Odd that you are so obsessed with this case. You claim to be an expert on everything regarding the murder while only offering your personal opinion of what you think happened. clearly you are over compensating for some sort of inferiority complex. You have played the anonymous detective, coroner, life insurer, sales manager, family member, sheriff, paramedic, attorney, news media and any and all perceived person of authority. Yep all of the core symptoms and behaviors of a narcissitc and very mentally ill person. People like you who aimlessly troll these boards to out your mental impairments on display as a means to fill a void in your life are pathetic. I'll sure you will feed your Narcissitic sad self one last time by replying to this post only to further make an ass out of yourself. See ya and I would definitely not want to be ya.... The pathetic and mentally disturbed ass wipe.that you are.

Well sweetheart, what has seemingly made me so obsessed with this case, is a chance to correct the lies YOU have tried to manufacture about Bill's death!
For several years there were people like YOU who tried to "push" a theory of foul play and murder! A NON- EXISTENT conspiracy theory that Bill Clark's death was COVERED-UP by the FBI and POLICE and Jazz Pharmaceuticals. A totally FALSE claim! Case CLEARED and CLOSED.
So 'darlin, in spite of YOUR attacks and accusations, the employees here at Jazz now know,, that Bill's death was a normal, accidental, unfortunate occurrance. THE TRUTH has always been my goal. And I have succeeded! I'll continue to defend the TRUTH, in spite of a few people like YOU who offer NOTHING else!

Although this particular thread is about Bill's tragic murder, this one looney bird has trolled sooo many Jazz threads with the same abnormal Narcissitic posts. No matter the topic of the Jazz thread, they post the same Narcissitic replies. Their abnormal behavior is so classic narcissism.

Obsessive self interest
Need of constant attention
Exaggerate talents and achievements
Self Centered goals
Being preoccupied with fantasies of power and fame.

Let's face it Bill was murdered now 10 years ago and no offense to Bill and his family but this persons narcissistic train ride hijacking this topic to feed his narcissisitc life has become fatigued and uninteresting and just down right moronic. There is no longer any entertainment value here so just stop feeding this mentally deranged moron.

Although this particular thread is about Bill's tragic murder, this one looney bird has trolled sooo many Jazz threads with the same abnormal Narcissitic posts. No matter the topic of the Jazz thread, they post the same Narcissitic replies. Their abnormal behavior is so classic narcissism.

Obsessive self interest
Need of constant attention
Exaggerate talents and achievements
Self Centered goals
Being preoccupied with fantasies of power and fame.

Let's face it Bill was murdered now 10 years ago and no offense to Bill and his family but this persons narcissistic train ride hijacking this topic to feed his narcissisitc life has become fatigued and uninteresting and just down right moronic. There is no longer any entertainment value here so just stop feeding this mentally deranged moron.

Well once again sweetheart, YOU fail to offer any proof of Bill Clark's death. NO, as everyone now knows, Bill was NOT murdered. YOUR attacks on me will NEVER substitite for the TRUTH. YOUR name- calling appears to be getting "old" to our employees!
If YOU had just a shred of "guts" to phone the Maricopa County Sheriff's Office, 602-876-1742, #2, YOU would know that Bill's case has long been CLOSED, and there was NO hidden agenda conspiracy between the Federal Bureau of Investigation, POLICE, and Jazz! So 'darlin, stop lying and accept the TRUTH. YOUR attacks on me are the only things YOU are able to do! But it's NOT enough! EVERYONE sees YOU have NO proof to offer, only "rants" about me personally!! It's all YOU CAN DO!

Sadly Bills death or the topic of this thread has nothing to do with this sad persons Narcissitic posts on here. The topic of the thread could be anything. Here is a classic look at why this sad person with blatened NPD lashes out at posters on here.

It's especially suggestive that two common terms in the psychoanalytic literature used to describe NPD are "narcissistic injury" and "narcissistic rage." The "injury" results from their parents' deficiencies in being able to adequately nurture them, and so make them feel loved--a prerequisite for self-love. Which is why they need constantly to prove themselves by arrogantly claiming a superiority over others that, alone, can make themselves feel "good enough" to be loved . . . but which, ironically, serves in time only to alienate these others.


It's precisely this need to be viewed as perfect, superlative, or infallible that makes them so hypersensitive to criticism. And their typical reaction to criticism, disagreement, challenges-or sometimes even the mere suggestion that they consider doing something differently-can lead to the "narcissistic rage" that is another of their trademarks. To protect their delicate ego in the face of such intensely felt danger, they're decidedly at risk for going ballistic against their perceived adversary.

