Let's Rate Our Sales Directors

You're a simpleton. The only reason that GG was in charge of the sales force was that Labcorp offered that control as part of the overall deal cut with GG's parent company. Quests monetary deal was comparable to Labcorp's so control of sales was one of the deciding factors. And yes, I know this first hand from a reputable source. Why else would you want to dismantle a battle tested AP sales force (who had a solid year in 2010) that thrived under the rule of LabCorp and the obstacles that hinder the sales process. Why is it that TW only lasted 6 months? He didn't have what it takes to survive and thrive in this challenging environment. Why has MM been so holed up in his office in MA and missing in action? He's addressed us as sales team exactly ONE TIME since Tahoe. He's planning on jumping to the repro side so he has more time to plan his departure as the oncology business sinks. And he will depart. How many times has he told us that he's been through "these types of deals"? Do you honestly think he'll stay put for any length of time?
And why is APC from Long Island jumping to the repro sales side? Could it be that she LOST a $70,000 per month oncology office and his running for the hills? Of course "it's not her fault". She'll end up getting paid on it and then leave the problem to the newly hired Sales Director to deal with. Why has EP lost a legacy USL client in Westchester County NY? Because the pathologist (and economic buyer) stated that he didn't even know she existed. I personally took this account away from IMPATH years ago and the pathologist she failed to call on was extremely loyal. In less than a year they are history. And she has the audacity to blame the internal pathologists for lack of follow up!!!!
These are just two examples (and there are more) in which I have first hand knowledge of where the ineptitudes demonstrated were blatant and appaling. These are just two examples sub-par salesmenship that plagues your so-called stellar GG sales force. There are a myriad of others I've heard about second hand.
So take that haughtly GG attitude and %)&#)%&^#@.

Sounds like sour grapes if you ask me. You're probably a disgruntled employee who got forced out or left on their own just after the merger. Sorry you couldn't hang with the big dogs. We'll crush you with our size and determination

Sounds like sour grapes if you ask me. You're probably a disgruntled employee who got forced out or left on their own just after the merger. Sorry you couldn't hang with the big dogs. We'll crush you with our size and determination

Yeah so many folks grow a big pair AFTER they leave, along with being anonymous. How convenient.

You're a simpleton. The only reason that GG was in charge of the sales force was that Labcorp offered that control as part of the overall deal cut with GG's parent company. Quests monetary deal was comparable to Labcorp's so control of sales was one of the deciding factors. And yes, I know this first hand from a reputable source. Why else would you want to dismantle a battle tested AP sales force (who had a solid year in 2010) that thrived under the rule of LabCorp and the obstacles that hinder the sales process. Why is it that TW only lasted 6 months? He didn't have what it takes to survive and thrive in this challenging environment. Why has MM been so holed up in his office in MA and missing in action? He's addressed us as sales team exactly ONE TIME since Tahoe. He's planning on jumping to the repro side so he has more time to plan his departure as the oncology business sinks. And he will depart. How many times has he told us that he's been through "these types of deals"? Do you honestly think he'll stay put for any length of time?
And why is APC from Long Island jumping to the repro sales side? Could it be that she LOST a $70,000 per month oncology office and his running for the hills? Of course "it's not her fault". She'll end up getting paid on it and then leave the problem to the newly hired Sales Director to deal with. Why has EP lost a legacy USL client in Westchester County NY? Because the pathologist (and economic buyer) stated that he didn't even know she existed. I personally took this account away from IMPATH years ago and the pathologist she failed to call on was extremely loyal. In less than a year they are history. And she has the audacity to blame the internal pathologists for lack of follow up!!!!
These are just two examples (and there are more) in which I have first hand knowledge of where the ineptitudes demonstrated were blatant and appaling. These are just two examples sub-par salesmenship that plagues your so-called stellar GG sales force. There are a myriad of others I've heard about second hand.
So take that haughtly GG attitude and %)&#)%&^#@.

It's easy to sell when you are able to PAY doctors for their samples under the guise of a "registry". That's not selling. It's just another gimmick until another one is discovered and seized upon. It seems that the rules only apply to quest and lca an no one else in this industry.

