What are you some sort of ass brain? 1/3 of all murders never have an arrest ever made. all your caps lock words are dumb and don't even make sense. BTW, no murder cases are ever closed and or cleared until an arrests and conviction have been made so your posts show how stupid your are.

DARLIN', if YOU want to find out whether or not this case is CLEARED and CLOSED today, YOU simply have to call the Maricopa County Sheriff's Office! They will tell YOU the case has been CLOSED for 10 years!! It is NOT OPEN, and it was determined long ago that there was NO Foul Play, No murder, No Blunt Force Trauma.
602-876-1742, case# 06-00885. They will tell YOU the TRUTH, that there is NO reason to have the case OPEN.
You are a complete idiot and Conspiracy Freak! And what makes YOU more of an idiot is that YOU don't mention WHY Bill Clark WAS murdered! WHY NOT?? YOU'RE too AFRAID, too EMBARRASSED, too ASHAMED to let our employees KNOW YOU are a LIAR and a PHONEY! NO wonder they don't believe YOU!
C'mon DARLIN', tell our employees WHY the FBI and POLICE killed a pharmaceutical sales rep!! NO GUTS??

DARLIN', if YOU want to find out whether or not this case is CLEARED and CLOSED today, YOU simply have to call the Maricopa County Sheriff's Office! They will tell YOU the case has been CLOSED for 10 years!! It is NOT OPEN, and it was determined long ago that there was NO Foul Play, No murder, No Blunt Force Trauma.
602-876-1742, case# 06-00885. They will tell YOU the TRUTH, that there is NO reason to have the case OPEN.
You are a complete idiot and Conspiracy Freak! And what makes YOU more of an idiot is that YOU don't mention WHY Bill Clark WAS murdered! WHY NOT?? YOU'RE too AFRAID, too EMBARRASSED, too ASHAMED to let our employees KNOW YOU are a LIAR and a PHONEY! NO wonder they don't believe YOU!
C'mon DARLIN', tell our employees WHY the FBI and POLICE killed a pharmaceutical sales rep!! NO GUTS??

What part of you are a dumb fuck every time you moronically say this case is cleared and closed don't you understand. That is a dumb ass lie by a total ass brain who has never posted any of her own material on here. Everything you post is cooy cat material that you spin and lie about.

What part of you are a dumb fuck every time you moronically say this case is cleared and closed don't you understand. That is a dumb ass lie by a total ass brain who has never posted any of her own material on here. Everything you post is cooy cat material that you spin and lie about.

DARLIN', because YOU continue to refuse to make any comment about WHY YOU think Bill Clark was murdered, I'll continue. YOUR stupidity continues run rampant!
This case is CLEARED and CLOSED because the Maricopa County Sheriff's Dept. has it CLOSED!! And according to them, it has been CLEARED and CLOSED for 10 years. This means exactly what it says it means. It has satisfied the FBI, POLICE and all investigating authorities 10 years ago!!
There was NO murder. There was NO FOUL PLAY. There was NO BLUNT FORCE TRAUMA. There was NO COVER- UP between the FBI, POLICE, and Jazz Pharmaceuticals. There was NO ARREST EVER made during the last 10 years. Bill Clark died of NATURAL CAUSES. PERIOD.
If YOU think Bill was murdered, tell us WHY! Don't let FEAR and EMBARRASSMENT prevent YOU from AVOIDING YOUR Conspiracy thoughts! I'm sure our employees would love to read WHY YOU think Bill was murdered! C'MON DARLIN', give us YOUR FACTS!! What do YOU KNOW that NO ONE else KNOWS??

As a new rep I am intrigued by all of this. As mentioned in my earlier posts, when me and my new hire buddies brought up this story in home office training, nobody up there knew anything about a natural cases death from 2006 at the company NSM. I have done some research and actually pulled up Bill's obit. I was able to confirm another posters info that he was an avid golfer and a very athletic and physically fit 44 year old man. Natural causes death usually means heart condition, cancer, stroke etc. Bill had no history of any of these conditions. Your opinion of Bill dying of natural causes does not add up considering his age, athletic healthy life and clean medical history. As I researched unsolved murder rates, it appears that murder is more likely cause of his death. I am attaching some proven stats on this topic.


