Odd that you are so obsessed with this case. You claim to be an expert on everything regarding the murder while only offering your personal opinion of what you think happened. clearly you are over compensating for some sort of inferiority complex. You have played the anonymous detective, coroner, life insurer, sales manager, family member, sheriff, paramedic, attorney, news media and any and all perceived person of authority. Yep all of the core symptoms and behaviors of a narcissitc and very mentally ill person. People like you who aimlessly troll these boards to out your mental impairments on display as a means to fill a void in your life are pathetic. I'll sure you will feed your Narcissitic sad self one last time by replying to this post only to further make an ass out of yourself. See ya and I would definitely not want to be ya.... The pathetic and mentally disturbed ass wipe.that you are.
Well sweetheart, what has seemingly made me so obsessed with this case, is a chance to correct the lies YOU have tried to manufacture about Bill's death!
For several years there were people like YOU who tried to "push" a theory of foul play and murder! A NON- EXISTENT conspiracy theory that Bill Clark's death was COVERED-UP by the FBI and POLICE and Jazz Pharmaceuticals. A totally FALSE claim! Case CLEARED and CLOSED.
So 'darlin, in spite of YOUR attacks and accusations, the employees here at Jazz now know,, that Bill's death was a normal, accidental, unfortunate occurrance. THE TRUTH has always been my goal. And I have succeeded! I'll continue to defend the TRUTH, in spite of a few people like YOU who offer NOTHING else!