Let's Rate Our Sales Directors

how does this matter. He has the survival skills to make a great situation for himself, you don't. You wish you were him. If you don't have something positive to add don't add anything.

how does this matter. He has the survival skills to make a great situation for himself, you don't. You wish you were him. If you don't have something positive to add don't add anything.

That's who I want running my company, "survival sills to make a great situation for HIMSELF". How sad is this, earlier in the posts he was a great leader now he simply survives.

News flash!!! He was never a leader. No one wants to be him.

stay positive and he will prove himself. He will be in the main leadership position sooner rather than later, so do the smart play and play nice. Nothing is gained by being mean. Get to know him, give him a chance.

You shouldn’t act surprised, Uslabs has been partying at every meeting, nation and regional shows since they were bought by LabCorp. I bet the bar tab was higher than the hotel stays, they should audit every expense from the past years and see what was spent where and on whom. Why do you think their numbers have dropped over the years, while they were partying at trade shows the competition was stealing their business right in front of them. They come back from shows telling everyone they have millions of new business committed to but what were the real numbers when you subtract the lost business?
Hey everyone we have 10 million committed to in new businesses but pay no attention to the 40 million we lost.
GG is in charge, guess uslabs managers are mad for the demotions and the way GG is running the show. Both companies run about the same test, but why would labcorp buy another Heme company? Guess uslabs was a total joke of incompetent people running the show and had to buy a company where management has lab experience and knows what they are doing.
You're a sore loser because back when usl was relevant (prior to the lca intrusion) they kicked the bejesus out of GG when they were Impath. I am not the least impressed with the quality of the GG reps after having worked with them during the past year. They do have technical savvy but lack the selling/business skills required to be able to SELL and consummate deals in todays environment. The GG reps had always been coddled and were more concerned on having losses backed out of their #'s so they could make money and appear, via smoke and mirrors, to have made quota, than growing their business.

who do the BDE's answer to? Thought MM wanted the position gone.

Why would he want them gone? The bde's are the only ones that sell anything. GG reps practice selling insanity. Showing up at the same hospital (because they had no oncology office business) selling the same widget over and over expecting different results!

We finally have all of USL people gone. Now GG can start growing leaps and bounds again!

Are you kidding? Growing leaps and bounds AGAIN? The only way you grew was by applying fuzzy math to the numbers. Oh look, i was at105% growth last year. BUT THAT'S BECAUSE YOU WOULD GET ANY AND ALL LOSSES BACKED OUT OF THE BASELINES. Addition by subtraction.
GG had no oncology office business, a joke of a virtual product offering, and an overpriced rat infested lab in nyc.
The ONLY product they know anything about is solid tumor testing. USL blew you away with their hem offering, 'business solutions', and 8 color flow/virtual platforms.

Then why did all the usl reps and managers get dumped and all the GG reps and managers retained? Why did the NSM promote GG and no mention of Uslabs? Go crawl back into your hole. Remember the press release "now LCA has their first real AP lab" when they bought GG?

Then why did all the usl reps and managers get dumped and all the GG reps and managers retained? Why did the NSM promote GG and no mention of Uslabs? Go crawl back into your hole. Remember the press release "now LCA has their first real AP lab" when they bought GG?

You're a simpleton. The only reason that GG was in charge of the sales force was that Labcorp offered that control as part of the overall deal cut with GG's parent company. Quests monetary deal was comparable to Labcorp's so control of sales was one of the deciding factors. And yes, I know this first hand from a reputable source. Why else would you want to dismantle a battle tested AP sales force (who had a solid year in 2010) that thrived under the rule of LabCorp and the obstacles that hinder the sales process. Why is it that TW only lasted 6 months? He didn't have what it takes to survive and thrive in this challenging environment. Why has MM been so holed up in his office in MA and missing in action? He's addressed us as sales team exactly ONE TIME since Tahoe. He's planning on jumping to the repro side so he has more time to plan his departure as the oncology business sinks. And he will depart. How many times has he told us that he's been through "these types of deals"? Do you honestly think he'll stay put for any length of time?
And why is APC from Long Island jumping to the repro sales side? Could it be that she LOST a $70,000 per month oncology office and his running for the hills? Of course "it's not her fault". She'll end up getting paid on it and then leave the problem to the newly hired Sales Director to deal with. Why has EP lost a legacy USL client in Westchester County NY? Because the pathologist (and economic buyer) stated that he didn't even know she existed. I personally took this account away from IMPATH years ago and the pathologist she failed to call on was extremely loyal. In less than a year they are history. And she has the audacity to blame the internal pathologists for lack of follow up!!!!
These are just two examples (and there are more) in which I have first hand knowledge of where the ineptitudes demonstrated were blatant and appaling. These are just two examples sub-par salesmenship that plagues your so-called stellar GG sales force. There are a myriad of others I've heard about second hand.
So take that haughtly GG attitude and %)&#)%&^#@.