All of which indicates just how fragile their artificially bloated sense of self really is. Given the enormity of their defenses, they regard themselves not on a par with, but above others. Yet they're mortally threatened when anyone dares question their words or behavior. Ancient fears about not being acceptable are never that far from the surface, which is why narcissists must forever be on their guard with anyone who might disbelieve or doubt them. For any external expression of doubt can tap into their own self-doubts.

Sadly Bills death or the topic of this thread has nothing to do with this sad persons Narcissitic posts on here. The topic of the thread could be anything. Here is a classic look at why this sad person with blatened NPD lashes out at posters on here.

It's especially suggestive that two common terms in the psychoanalytic literature used to describe NPD are "narcissistic injury" and "narcissistic rage." The "injury" results from their parents' deficiencies in being able to adequately nurture them, and so make them feel loved--a prerequisite for self-love. Which is why they need constantly to prove themselves by arrogantly claiming a superiority over others that, alone, can make themselves feel "good enough" to be loved . . . but which, ironically, serves in time only to alienate these others.


It's precisely this need to be viewed as perfect, superlative, or infallible that makes them so hypersensitive to criticism. And their typical reaction to criticism, disagreement, challenges-or sometimes even the mere suggestion that they consider doing something differently-can lead to the "narcissistic rage" that is another of their trademarks. To protect their delicate ego in the face of such intensely felt danger, they're decidedly at risk for going ballistic against their perceived adversary.

All of which indicates just how fragile their artificially bloated sense of self really is. Given the enormity of their defenses, they regard themselves not on a par with, but above others. Yet they're mortally threatened when anyone dares question their words or behavior. Ancient fears about not being acceptable are never that far from the surface, which is why narcissists must forever be on their guard with anyone who might disbelieve or doubt them. For any external expression of doubt can tap into their own self-doubts.

Well sweetheart, YOU continue to stay off the subject in YOUR pathetic responses! You continue to ignore the TRUTH of how Bill died. This is seemingly what our employees at Jazz are most interested in. They could care less about YOUR personal attacks upon me. They know it's nothing more than a diversion!
They are most interested in: Why has the case been CLOSED if murder was involved? Why in 10 years has no one been arrested for a crime at a NSM? Why do a few conspiracy freaks think there was a COVER- UP of a representative's death, by the FBI, POLICE, and Jazz Pharmaceuticals? Why do these few conspiracy freaks have such a terrible FEAR of calling the Maricopa County Sheriff's Office? Do these conspiracy freaks really believe that someone WILL EVER be arrested for murder?
I will continue to tell the TRUTH about Bill's death, in spite of meaningless personal attacks on me. I ask that ALL our employees who have an interest in Bill's unfortunate death at an NSM, to think about what's going on, and what's being said, and by whom. Don't let some few people try to EVADE the TRUTH!

Well sweetheart, YOU continue to stay off the subject in YOUR pathetic responses! You continue to ignore the TRUTH of how Bill died. This is seemingly what our employees at Jazz are most interested in. They could care less about YOUR personal attacks upon me. They know it's nothing more than a diversion!
They are most interested in: Why has the case been CLOSED if murder was involved? Why in 10 years has no one been arrested for a crime at a NSM? Why do a few conspiracy freaks think there was a COVER- UP of a representative's death, by the FBI, POLICE, and Jazz Pharmaceuticals? Why do these few conspiracy freaks have such a terrible FEAR of calling the Maricopa County Sheriff's Office? Do these conspiracy freaks really believe that someone WILL EVER be arrested for murder?
I will continue to tell the TRUTH about Bill's death, in spite of meaningless personal attacks on me. I ask that ALL our employees who have an interest in Bill's unfortunate death at an NSM, to think about what's going on, and what's being said, and by whom. Don't let some few people try to EVADE the TRUTH!

Classic text book NPD response.

To the narcissist, the rage is justly directed towards the person that they felt slighted or challenged them; to observers, the rage is irrational and unjust. The fuming rage impairs their cognition, therefore impairing their judgment. During the rage they are prone to shouting, fact distortion and making groundless accusations.

Classic text book NPD response.

To the narcissist, the rage is justly directed towards the person that they felt slighted or challenged them; to observers, the rage is irrational and unjust. The fuming rage impairs their cognition, therefore impairing their judgment. During the rage they are prone to shouting, fact distortion and making groundless accusations.

