DARLIN', it's been obvious for a while that our employees and co- workers know that Bill died of Natural Causes. THEY don't believe there is any reason to respond to a "no brainer".
The main issue of course, is that the few remaining Conspiracy Freaks who started this nonsense thought they were correct! But then came the investigations by the FBI, POLICE, The Maricopa County Sheriff's Office, and Jazz Pharmaceuticals! EVERYTHING shows there was NO Foul Play, NO Blunt Force Trauma, NO murder!
This is why the case has been CLOSED over 10 years! NO INVESTIGATION is going on! If a murder was at all suspected, the case would BE OPEN!!
BUT if any of our CONSPIRACY FREAKS have information about Bill's death, they can call the Sheriff's Office at 602-876-1000- Switchboard, or call 602- 876- 1742, the Investigating Officer in Maricopa County! BUT WE ALL KNOW they won't! THEY'RE too FRIGHTENED and EMBARRASSED to DARE CALL!! THIS IS WHY THEY HAVE NO CREDIBILITY and are NEVER SPECIFIC in their posts!

Nothing like seeing a mentally deranged fool replying to their own posts. You play with yourself to give yourself cheap thrills. Ya lonely sick bastard.

Nothing like seeing a mentally deranged fool replying to their own posts. You play with yourself to give yourself cheap thrills. Ya lonely sick bastard.

Well DARLIN', I guess YOUR above language indicates YOU have NOT registered as of yet for ANGER MANAGEMENT help. BUt I think at some point YOU will have to. It's already got the best of YOU!
And of course, as all our employees and co- workers realize, YOU are still UNABLE to say HOW and WHY YOU think Bill died! NOPE, just CAN'T do it!! Sorry, YOU have NO CREDIBILITY.
BUT don't worry, everyone KNOWS YOU'RE too AFRAID and too EMBARRASSED to do so!
DARLIN', YOU really "shot YOUR load" when YOU jumped on that EARLY CONSPIRACY THEORY BANDWAGON! Now c'mon, get that help YOU so desperately need!!
WE all KNOW the case has been CLOSED for more than 10 years! WE all KNOW that the INVESTIGATING AUTHORITIES long ago have RULED-OUT murder, Foul Play, and Blunt Force Trauma! ALL but a very few here realize the TRUTH! This is MOST important to me.

To our Employees:
A. If YOU believe Bill Clark was murdered at the NSM, tell us WHY?
B. If You believe Bill Clark died of Natural Causes at the NSM, tell us WHY?

You are a moron. First, you spend late Friday night on this site, second, you repost this same BS over and over, and third you reply to your own posts. You mentally sick bastard.

You are a moron. First, you spend late Friday night on this site, second, you repost this same BS over and over, and third you reply to your own posts. You mentally sick bastard.

Yes DARLIN', YOUR lunatic fringe CONSPIRACY THEORIES continue to come to the forefront with NO reasoning WHY YOU believe Bill was murdered! Even though the case has been CLOSED over 10 years!
I have NEVER replied to my own posts!
But it's important to reply to the LIARS who try to convince people Bill was murdered. The TRUTH IS and has ALWAYS been that he died of NATURAL CAUSES. And what is so IRONIC is that NONE, NOT ONE of these CONSPIRACY FREAKS have EVER said WHY they believe Bill Clark was the victim of Foul Play, or murder, or Blunt Force Trauma! Yet these few Liars expect our employees and co- workers to believe them just on say so alone! These FEW are the real MORONS. They have NO SUPPORT and NO CREDIBILITY!! They ARE UNABLE to BACK- UP THEIR BELIEFS! And we all KNOW they NEVER, EVER will because of FEAR and EMBARRASSMENT and AVOIDANCE of FACTS and TRUTH! Time for YOU to get HELP!!

You are a delusional freak show and full of shit. Think about it you spend spend your Friday nights on this anonymous site Answering your own posts. A fracking Friday night on here. That's total loser status .

You are a delusional freak show and full of shit. Think about it you spend spend your Friday nights on this anonymous site Answering your own posts. A fracking Friday night on here. That's total loser status .