Why did the NSM promote GG and no mention of Uslabs?

That's because they had just spent 1 billion bucks. Of course they were going to make you feel important. The last thing that lca wants is for GG folks to bolt overnight. If you had just spent that money wouldn't you want to get an ROI and a short payback period? You were there most recent AP purchase so henceforth the fanfare. Do you honestly think you'll be their last?

You're a simpleton. The only reason that GG was in charge of the sales force was that Labcorp offered that control as part of the overall deal cut with GG's parent company. Quests monetary deal was comparable to Labcorp's so control of sales was one of the deciding factors. And yes, I know this first hand from a reputable source. Why else would you want to dismantle a battle tested AP sales force (who had a solid year in 2010) that thrived under the rule of LabCorp and the obstacles that hinder the sales process. Why is it that TW only lasted 6 months? He didn't have what it takes to survive and thrive in this challenging environment. Why has MM been so holed up in his office in MA and missing in action? He's addressed us as sales team exactly ONE TIME since Tahoe. He's planning on jumping to the repro side so he has more time to plan his departure as the oncology business sinks. And he will depart. How many times has he told us that he's been through "these types of deals"? Do you honestly think he'll stay put for any length of time?
And why is APC from Long Island jumping to the repro sales side? Could it be that she LOST a $70,000 per month oncology office and his running for the hills? Of course "it's not her fault". She'll end up getting paid on it and then leave the problem to the newly hired Sales Director to deal with. Why has EP lost a legacy USL client in Westchester County NY? Because the pathologist (and economic buyer) stated that he didn't even know she existed. I personally took this account away from IMPATH years ago and the pathologist she failed to call on was extremely loyal. In less than a year they are history. And she has the audacity to blame the internal pathologists for lack of follow up!!!!
These are just two examples (and there are more) in which I have first hand knowledge of where the ineptitudes demonstrated were blatant and appaling. These are just two examples sub-par salesmenship that plagues your so-called stellar GG sales force. There are a myriad of others I've heard about second hand.
So take that haughtly GG attitude and %)&#)%&^#@.

So who is running the show? US or GG?
GG is far better that US, we control you so suck up to us or you will be gone.

Why wouldn't an onco rep want to come over to repro? it's not for everyone but if there's someone who wants to come over, I thinks he/she should be able to if there's an opportunity open.
Did you ever think that the result of a loss could be due to the fact that we merged with LC in the first place? Just as a reminder, LC does not have a great name in NY (yet).
I think that names should be kept out of this board. You don't even know all the facts.

We will be fine as long as they keep RP far far away from any leadership position. He has sat back and watched all the talent leave and he will try to wiggle his way back in. If he stays out we have a chance.

So who is running the show? US or GG?
GG is far better that US, we control you so suck up to us or you will be gone.

I see that when one uses logic and facts that it confuses people like you. What is it that you don't understand? Labcorp calls the shots pumpkin. I cannot believe how you're so in denial over it. LCA bought a company back in 2005 (USL) that had five years of explosive growth prior to that dreaded buyout day. From 2000-2005 USL kicked the hell out of Impath/Genzyme until their wings were clipped. Genzyme doesn't exist anymore either. Aren't you called Integrated now? Get over it. Labcorp will suck the living blood out of you like they have with every other company they've ever purchased. Like a Ponzi scheme. It's simple really, the purchases allow labcorp to make their annual wall street # commitments so that the higher ups can enjoy huge bonuses and stock options. Lord knows that without lca buying successful company's they would sink fast. They aren't sales oriented, patient oriented, or customer oriented. They'd rather cut cut cut costs than grow top line sales revenues by actually putting out a quality service which is a recipe for disaster when you're in front of your customers with nothing but sub-par service to try an justify.
You're naivete exasperates me!

Why wouldn't an onco rep want to come over to repro? it's not for everyone but if there's someone who wants to come over, I thinks he/she should be able to if there's an opportunity open.
Did you ever think that the result of a loss could be due to the fact that we merged with LC in the first place? Just as a reminder, LC does not have a great name in NY (yet).
I think that names should be kept out of this board. You don't even know all the facts.

I didn't mention names only initials you ignoramus! And my points are spot on, credible and irrefutable. You're like rats on a sinking ship. Since oncology is ultra competitive and folks are having a hard time hanging onto business (and getting accounts backed out of their baselines) they are jumping to the repro side which, lets face it, has less direct competition then the AP market. Like rats on a sinking ship. LOL!