Well sweetheart, YOU appear to be the one with RAGE! The thing YOU fail to understand is that by now, our employees DON"T really care much about YOUR definition of me! They're past YOUR nonesense by now! They care much more about Bill Clark's death! And now they are fully aware of the TRUTH, based on the FACTS. Most have already called the Maricopa County Sheriff's Dept., and have spoken to an Information Officer about the status of the case.
NO 'darlin, people don't believe YOUR LIES about a conspiracy COVER- UP. People know there was NO COVER- UP between the FBI, POLICE, and Jazz Pharmaceuticals! They know there was NO foul play or murder. They know Bill died of natural causes, and of course, NO arrest(s) were EVER made! They know this case is CLEARED and CLOSED for many years!
And they know YOUR attacks on me are meaningless, and only done to EVADE the REAL subject of Bill's death, so YOU don't have to discuss the TRUTH of what really occurred.

Well sweetheart, YOU appear to be the one with RAGE! The thing YOU fail to understand is that by now, our employees DON"T really care much about YOUR definition of me! They're past YOUR nonesense by now! They care much more about Bill Clark's death! And now they are fully aware of the TRUTH, based on the FACTS. Most have already called the Maricopa County Sheriff's Dept., and have spoken to an Information Officer about the status of the case.
NO 'darlin, people don't believe YOUR LIES about a conspiracy COVER- UP. People know there was NO COVER- UP between the FBI, POLICE, and Jazz Pharmaceuticals! They know there was NO foul play or murder. They know Bill died of natural causes, and of course, NO arrest(s) were EVER made! They know this case is CLEARED and CLOSED for many years!
And they know YOUR attacks on me are meaningless, and only done to EVADE the REAL subject of Bill's death, so YOU don't have to discuss the TRUTH of what really occurred.

Pin point NPD behavior. I mean your responses are 100% text book NPD.

Your fuming rage impairs your cognition, therefore impairing your judgment. During the rage you are prone to shouting, fact distortion and making groundless accusations.

Pin point NPD behavior. I mean your responses are 100% text book NPD.

Your fuming rage impairs your cognition, therefore impairing your judgment. During the rage you are prone to shouting, fact distortion and making groundless accusations.

Well sweetheart, any signs of FUMING RAGE must be in YOUR head!
I simply tell the TRUTH about the cause of the unfortunate death of Bill Clark. I merely choose to counter- act any charges of murder or foul play, which are brought up by a few conspiracy theorists.
Bill died of natural causes. The case has been CLEARED and CLOSED over 9 years. This is FACTUAL! There was no COVER- UP between the FBI and POLICE and Jazz Pharmaceuticals. By speaking with Information Personnel at the Maricopa County Sheriff's Dept., we can learn the TRUTH and the FACTS surrounding Bill's death at a NSM. Calling The Sheriff's Dept. at 602-876-1742, #2 is most helpful! Case# is 06-00885.
Of course, there have NEVER been any SUSPECTS detained or arrested in a bogus murder investigation!
Our fellow- employees here at Jazz accept the TRUTH. Many have taken the necessary steps to check the FACTS.

Well sweetheart, any signs of FUMING RAGE must be in YOUR head!
I simply tell the TRUTH about the cause of the unfortunate death of Bill Clark. I merely choose to counter- act any charges of murder or foul play, which are brought up by a few conspiracy theorists.
Bill died of natural causes. The case has been CLEARED and CLOSED over 9 years. This is FACTUAL! There was no COVER- UP between the FBI and POLICE and Jazz Pharmaceuticals. By speaking with Information Personnel at the Maricopa County Sheriff's Dept., we can learn the TRUTH and the FACTS surrounding Bill's death at a NSM. Calling The Sheriff's Dept. at 602-876-1742, #2 is most helpful! Case# is 06-00885.
Of course, there have NEVER been any SUSPECTS detained or arrested in a bogus murder investigation!
Our fellow- employees here at Jazz accept the TRUTH. Many have taken the necessary steps to check the FACTS.


Well sweetheart, any signs of FUMING RAGE must be in YOUR head!
I simply tell the TRUTH about the cause of the unfortunate death of Bill Clark. I merely choose to counter- act any charges of murder or foul play, which are brought up by a few conspiracy theorists.
Bill died of natural causes. The case has been CLEARED and CLOSED over 9 years. This is FACTUAL! There was no COVER- UP between the FBI and POLICE and Jazz Pharmaceuticals. By speaking with Information Personnel at the Maricopa County Sheriff's Dept., we can learn the TRUTH and the FACTS surrounding Bill's death at a NSM. Calling The Sheriff's Dept. at 602-876-1742, #2 is most helpful! Case# is 06-00885.
Of course, there have NEVER been any SUSPECTS detained or arrested in a bogus murder investigation!
Our fellow- employees here at Jazz accept the TRUTH. Many have taken the necessary steps to check the FACTS.

Your foolish replies totally expose your raging NPD. Learn a little more about yourself below. If Bill's cause of death was your actual problem your life would be easy. Unfortunately your NPD eats at you like a cancer and totally controls your life.