As a new rep I am intrigued by all of this. As mentioned in my earlier posts, when me and my new hire buddies brought up this story in home office training, nobody up there knew anything about a natural cases death from 2006 at the company NSM. I have done some research and actually pulled up Bill's obit. I was able to confirm another posters info that he was an avid golfer and a very athletic and physically fit 44 year old man. Natural causes death usually means heart condition, cancer, stroke etc. Bill had no history of any of these conditions. Your opinion of Bill dying of natural causes does not add up considering his age, athletic healthy life and clean medical history. As I researched unsolved murder rates, it appears that murder is more likely cause of his death. I am attaching some proven stats on this topic.


DARLIN', YOU are truly an amazingly STUPID individual! With all the deaths that occur in America each year, YOU cannot possibly state with any degree of intellegence how Bill died! And as a "new rep", how is it possible for YOU to know Bill's medical history, especially his history of heart disease?? He died over 10 years ago! YOU were probably in Middle School when he died! Murder or Foul Play is NEVER mentioned in an "obit"! DARLIN', YOU just continue to be exposed by YOUR LIES!! This shows YOUR STUPIDITY!
All these lies, combined with YOUR failure to tell all of us here at Jazz, HOW, WHEN, WHO, WHY, Bill was murdered?? As we ALL KNOW, YOU are a liar, a phony, and are deathly AFRAID and EMBARRASSED to mention anything SPECIFIC YOU believe about Bill's death.

"YOUR failure to tell all of us here at Jazz"

Although I am a new sales rep here I know enough to know that "Telling" is not selling. Asking is how you learn things. You try to twist and manipulate my post to get your own personal agenda out of them. I'm not trying to tell anyone anything like you are accusing me of. I am trying to learn about Bill's so called murder. I have asked lots of corporate people about this strange story and nobody knows about it. I have done Internet research on the matter. This is how you truly learn and educate yourself on a subject matter. It's shallow, closed minded and very dated to ridicule someone who educates themselves on a topic. I guess you don't understand this informed approach as you get soooo defensive and angry when someone questions your tainted and unproven views on the matter. Just saying, your story of a natural causes death does not add up. My research shows 1/3 of all murders never have an specific suspect and arrests are never made. There are over 200,000 murder cases in America that fit this category and it appears that Bill's case is 1 of the 200,000. For you to say you don't believe he was murdered is your opinion but to randomly guess and say he died of natural causes is fair fetched and carries no weight. Again, I'm not telling but asking about this story before I form an opinion. You on the other hand are making lots of opinion based assumptions and are the one doing lots of telling on here. Hmmmmm?

"YOUR failure to tell all of us here at Jazz"

Although I am a new sales rep here I know enough to know that "Telling" is not selling. Asking is how you learn things. You try to twist and manipulate my post to get your own personal agenda out of them. I'm not trying to tell anyone anything like you are accusing me of. I am trying to learn about Bill's so called murder. I have asked lots of corporate people about this strange story and nobody knows about it. I have done Internet research on the matter. This is how you truly learn and educate yourself on a subject matter. It's shallow, closed minded and very dated to ridicule someone who educates themselves on a topic. I guess you don't understand this informed approach as you get soooo defensive and angry when someone questions your tainted and unproven views on the matter. Just saying, your story of a natural causes death does not add up. My research shows 1/3 of all murders never have an specific suspect and arrests are never made. There are over 200,000 murder cases in America that fit this category and it appears that Bill's case is 1 of the 200,000. For you to say you don't believe he was murdered is your opinion but to randomly guess and say he died of natural causes is fair fetched and carries no weight. Again, I'm not telling but asking about this story before I form an opinion. You on the other hand are making lots of opinion based assumptions and are the one doing lots of telling on here. Hmmmmm?