DARLIN', what is really so DELUSIONAL is that there are still a couple of CONSPIRACY FREAKS who post here that try to convince our employees and co- workers that Bill was murdered.
However, their problem is that they NEVER, EVER, NOT ONCE, tell us WHY they believe Bill was murdered. NONE of this is EVER addressed!! THEY just can't do it because of their FEAR and EMBARRASSMENT!
They KNOW this case has been CLOSED for over 10 years, but THEY NEVER address it! They KNOW they can find out the TRUTH about how Bill died, but THEY NEVER do! They KNOW Bill died of Natural Causes, with NO Foul Play or Blunt Force Trauma involved! THEY are LIARS.
Years ago they wrote on this very post, that the FBI forced Bill to wear a "WIRE", and then murdered him!!
QUESTION: Can you really TRUST any Conspiracy Freak who thinks like this?? This is WHY they NEVER, EVER comment specifically on Bill's death!! They have NO CREDIBILITY!

DARLIN', what is really so DELUSIONAL is that there are still a couple of CONSPIRACY FREAKS who post here that try to convince our employees and co- workers that Bill was murdered.
However, their problem is that they NEVER, EVER, NOT ONCE, tell us WHY they believe Bill was murdered. NONE of this is EVER addressed!! THEY just can't do it because of their FEAR and EMBARRASSMENT!
They KNOW this case has been CLOSED for over 10 years, but THEY NEVER address it! They KNOW they can find out the TRUTH about how Bill died, but THEY NEVER do! They KNOW Bill died of Natural Causes, with NO Foul Play or Blunt Force Trauma involved! THEY are LIARS.
Years ago they wrote on this very post, that the FBI forced Bill to wear a "WIRE", and then murdered him!!
QUESTION: Can you really TRUST any Conspiracy Freak who thinks like this?? This is WHY they NEVER, EVER comment specifically on Bill's death!! They have NO CREDIBILITY!

Again all you ever do is ignore reality and focus on your delusional personal opinion. The FACTS show you respond to your own loser posts on weekend nights and holidays. That proves you have NO life and are a big time loser boy. Responding to your own BS is sooo mental. Also Nobody's personal opinion on here means a damn thing. Follow the police reports, autopsy reports and 911 tapes for your info. If I'm not mistaken, all these legit things have been posted numerous times on this site. You on the other hand have never posted ANY specific documentation from the authorities. All you have ever done is post your delusional personal opinion versus others who have posted police reports and autopsy reports, those documented pieces make your delusional personal opinion BS look moronic. You have been played for a total ass clown on not only this thread but numerous other threads that you post on. You are garbage and need mental help.

Again all you ever do is ignore reality and focus on your delusional personal opinion. The FACTS show you respond to your own loser posts on weekend nights and holidays. That proves you have NO life and are a big time loser boy. Responding to your own BS is sooo mental. Also Nobody's personal opinion on here means a damn thing. Follow the police reports, autopsy reports and 911 tapes for your info. If I'm not mistaken, all these legit things have been posted numerous times on this site. You on the other hand have never posted ANY specific documentation from the authorities. All you have ever done is post your delusional personal opinion versus others who have posted police reports and autopsy reports, those documented pieces make your delusional personal opinion BS look moronic. You have been played for a total ass clown on not only this thread but numerous other threads that you post on. You are garbage and need mental help.

Well DARLIN', NOBODY has EVER posted any AUTOPSY report. about Bill's death! But YOU and anyone else is free to call the Maricopa County Sheriff's Office at any time and ask then VERBALLY about Bill Clark's death, and WHY the case is CLOSED over 10 years! 602-876- 1742 or call the Switchboard at 602-876-1000 to be connected to the right Information Officer! Case# 06-00885.
Very SIMPLE for YOU to do, but all our employees and co- workers and everyone at Jazz all KNOW YOU CAN'T bring YOURSELF to do it! YOU'RE deathly AFRAID and EMBARRASSED to call! But DARLIN', so very many of our employees and co- workers have already made the SIMPLE phone call, and NOW KNOW the TRUTH! YOUR CONSPIRACY THEORY of LIES has FAILED YOU!!
There's NEVER been any lies with the FBI, POLICE, and JAZZ. NO COVER-UP, NO Foul Play, NO Blunt Force Trauma. Bill died of Natural Causes, otherwise the Maricopa County Sheriff's Office would list this case as being OPEN, and looking for a murderer! So WHY is it CLOSED??