You're a simpleton. The only reason that GG was in charge of the sales force was that Labcorp offered that control as part of the overall deal cut with GG's parent company. Quests monetary deal was comparable to Labcorp's so control of sales was one of the deciding factors. And yes, I know this first hand from a reputable source. Why else would you want to dismantle a battle tested AP sales force (who had a solid year in 2010) that thrived under the rule of LabCorp and the obstacles that hinder the sales process. Why is it that TW only lasted 6 months? He didn't have what it takes to survive and thrive in this challenging environment. Why has MM been so holed up in his office in MA and missing in action? He's addressed us as sales team exactly ONE TIME since Tahoe. He's planning on jumping to the repro side so he has more time to plan his departure as the oncology business sinks. And he will depart. How many times has he told us that he's been through "these types of deals"? Do you honestly think he'll stay put for any length of time?
And why is APC from Long Island jumping to the repro sales side? Could it be that she LOST a $70,000 per month oncology office and his running for the hills? Of course "it's not her fault". She'll end up getting paid on it and then leave the problem to the newly hired Sales Director to deal with. Why has EP lost a legacy USL client in Westchester County NY? Because the pathologist (and economic buyer) stated that he didn't even know she existed. I personally took this account away from IMPATH years ago and the pathologist she failed to call on was extremely loyal. In less than a year they are history. And she has the audacity to blame the internal pathologists for lack of follow up!!!!
These are just two examples (and there are more) in which I have first hand knowledge of where the ineptitudes demonstrated were blatant and appaling. These are just two examples sub-par salesmenship that plagues your so-called stellar GG sales force. There are a myriad of others I've heard about second hand.
So take that haughtly GG attitude and %)&#)%&^#@.

Why do you people get so cocky after your departure. The people that are here want to be here. You just like raining on other people's parades until you leave your next job with the same lousy vindictive attitude. Lab jumper! you are a cancer. pun intended.

You're a simpleton. The only reason that GG was in charge of the sales force was that Labcorp offered that control as part of the overall deal cut with GG's parent company. Quests monetary deal was comparable to Labcorp's so control of sales was one of the deciding factors. And yes, I know this first hand from a reputable source. Why else would you want to dismantle a battle tested AP sales force (who had a solid year in 2010) that thrived under the rule of LabCorp and the obstacles that hinder the sales process. Why is it that TW only lasted 6 months? He didn't have what it takes to survive and thrive in this challenging environment. Why has MM been so holed up in his office in MA and missing in action? He's addressed us as sales team exactly ONE TIME since Tahoe. He's planning on jumping to the repro side so he has more time to plan his departure as the oncology business sinks. And he will depart. How many times has he told us that he's been through "these types of deals"? Do you honestly think he'll stay put for any length of time?
And why is APC from Long Island jumping to the repro sales side? Could it be that she LOST a $70,000 per month oncology office and his running for the hills? Of course "it's not her fault". She'll end up getting paid on it and then leave the problem to the newly hired Sales Director to deal with. Why has EP lost a legacy USL client in Westchester County NY? Because the pathologist (and economic buyer) stated that he didn't even know she existed. I personally took this account away from IMPATH years ago and the pathologist she failed to call on was extremely loyal. In less than a year they are history. And she has the audacity to blame the internal pathologists for lack of follow up!!!!
These are just two examples (and there are more) in which I have first hand knowledge of where the ineptitudes demonstrated were blatant and appaling. These are just two examples sub-par salesmenship that plagues your so-called stellar GG sales force. There are a myriad of others I've heard about second hand.
So take that haughtly GG attitude and %)&#)%&^#@.

There is a very short list of nasty little trolls that could have been the perpetrator of this post. You will expose yourself eventually, if you still work here of course. No one is really interested in you bashing fellow colleagues, its quite boring and your details are unfounded and frankly none of your fucking business. It goes to show that consolidarity between GG and USL will never exist. Even with a name change jealousy continues to rear its ugly head and again shows the inferiority that the first purchased lab continues to have. USL will continue to walk in the shadow of Genzyme in the eyes of LC, as it is evidenced by who is in charge.

There is a very short list of nasty little trolls that could have been the perpetrator of this post. You will expose yourself eventually, if you still work here of course. No one is really interested in you bashing fellow colleagues, its quite boring and your details are unfounded and frankly none of your fucking business. It goes to show that consolidarity between GG and USL will never exist. Even with a name change jealousy continues to rear its ugly head and again shows the inferiority that the first purchased lab continues to have. USL will continue to walk in the shadow of Genzyme in the eyes of LC, as it is evidenced by who is in charge.