No DARLIN', I'm NOT guessing about how Bill died. I have researched his death by asking questions to PROOF sources, like the Maricopa County Sheriff's Office. He died of Natural Causes, which is WHY the case has been SOLVED, CLEARED and CLOSED for 10 years!
WHAT have YOU EVER said with regards to HOW Bill died?? With regards to WHY Bill died?? With regards to WHO murdered Bill?? YOU have NOT researched this case! If YOU had, YOU would have the "guts" to come accross with more information. Of course, YOU haven't! Too AFRAID?? Too EMBARRASSED?? or just too STUPID??
I'm quite confident that our fellow- employees easily see through YOUR charade! They NOW KNOW the full TRUTH! When the FBI and POLICE and all investigating authorities have come to the same conclusions- NO murder, NO Foul Play, NO Blunt Force Trauma, the case is CLOSED.
IF YOU believe a murder took place, tell us HOW, WHY, WHO, would kill an innocent sales rep?? NAH, YOU'RE too afraid. Once YOU tell a LIE, it's hard to retract it! That's YOUR problem.

Across the United States, police and prosecutors are allowing tens of thousands of wanted felons — including more than 3,300 people accused of sexual assaults, robberies and homicides — to escape justice merely by crossing a state border, a USA TODAY investigation found. Those decisions, almost always made in secret, permit fugitives to go free in communities across the country, leaving their crimes unpunished, their victims outraged and the public at risk.

Across the United States, police and prosecutors are allowing tens of thousands of wanted felons — including more than 3,300 people accused of sexual assaults, robberies and homicides — to escape justice merely by crossing a state border, a USA TODAY investigation found. Those decisions, almost always made in secret, permit fugitives to go free in communities across the country, leaving their crimes unpunished, their victims outraged and the public at risk.

DARLIN', What makes YOU think that there even was a murder that took place?? According to the Sheriff's Office, the FBI, the POLICE, and any investigating authority, Bill Clark died of Natural Causes 10 years ago!
And while some FELONS do go unpunished, the authorities KNOW that a murder DID take place!
YOUR posts are really "dumber than dirt"! They assume a murder took place, when NO murder ever took place, according to the authorities. This investigation has been CLEARED and CLOSED 10 years ago, with NO arrest made.
So, please tell us HOW YOU KNOW that Bill was murdered! WHY talk about crimes, when YOU don't know there was a crime!! Where's YOUR PROOF?? WHY don't the authorities ACCEPT that there was a crime?? Surely, our employees are smart enough to figure this out!

DARLIN', What makes YOU think that there even was a murder that took place?? According to the Sheriff's Office, the FBI, the POLICE, and any investigating authority, Bill Clark died of Natural Causes 10 years ago!
And while some FELONS do go unpunished, the authorities KNOW that a murder DID take place!
YOUR posts are really "dumber than dirt"! They assume a murder took place, when NO murder ever took place, according to the authorities. This investigation has been CLEARED and CLOSED 10 years ago, with NO arrest made.
So, please tell us HOW YOU KNOW that Bill was murdered! WHY talk about crimes, when YOU don't know there was a crime!! Where's YOUR PROOF?? WHY don't the authorities ACCEPT that there was a crime?? Surely, our employees are smart enough to figure this out!

You are a total ass clown moron who lies your ass off. You do not even know what the hell you are saying on your posts and you are obviously clueless how dumb your posts make you look.

At least learn the terminology so you can try to not look so stupid on what you are posting about. You do not even make sense ya fucktard.

To use the FBI's terminology, the national "clearance rate" for homicide today is 64.1 percent. Fifty years ago, it was more than 90 percent.

Very interesting DARLIN', but how does this apply to Bill Clark's death- how he died??
Between YOU and that other IDIOT who obviously needs anger management help, talking about Bill's death from Natural Causes, has become an almost "fun task" for me!!
But DARLIN', I am curious about one thing. As a "new rep", what exactly in YOUR research about Bill's death, made YOU decide that he was indeed murdered. Is this a question YOU specifically choose to answer?? Or will YOU just AVOID answeing the question, like YOU always do?? YOU'RE NOT very bright, so NOTHING will surprise me!! And i KNOW YOUR FEAR and EMBARRASSMENT won't help YOU to answer. YOUR grammar and writing style is also quite poor, which also does NOT help YOU respond! But give it a try, YOUR co- workers may want to know!