Autopsy: Phoenix Medical Examiners Office, 701 W. Jefferson St. Phoenix, AZ 85007
Telephone: 602-876-1742
Case Number: 06-00885

DARLIN', as we see YOU copying the phone number and case number I have listed so many times! You have to be having a difficult time commenting on Bill's death, since NEVER, NOT ONCE have YOU EVER stated WHY YOU believe Bill was murdered! NEVER, NOT ONCE!! YOUR listed phone number above is NOT for The Medical Examiner's Office!
So as a result, anyone can phone the Maricopa County Sheriff's Office and get the FACTS and TRUTH about HOW Bill died. 602-876-1000, the Switchboard that YOU can ask who to connect to.. Or call 602-876-1742, and talk with an INFORMATION OFFICER! Case# is 06-00885, or give them 06-035356.
Point is, anyone of our employees and co- workers can learn that this case has been CLOSED for over 10 years, and that there has NEVER been any EVIDENCE of murder, or Foul Play, or Blunt Force Trauma! They will tell YOU that if murder was EVER SUSPECTED, the case would still be OPEN. It ISN'T!
So, unless YOU believe the FBI and POLICE are LIARS, accept the fact that Bill died of Natural Causes, probably from a heart- related issue!

DARLIN', as we see YOU copying the phone number and case number I have listed so many times! You have to be having a difficult time commenting on Bill's death, since NEVER, NOT ONCE have YOU EVER stated WHY YOU believe Bill was murdered! NEVER, NOT ONCE!! YOUR listed phone number above is NOT for The Medical Examiner's Office!
So as a result, anyone can phone the Maricopa County Sheriff's Office and get the FACTS and TRUTH about HOW Bill died. 602-876-1000, the Switchboard that YOU can ask who to connect to.. Or call 602-876-1742, and talk with an INFORMATION OFFICER! Case# is 06-00885, or give them 06-035356.
Point is, anyone of our employees and co- workers can learn that this case has been CLOSED for over 10 years, and that there has NEVER been any EVIDENCE of murder, or Foul Play, or Blunt Force Trauma! They will tell YOU that if murder was EVER SUSPECTED, the case would still be OPEN. It ISN'T!
So, unless YOU believe the FBI and POLICE are LIARS, accept the fact that Bill died of Natural Causes, probably from a heart- related issue!

It does not matter what your delusional beliefs are or what anybodies beliefs on this site are. The numbers originally posted 11 years ago to call are legit as well as the police report, autopsy report and 911 tape. Blunt force trauma is the cause of death. It's also documented that 1/3 of all murders NEVER have a true suspect . Put it to rest ya delusional bastard and find something more productive to do other than dreaming up moronic shit from your moms basement.

It does not matter what your delusional beliefs are or what anybodies beliefs on this site are. The numbers originally posted 11 years ago to call are legit as well as the police report, autopsy report and 911 tape. Blunt force trauma is the cause of death. It's also documented that 1/3 of all murders NEVER have a true suspect . Put it to rest ya delusional bastard and find something more productive to do other than dreaming up moronic shit from your moms basement.

This makes too much sense to be posted in this psychotic thread.

This makes too much sense to be posted in this psychotic thread.

DARLIN', YOUR STUPIDITY is truly amazing!
The previous idiot says that 1/3 of murder suspects are NEVER convicted. What an IDIOT! Why say this when NOT one single CONSPIRACY FREAK has attempted to show EVEN a shred of PROOF that Bill was murdered!
We're talking about death at a NSM! How difficult would it have been to ARREST the person responsible??
And these couple of CONSPIRACY FREAKS are trying to say that the FBI forced Bill to wear a "WIRE", and then killed him!! They are dumber than dirt!! WHY would any employee or co- worker believe such absolute crap?? They are truly some of the DUMBEST people on earth.
The case has been CLOSED over 10 years, and Bill died of NATURAL CAUSES! There was NO Foul Play, NO Blunt Force Trauma, and NO murder! Call the Maricopa County Sheriff's Office to find out THE TRUTH!