"Me thinks thou doth protest too much. ".....On the contrary. we find this very informative and very interesting. Whoever YOU are..

Why do you people get so cocky after your departure. The people that are here want to be here. You just like raining on other people's parades until you leave your next job with the same lousy vindictive attitude. Lab jumper! you are a cancer. pun intended.

This was written by someone that still works here idiot. This is very current and up to date info written by someone who does not like GG, has been around long enough to call impath by that name, and who writes just like he speaks. This came right from a BDE. Lab jumper?? really?? That is your putdown? No body faults anybody that leaves this dysfunctional mess. If you think Im wrong put the initials of who you think wrote this.

You're a simpleton. The only reason that GG was in charge of the sales force was that Labcorp offered that control as part of the overall deal cut with GG's parent company. Quests monetary deal was comparable to Labcorp's so control of sales was one of the deciding factors. And yes, I know this first hand from a reputable source. Why else would you want to dismantle a battle tested AP sales force (who had a solid year in 2010) that thrived under the rule of LabCorp and the obstacles that hinder the sales process. Why is it that TW only lasted 6 months? He didn't have what it takes to survive and thrive in this challenging environment. Why has MM been so holed up in his office in MA and missing in action? He's addressed us as sales team exactly ONE TIME since Tahoe. He's planning on jumping to the repro side so he has more time to plan his departure as the oncology business sinks. And he will depart. How many times has he told us that he's been through "these types of deals"? Do you honestly think he'll stay put for any length of time?
And why is APC from Long Island jumping to the repro sales side? Could it be that she LOST a $70,000 per month oncology office and his running for the hills? Of course "it's not her fault". She'll end up getting paid on it and then leave the problem to the newly hired Sales Director to deal with. Why has EP lost a legacy USL client in Westchester County NY? Because the pathologist (and economic buyer) stated that he didn't even know she existed. I personally took this account away from IMPATH years ago and the pathologist she failed to call on was extremely loyal. In less than a year they are history. And she has the audacity to blame the internal pathologists for lack of follow up!!!!
These are just two examples (and there are more) in which I have first hand knowledge of where the ineptitudes demonstrated were blatant and appaling. These are just two examples sub-par salesmenship that plagues your so-called stellar GG sales force. There are a myriad of others I've heard about second hand.
So take that haughtly GG attitude and %)&#)%&^#@.

SO TRUE IT HURTS. Now grow up and realize nobody cares. The glory days are gone, quality people are leaving, and you are stuck.

This was written by someone that still works here idiot. This is very current and up to date info written by someone who does not like GG, has been around long enough to call impath by that name, and who writes just like he speaks. This came right from a BDE. Lab jumper?? really?? That is your putdown? No body faults anybody that leaves this dysfunctional mess. If you think Im wrong put the initials of who you think wrote this.

Oh please this nonsense is so ridiculous. Ummm, there are what 3 BDE's in the whole company, Ummm, this person closed an account to USL 10 years ago. I am certain if this was Jim it would be less obvious?

Jim did you write this post on cafe pharma????

Give me a friggin break.

Then just tell me who would have closed this account to uslabs away from "impath", hates the genzyme takeover, and still has access to up to date information???? Also uses the term "economic buyer" straight from the blue sheets uslabs used.

Oh please this nonsense is so ridiculous. Ummm, there are what 3 BDE's in the whole company, Ummm, this person closed an account to USL 10 years ago. I am certain if this was Jim it would be less obvious?

Jim did you write this post on cafe pharma????

Give me a friggin break.

Only a low life would try to expose an identity on this site. Typical of you shoot the messenger types when you don't have a reasonable response on the issues. Jerk.

Oh please this nonsense is so ridiculous. Ummm, there are what 3 BDE's in the whole company, Ummm, this person closed an account to USL 10 years ago. I am certain if this was Jim it would be less obvious?

Jim did you write this post on cafe pharma????

Give me a friggin break.

You do realize that you may be posting under an anonymous name but it can still be traced back to you in a court of law. And by wrongly accusing someone you can be sued for defamation, more specifically, libel.

You do realize that you may be posting under an anonymous name but it can still be traced back to you in a court of law. And by wrongly accusing someone you can be sued for defamation, more specifically, libel.

Wrongly accusing who, someone by the name of Jim. I bet there are 5000 people in the LC employee directory by that name. Your law degree for the University of Phoenix is very impressive.