL", why don't YOU show it to our employees and co- workers who read this post??
It's a LIE, like everything else YOU try to say! Everyone at Jazz KNOWS it!
And of course, YOU continue to EVADE the issue of WHY YOU believe Bill Clark was murdered! If YOU really believe it, tell us WHY YOU believe he was murdered! But of course, YOU NEVER WILL! YOU'RE too FRIGHTENED and ENBARRASSED, and really too STUPID! YOU'RE too STUPID because YOU believe our employees and co- workers will simply accept your say- so, while offering NO reason WHY YOU believe he was murdered. So YOU AVOID the subject! YOU have NO CREDIBILITY.
The case has been CLOSED over 10 years because Bill died of NATURAL CAUSES! The FBI Knows it. The POLICE know it. The Maricopa County Sheriff's Office has it listed this way. Jazz Pharmaceuticals knows it as well.. 602-876-1742, or 602-876-1000. YOUR choice.

"Maricopa County Sheriff's Office has it listed this way. Jazz Pharmaceuticals knows it as well.."

As a new rep, all I'm looking for is documented evidence such as web based links on here to prove your opinionated claims. If the Sheriffs office indeed had Bill's death "listed" as anything, this would really simplify things and make it quite easy for you to post a web link as proof. As far as Jazz, I already went down this road during my home office sales training and nobody at corporate knew anything about this story. Web based links are powerful tools and are indisputable. Tough to argue against web links so just post something to end this child's play. I hardly think anybody on this site is scared and fearful of anything but the more you run from posting a web link, the more questions it rises about you using this site to fish for attention for reasons other than how Bill died. You make this way to difficult just post a web link as proof and all this goes away. Deep down you never want this little childish thread to end cause you would lose a major purpose in your life.

"Maricopa County Sheriff's Office has it listed this way. Jazz Pharmaceuticals knows it as well.."

As a new rep, all I'm looking for is documented evidence such as web based links on here to prove your opinionated claims. If the Sheriffs office indeed had Bill's death "listed" as anything, this would really simplify things and make it quite easy for you to post a web link as proof. As far as Jazz, I already went down this road during my home office sales training and nobody at corporate knew anything about this story. Web based links are powerful tools and are indisputable. Tough to argue against web links so just post something to end this child's play. I hardly think anybody on this site is scared and fearful of anything but the more you run from posting a web link, the more questions it rises about you using this site to fish for attention for reasons other than how Bill died. You make this way to difficult just post a web link as proof and all this goes away. Deep down you never want this little childish thread to end cause you would lose a major purpose in your life.

DARLIN', if YOU were really a NEW rep, YOU would NOT just automatically assume that Bill Clark was murdered without giving SPECIFICS of WHY he was murdered! YOU are lying! YOU KNOW posting any web link is meaningless nonsense! I doubt it can even be posted!
BUT if it's so important to YOU, WHY are YOU AFRAID to post it????? Because it DOESN'T EXIST!
As usual, YOU CAN'T get away from the FACT that YOU continuously REFUSE to give YOUR SPECIFIC REASONS WHY YOU choose to believe Bill was murdered. YOU'RE too AFRAID and EMBARRASSED to say anything. So, YOU AVOID stating anything! Our employees and co- workers EASILY see this!! YOU have absolutely NO CREDIBILITY! This case has been CLOSED over 10 years! We all KNOW it.

DARLIN', if YOU were really a NEW rep, YOU would NOT just automatically assume that Bill Clark was murdered without giving SPECIFICS of WHY he was murdered! YOU are lying! YOU KNOW posting any web link is meaningless nonsense! I doubt it can even be posted!
BUT if it's so important to YOU, WHY are YOU AFRAID to post it????? Because it DOESN'T EXIST!
As usual, YOU CAN'T get away from the FACT that YOU continuously REFUSE to give YOUR SPECIFIC REASONS WHY YOU choose to believe Bill was murdered. YOU'RE too AFRAID and EMBARRASSED to say anything. So, YOU AVOID stating anything! Our employees and co- workers EASILY see this!! YOU have absolutely NO CREDIBILITY! This case has been CLOSED over 10 years! We all KNOW it.

Damn your assumptions and defensiveness are out of control and shows mental instability. I simply asked you to post a web link to prove your point which would be undisputable evidence. For whatever reason this sets you off and makes you very angry. It's actually a very reasonable and logical request. All I know is I read the police report and heard the 911 tape. If you have other evidence please do post it. No need to get into this pissy anonymous rage on here though. That makes you look mentally unstable.

Damn your assumptions and defensiveness are out of control and shows mental instability. I simply asked you to post a web link to prove your point which would be undisputable evidence. For whatever reason this sets you off and makes you very angry. It's actually a very reasonable and logical request. All I know is I read the police report and heard the 911 tape. If you have other evidence please do post it. No need to get into this pissy anonymous rage on here though. That makes you look mentally unstable.

NO assumptions DARLIN', just the TRUTH!
Once again YOU continue to REFUSE to state WHY YOU think Bill was murdered. This has become so OBVIOUS to our employees and co- workers!! YOU are so tightly gripped in FEAR and EMBARRASSMENT that YOU are completely unable to give YOUR point about Bill's death. BUT as long as our employees KNOW the TRUTH, I'm ok with that!
Just YOU and 1 or 2 CONSPIRACY FREAKS, who started this phony none sense years ago, are the only ones left- over!
The case has been CLOSED over 10 years ago, according to the Maricopa County Sheriff, the FBI, POLICE and Jazz! They say Bill died of NATURAL CAUSES. NO Foul Play, and NO Blunt Force Trauma. I ask anyone who is unsure to call 602-876-1742, or the Maricopa County Switchboard at 602-876-1000.
DARLIN', if YOU think YOU can embarrass ME, list the "supposed" 911 tape! NO such tape exists! YOU are a LIAR and a PHONY! YOU have NO CREDIBILITY because of YOUR REFUSAL to give SPECIFICS of how YOU think Bill died!!

To our Employees:
A. If YOU believe Bill Clark was murdered at the NSM, tell us WHY?
B. If You believe Bill Clark died of Natural Causes at the NSM, tell us WHY?

DARLIN', it's been obvious for a while that our employees and co- workers know that Bill died of Natural Causes. THEY don't believe there is any reason to respond to a "no brainer".
The main issue of course, is that the few remaining Conspiracy Freaks who started this nonsense thought they were correct! But then came the investigations by the FBI, POLICE, The Maricopa County Sheriff's Office, and Jazz Pharmaceuticals! EVERYTHING shows there was NO Foul Play, NO Blunt Force Trauma, NO murder!
This is why the case has been CLOSED over 10 years! NO INVESTIGATION is going on! If a murder was at all suspected, the case would BE OPEN!!
BUT if any of our CONSPIRACY FREAKS have information about Bill's death, they can call the Sheriff's Office at 602-876-1000- Switchboard, or call 602- 876- 1742, the Investigating Officer in Maricopa County! BUT WE ALL KNOW they won't! THEY'RE too FRIGHTENED and EMBARRASSED to DARE CALL!! THIS IS WHY THEY HAVE NO CREDIBILITY and are NEVER SPECIFIC in their posts!