DARLIN', YOUR STUPIDITY is truly amazing!
The previous idiot says that 1/3 of murder suspects are NEVER convicted. (Quote)

There you go putting your delusional ass clown skills on display once again. You are worse than the pot calling the kettle black with your delusional and self assuming BS. First you are hyper sensitive and very defensive with your anger and insults. Second you flip the truth based in your misinformed and delusional beliefs. The facts state that.1/3 of murders NEVER have a true suspect. Bill's murder falls under this category. How and why would an anonymous poster on this site have any suspects if indeed law enforcement have NEVER had any? It's moronic of you to continue to anonymously ask for motives and suspects on this site 11 years after the crime. Hell, law enforcement has NEVER had answers so why would there be anonymous answers on here. You are dumber than dirt and very mentally ill.

DARLIN', YOUR STUPIDITY is truly amazing!
The previous idiot says that 1/3 of murder suspects are NEVER convicted. (Quote)

There you go putting your delusional ass clown skills on display once again. You are worse than the pot calling the kettle black with your delusional and self assuming BS. First you are hyper sensitive and very defensive with your anger and insults. Second you flip the truth based in your misinformed and delusional beliefs. The facts state that.1/3 of murders NEVER have a true suspect. Bill's murder falls under this category. How and why would an anonymous poster on this site have any suspects if indeed law enforcement have NEVER had any? It's moronic of you to continue to anonymously ask for motives and suspects on this site 11 years after the crime. Hell, law enforcement has NEVER had answers so why would there be anonymous answers on here. You are dumber than dirt and very mentally ill.

But DARLIN', as YOU KNOW, there are certain FACTS that are indisputable!
Like WHY is this case CLOSED for 10 years if murder was suspected?? Murder of Bill Clark is NOT suspected, which is WHY the case has been CLOSED! It is NOT OPEN!
Like WHY would someone murder Bill? Like WHY would some moron like YOU ever post that the FBI was involved in murdering Bill, and that he once wore a "WIRE"!
YOU CONSPIRACY FREAKS are as SICK, and as DEMENTED as can possibly be! WHY would any employee and co- worker EVER believe YOU when YOU offer NOTHING! YOU have NO CREDIBILITY!
Bill died of NATURAL CAUSES according to the Maricopa County Sheriff's Office, 10 years ago! This is the TRUTH. If not, explain WHY the Sheriff's Dept. would lie!! YOU WON"T! YOU are so PATHETICALLY STUPID, AFRAID, and EMBARRASSED!! But fortunately, there are only a couple of idiots who think like YOU! Everyone at Jazz KNOWS the TRUTH. NO "GUTS" to say WHY the Sheriff's Dept. would LIE??

DARLIN', YOUR STUPIDITY is truly amazing!
The previous idiot says that 1/3 of murder suspects are NEVER convicted. (Quote)

There you go putting your delusional ass clown skills on display once again. You are worse than the pot calling the kettle black with your delusional and self assuming BS. First you are hyper sensitive and very defensive with your anger and insults. Second you flip the truth based in your misinformed and delusional beliefs. The facts state that.1/3 of murders NEVER have a true suspect. Bill's murder falls under this category. How and why would an anonymous poster on this site have any suspects if indeed law enforcement have NEVER had any? It's moronic of you to continue to anonymously ask for motives and suspects on this site 11 years after the crime. Hell, law enforcement has NEVER had answers so why would there be anonymous answers on here. You are dumber than dirt and very mentally ill.

Us new reps are not sure where we fall on this situation but I can tell you we don't understand why the person who posts the angry insults never has posted any web based links to support his claims. All he/she does is flip the script bit never provides any documentation other than personal opinion.

Us new reps are not sure where we fall on this situation but I can tell you we don't understand why the person who posts the angry insults never has posted any web based links to support his claims. All he/she does is flip the script bit never provides any documentation other than personal opinion.