If you have narcissistic personality disorder, you may come across as conceited, boastful or pretentious. You often monopolize conversations. You may belittle or look down on people you perceive as inferior. You may feel a sense of entitlement — and when you don't receive special treatment, you may become impatient or angry.

At the same time, you have trouble handling anything that may be perceived as criticism. You may have secret feelings of insecurity, shame, vulnerability and humiliation. To feel better, you may react with rage or contempt and try to belittle the other person to make yourself appear superior. Or you may feel depressed and moody because you fall short of perfection.

A High 5 to Carol.
Have one on Bill.
Hell have one on Dr. Gleason too.
Keep your friends close and your enemies closer.
Right luv bug?
Psychotic lump of shit.
You were there.
Get a grip.
Move on with your life luv bug.


Gleason murder was tragic. This company turned its back on 2 of its own and pretended they knew nothing. Purely tragic and inexcusable.

Bill Clark's untimely death was SOLVED 10 years ago! He died of Natural Causes.
Jazz Pharmaceuticals is NOT the murder capital. There has NEVER been any PROOF he was murdered. And by whom??
If YOU can't provide any Evidence he was murdered, stop trying to convince people he was!

Carol knows the truth. Luv bug on the other hand is a mentally ill sack of shit.

Continuing to say Bill was murdered shows everyone what a truly DEMENTED IDIOT who "loves" to talk conspiracy, YOU are. NOT a single shred of PROOF or EVIDENCE is listed showing any Foul Play, murder, or Blunt Force Trauma was part of Bill's death!! Carol may know the truth, but YOU don't! There's NO PLACE for a pathetic liar who can't show Bill was murdered. The Maricopa County Sheriff, the FBI, the POLICE all state the case is CLEARED and CLOSED and has been for 10 years!
Unless of course, YOU are BEYOND FREAKIN' STUPIDITY, and think there was a massive COVER- UP!!

Continuing to say Bill was murdered shows everyone what a truly DEMENTED IDIOT who "loves" to talk conspiracy, YOU are. NOT a single shred of PROOF or EVIDENCE is listed showing any Foul Play, murder, or Blunt Force Trauma was part of Bill's death!! Carol may know the truth, but YOU don't! There's NO PLACE for a pathetic liar who can't show Bill was murdered. The Maricopa County Sheriff, the FBI, the POLICE all state the case is CLEARED and CLOSED and has been for 10 years!
Unless of course, YOU are BEYOND FREAKIN' STUPIDITY, and think there was a massive COVER- UP!!

Luv bug you are back! Are you also saying Dr Gleason was not murdered?

Sounds like a lawyer response to me in always stressing the same phrase of "no evidence, no proof, no credibility". Why continue to respond to this thread that there was no foul play if there really wasn't? Over defending the situation indicates you really know so much more! Who is paying you to continue the same mantra over and over again? Trying to convince all those reading this thread that this respected man just happen to die of natural cause in the midst of heightened attention/investigation that he may have known too much! And no one at the company knew anything? All new comers to the organization read reviews on CP and you are trying to squash this 10 years later and get the last word. Very disrespectful to this gentlemen's family. People see right through this crap.. people read this and are hesitant to come to Jazz because of this situation .. all of a sudden someone dies of natural causes at a sales conference coincidentally at the same time he happens to be involved in an investigation? People are not that stupid! people check out culture from the past to see what the company was built on - that is important to talented potential employees.

Sounds like a lawyer response to me in always stressing the same phrase of "no evidence, no proof, no credibility". Why continue to respond to this thread that there was no foul play if there really wasn't? Over defending the situation indicates you really know so much more! Who is paying you to continue the same mantra over and over again? Trying to convince all those reading this thread that this respected man just happen to die of natural cause in the midst of heightened attention/investigation that he may have known too much! And no one at the company knew anything? All new comers to the organization read reviews on CP and you are trying to squash this 10 years later and get the last word. Very disrespectful to this gentlemen's family. People see right through this crap.. people read this and are hesitant to come to Jazz because of this situation .. all of a sudden someone dies of natural causes at a sales conference coincidentally at the same time he happens to be involved in an investigation? People are not that stupid! people check out culture from the past to see what the company was built on - that is important to talented potential employees.

Bill Clark was NOT ever involved in any kind of investigation! He was a sales rep! NO PROOF the FBI, POLICE, or Jazz had him killed! How can "checking out culture:" determine whether or not Bill was murdered?? Only PROOF and EVIDENCE can determine that! And NONE EXISTS!! Bill died of Natural Causes according to the Maricopa County Sheriff's Dept. Why NOT try calling?? 602-876-1742. Case#06-00885.