Very interesting DARLIN', but how does this apply to Bill Clark's death- how he died??
Between YOU and that other IDIOT who obviously needs anger management help, talking about Bill's death from Natural Causes, has become an almost "fun task" for me!!
But DARLIN', I am curious about one thing. As a "new rep", what exactly in YOUR research about Bill's death, made YOU decide that he was indeed murdered. Is this a question YOU specifically choose to answer?? Or will YOU just AVOID answeing the question, like YOU always do?? YOU'RE NOT very bright, so NOTHING will surprise me!! And i KNOW YOUR FEAR and EMBARRASSMENT won't help YOU to answer. YOUR grammar and writing style is also quite poor, which also does NOT help YOU respond! But give it a try, YOUR co- workers may want to know!

First, why do you get so enraged and defensive when somebody questions your personal opinion? Second, can you provide documentation on a 44 year young athletic and clean bill of health man with no,prior medical hx suddenly dies of what you say was natural causes? It seems to be a stretch and also very vague. You say you know so much but always avoid a specific cause of death. Remember, 36% of all murder s never have a suspect. This seems to be more logical here instead of a young healthy and athletic man suddenly dying of vague unknown causes?. Again, I'm not telling, I'm asking for answers and you keep evading the truth by not providing answers. All I am saying is a don't believe Bill died of vague natural causes.

First, why do you get so enraged and defensive when somebody questions your personal opinion? Second, can you provide documentation on a 44 year young athletic and clean bill of health man with no,prior medical hx suddenly dies of what you say was natural causes? It seems to be a stretch and also very vague. You say you know so much but always avoid a specific cause of death. Remember, 36% of all murder s never have a suspect. This seems to be more logical here instead of a young healthy and athletic man suddenly dying of vague unknown causes?. Again, I'm not telling, I'm asking for answers and you keep evading the truth by not providing answers. All I am saying is a don't believe Bill died of vague natural causes.

Very valid points. That mental stooge lives in denial and is filled with delusional beliefs. He is clueless and flat out lies. He does not even know what natural causes are or how a mirder case is actually closed. The fucktard even lies about how he thinks Bill died depending on the day. He once said Bill "prob died" of a heart attack which is a flat out lie. The only think that is a consensus with him is he is a psycho case who only uses this site to feed is fucked up mental disorder. He never knew Bill and was was not at the NSM.

Very valid points. That mental stooge lives in denial and is filled with delusional beliefs. He is clueless and flat out lies. He does not even know what natural causes are or how a mirder case is actually closed. The fucktard even lies about how he thinks Bill died depending on the day. He once said Bill "prob died" of a heart attack which is a flat out lie. The only think that is a consensus with him is he is a psycho case who only uses this site to feed is fucked up mental disorder. He never knew Bill and was was not at the NSM.

DARLIN', YOU keep saying YOU believe Bill was murdered and did NOT die of Natural Causes. BUT YOU HAVE NEVER SAID WHY YOU BELIEVE BILL WAS MURDERED! Was every deceased 44 year old healthy man in America murdered? Thousands of "healthy" people die each year from Natural Causes, just like Bill Clark! The few Conspiracy Freaks left here at Jazz can't change the TRUTH!!
This really shows the range of STUPIDITY which YOU operate under. FEAR, EMBARRASSMENT, and AVOIDANCE is how YOU handle YOUR Conspiracy Theory!
Until YOU say specifically WHY YOU believe Bill was murdered, YOU have little CREDIBILITY among our employees here at Jazz. Our employees are MUCH smarter than YOU give them credit for!. Where is YOUR EVIDENCE?? Where is YOUR PROOF? Obviously, the mental disorder is YOURS!
The case has been completely CLEARED and CLOSED for 10 years. Accept it! It is NOT OPEN.