DARLIN', YOU are a liar! YOU are NOT a new rep. If YOU were a NEW REP, YOU would want to KNOW WHY a CONSPIRACY FREAK doesn't have the "guts" to post anything about HOW and WHY Bill died!
If YOU were a NEW REP, YOU would ACCEPT the FACT that the case has been CLOSED for over 10 years! YOU would have called the Maricopa County Sheriff's Office by now, and discussed WHY the case is CLOSED, with an Information Officer!
YOU would LISTEN when they told YOU that it was long ago determined by the FBI and POLICE, that Bill Clark died of NATURAL CAUSES!
What YOU are DARLIN', is a left- over CONSPIRACY FREAK who is too FRIGHTENED and too EMBARRASSED to say anything about WHY and HOW and WHO murdered Bill.
Our employees and co- workers have NO reason to believe YOU! YOU DON'T speak for any NEW REP!

DARLIN', YOU are a liar! YOU are NOT a new rep. If YOU were a NEW REP, YOU would want to KNOW WHY a CONSPIRACY FREAK doesn't have the "guts" to post anything about HOW and WHY Bill died!
If YOU were a NEW REP, YOU would ACCEPT the FACT that the case has been CLOSED for over 10 years! YOU would have called the Maricopa County Sheriff's Office by now, and discussed WHY the case is CLOSED, with an Information Officer!
YOU would LISTEN when they told YOU that it was long ago determined by the FBI and POLICE, that Bill Clark died of NATURAL CAUSES!
What YOU are DARLIN', is a left- over CONSPIRACY FREAK who is too FRIGHTENED and too EMBARRASSED to say anything about WHY and HOW and WHO murdered Bill.
Our employees and co- workers have NO reason to believe YOU! YOU DON'T speak for any NEW REP!

Us new reps have minds of our own. You get angry and worked up when somebody does not conform to your personal beliefs. Us new reps don't get angry at you for having your own personal opinion. You insult people who don't allow you to influence their beliefs. That's very sad. You claim the FBI has all this documented info however you say manually calling them is the only way to obtain the info. I don't mean to insult you but for you to say the federal bureau of investigation is not automated and does not have web based info is just dumb. My generation grew up on the web and suggesting that we manually phone the federal govt is just stupid and kills your credibility.

DARLIN', the fact that Bill Clark died of NATURAL CAUSES is available for all to KNOW- and YOU have the ability to TALK with a Sheriff's Dept. Information Officer one on one!
Bill's death by NATURAL CAUSES has NOTHING to do with my PERSONAL BELIEF!! It is ESTABLISHED FACT, that almost ALL our employees and co- workers accept.
The case has been CLOSED for over 10 years! This alone should tell us ALL the TRUTH! NO murder, NO Foul Play, NO Blunt Force Trauma! WHY would YOU even suspect murder?? It's a LIE because the FBI, POLICE, Maricopa County Sheriff, and Jazz Pharmaceuticals ALL AGREE. Call 602-876-1742 or 602-876- 1000 (switchboard). I offer this as my EVIDENCE! Where's YOURS??

DARLIN', the fact that Bill Clark died of NATURAL CAUSES is available for all to KNOW- and YOU have the ability to TALK with a Sheriff's Dept. Information Officer one on one!
Bill's death by NATURAL CAUSES has NOTHING to do with my PERSONAL BELIEF!! It is ESTABLISHED FACT, that almost ALL our employees and co- workers accept.
The case has been CLOSED for over 10 years! This alone should tell us ALL the TRUTH! NO murder, NO Foul Play, NO Blunt Force Trauma! WHY would YOU even suspect murder?? It's a LIE because the FBI, POLICE, Maricopa County Sheriff, and Jazz Pharmaceuticals ALL AGREE. Call 602-876-1742 or 602-876- 1000 (switchboard). I offer this as my EVIDENCE! Where's YOURS??

2 logical questions for you.

1. What documentation do you have from the FBI?
2. What documentation do you have to prove Bill died of natural causes?

Your personal beliefs don't count as any documentation.