You shouldn’t act surprised, Uslabs has been partying at every meeting, nation and regional shows since they were bought by LabCorp. I bet the bar tab was higher than the hotel stays, they should audit every expense from the past years and see what was spent where and on whom. Why do you think their numbers have dropped over the years, while they were partying at trade shows the competition was stealing their business right in front of them. They come back from shows telling everyone they have millions of new business committed to but what were the real numbers when you subtract the lost business?
Hey everyone we have 10 million committed to in new businesses but pay no attention to the 40 million we lost.
GG is in charge, guess uslabs managers are mad for the demotions and the way GG is running the show. Both companies run about the same test, but why would labcorp buy another Heme company? Guess uslabs was a total joke of incompetent people running the show and had to buy a company where management has lab experience and knows what they are doing.