DARLIN', YOU keep saying YOU believe Bill was murdered and did NOT die of Natural Causes. BUT YOU HAVE NEVER SAID WHY YOU BELIEVE BILL WAS MURDERED! Was every deceased 44 year old healthy man in America murdered? Thousands of "healthy" people die each year from Natural Causes, just like Bill Clark! The few Conspiracy Freaks left here at Jazz can't change the TRUTH!!
This really shows the range of STUPIDITY which YOU operate under. FEAR, EMBARRASSMENT, and AVOIDANCE is how YOU handle YOUR Conspiracy Theory!
Until YOU say specifically WHY YOU believe Bill was murdered, YOU have little CREDIBILITY among our employees here at Jazz. Our employees are MUCH smarter than YOU give them credit for!. Where is YOUR EVIDENCE?? Where is YOUR PROOF? Obviously, the mental disorder is YOURS!
The case has been completely CLEARED and CLOSED for 10 years. Accept it! It is NOT OPEN.

Damn son you are one dumb delusional bastard. You are alone all by yourself.... There are not other employees on here following your bull shit. You should have learned that when you posted something asking "employees" what they thought and not one single person responded to you. This is a common core behavior of people like you who suffer from NPD. Low self esteem, feelings of self worthlessness, grandiosity, delusions....etc. this is all you. This is an anonymous site that you pathetically try to use to promote your delusions and grandiosity. Bottom line is you are a mentally ill loser that nobody cares about. So stop acting out like you are this expert of Jazz affairs and go take your psych meds.

DARLIN', YOU keep saying YOU believe Bill was murdered and did NOT die of Natural Causes. BUT YOU HAVE NEVER SAID WHY YOU BELIEVE BILL WAS MURDERED! Was every deceased 44 year old healthy man in America murdered? Thousands of "healthy" people die each year from Natural Causes, just like Bill Clark! The few Conspiracy Freaks left here at Jazz can't change the TRUTH!!
This really shows the range of STUPIDITY which YOU operate under. FEAR, EMBARRASSMENT, and AVOIDANCE is how YOU handle YOUR Conspiracy Theory!
Until YOU say specifically WHY YOU believe Bill was murdered, YOU have little CREDIBILITY among our employees here at Jazz. Our employees are MUCH smarter than YOU give them credit for!. Where is YOUR EVIDENCE?? Where is YOUR PROOF? Obviously, the mental disorder is YOURS!
The case has been completely CLEARED and CLOSED for 10 years. Accept it! It is NOT OPEN.

Your angry and enraged responses expose you for being a mentally deranged psycho. You struggle with feelings of self worthlessness and low self esteem and can't handle the reality of being a nut job.

Your angry and enraged responses expose you for being a mentally deranged psycho. You struggle with feelings of self worthlessness and low self esteem and can't handle the reality of being a nut job.[/QUOTE

DARLIN', what I believe our employees and co- workers are most concerned with is YOUR FAILURE to support YOUR view that Bill Clark was murdered! Because of YOUR FEAR, EMBARRASSMENT and AVOIDANCE, they see YOU for what YOU really are; a LIAR. a PHONY, a CONSPIRACY FREAK! Someone who KNOWS Bill died of Natural Causes, but is much too frightened to admit the TRUTH! Why else would YOU Avoid the FACTS??
The case has been CLEARED and CLOSED for 10 years now. Everyone at Jazz knows this. It is supported by the FBI, POLICE, all other Investigating Authorities, including the Maricopa County Sheriff's Dept., and Jazz Pharmaceuticals!
YOUR CREDIBILITY with everyone at Jazz is non- existent! Get the anger management help YOU so desperately need!

Damn son you are one dumb delusional bastard. You are alone all by yourself.... There are no other Jazz employees who post on here to follow your delusional bull shit. You should have learned that when you posted something asking "employees" what they thought of Bill's death and not one single person responded to you. Your OCD posts are common and is vintage behavior of people like you who suffer from NPD. Low self esteem, feelings of self worthlessness, grandiosity, delusions....etc. this is all you. This is an anonymous site that you pathetically try to use to promote your delusions and grandiosity. You pretend like it's some sort of internal Jazz site but reality is its open to the general public to post away on. Bottom line is you are a mentally ill loser that nobody cares about. So stop acting out like you are this expert of Jazz affairs and go take your psych meds.