Let's Rate Our Sales Directors

Don't you just love the obvious managers that post on here. They are all brown noses that either have never sold or have not sold in many years. They have forgotten how difficult it really is in the real world. Most of you managers sit around all day and try to justify your existence.

You nailed it. That's why there is all of this micro-management and bean counting. Got to make a reason to be there.

You're a simpleton. The only reason that GG was in charge of the sales force was that Labcorp offered that control as part of the overall deal cut with GG's parent company. Quests monetary deal was comparable to Labcorp's so control of sales was one of the deciding factors. And yes, I know this first hand from a reputable source. Why else would you want to dismantle a battle tested AP sales force (who had a solid year in 2010) that thrived under the rule of LabCorp and the obstacles that hinder the sales process. Why is it that TW only lasted 6 months? He didn't have what it takes to survive and thrive in this challenging environment. Why has MM been so holed up in his office in MA and missing in action? He's addressed us as sales team exactly ONE TIME since Tahoe. He's planning on jumping to the repro side so he has more time to plan his departure as the oncology business sinks. And he will depart. How many times has he told us that he's been through "these types of deals"? Do you honestly think he'll stay put for any length of time?
And why is APC from Long Island jumping to the repro sales side? Could it be that she LOST a $70,000 per month oncology office and his running for the hills? Of course "it's not her fault". She'll end up getting paid on it and then leave the problem to the newly hired Sales Director to deal with. Why has EP lost a legacy USL client in Westchester County NY? Because the pathologist (and economic buyer) stated that he didn't even know she existed. I personally took this account away from IMPATH years ago and the pathologist she failed to call on was extremely loyal. In less than a year they are history. And she has the audacity to blame the internal pathologists for lack of follow up!!!!
These are just two examples (and there are more) in which I have first hand knowledge of where the ineptitudes demonstrated were blatant and appaling. These are just two examples sub-par salesmenship that plagues your so-called stellar GG sales force. There are a myriad of others I've heard about second hand.
So take that haughtly GG attitude and %)&#)%&^#@.


When will Wendy get rid of him? I assume she is planning his exit now that she has seen his awesome leader skills.... or lack there of.

Such a joke.

Here's my prediction (i should be on the the other thread).....

I think that once MM exits stage left to repro, there is going to be a vacancy. Wendy is in wayyy over her head and pretty unimpressive. They can then promote RP to SVP and he can be her boss. Isn't he practically spoon feeding her now....

Here's my prediction (i should be on the the other thread).....

I think that once MM exits stage left to repro, there is going to be a vacancy. Wendy is in wayyy over her head and pretty unimpressive. They can then promote RP to SVP and he can be her boss. Isn't he practically spoon feeding her now....

RP as a SVP!!! That is rediculous! TM stop posting about your lover on here. Everyone knows that RP WILL NEVER be moved up. All senior leadership hates him and what he stands for.

He is not spoon feeding anyone. She is letting him hang himself. Did you not see the NSM?? He was a freak....

RP as a SVP!!! That is rediculous! TM stop posting about your lover on here. Everyone knows that RP WILL NEVER be moved up. All senior leadership hates him and what he stands for.

He is not spoon feeding anyone. She is letting him hang himself. Did you not see the NSM?? He was a freak....

Ahhh talk is cheap and so are you! I have got news for ya if he hasn't hung himself it will never happen. RP has always provided value to this division long before the GG purchase. He could've been in the driver's seat again when TW ran for the hills calling for his mommy. Instead he is keeping a low profile and waiting in the tall grass. Like a Cobra ready to strike when the time is right. And use spell check please. I can't stand when a word is annihilated like you did to poor ridiculous. It hurts my eyes and devalues your worthless opinion even more.

You're a simpleton. The only reason that GG was in charge of the sales force was that Labcorp offered that control as part of the overall deal cut with GG's parent company. Quests monetary deal was comparable to Labcorp's so control of sales was one of the deciding factors. And yes, I know this first hand from a reputable source. Why else would you want to dismantle a battle tested AP sales force (who had a solid year in 2010) that thrived under the rule of LabCorp and the obstacles that hinder the sales process. Why is it that TW only lasted 6 months? He didn't have what it takes to survive and thrive in this challenging environment. Why has MM been so holed up in his office in MA and missing in action? He's addressed us as sales team exactly ONE TIME since Tahoe. He's planning on jumping to the repro side so he has more time to plan his departure as the oncology business sinks. And he will depart. How many times has he told us that he's been through "these types of deals"? Do you honestly think he'll stay put for any length of time?
And why is APC from Long Island jumping to the repro sales side? Could it be that she LOST a $70,000 per month oncology office and his running for the hills? Of course "it's not her fault". She'll end up getting paid on it and then leave the problem to the newly hired Sales Director to deal with. Why has EP lost a legacy USL client in Westchester County NY? Because the pathologist (and economic buyer) stated that he didn't even know she existed. I personally took this account away from IMPATH years ago and the pathologist she failed to call on was extremely loyal. In less than a year they are history. And she has the audacity to blame the internal pathologists for lack of follow up!!!!
These are just two examples (and there are more) in which I have first hand knowledge of where the ineptitudes demonstrated were blatant and appaling. These are just two examples sub-par salesmenship that plagues your so-called stellar GG sales force. There are a myriad of others I've heard about second hand.
So take that haughtly GG attitude and %)&#)%&^#@.

One big happy family.

RP as a SVP!!! That is rediculous! TM stop posting about your lover on here. Everyone knows that RP WILL NEVER be moved up. All senior leadership hates him and what he stands for.

He is not spoon feeding anyone. She is letting him hang himself. Did you not see the NSM?? He was a freak....

I am shocked she still keeps him around. He is nothing more than a manager of 4 people, all of them except one could work with the managers directly. There is no reason for him. He adds no value whatsoever.

You're a simpleton. The only reason that GG was in charge of the sales force was that Labcorp offered that control as part of the overall deal cut with GG's parent company. Quests monetary deal was comparable to Labcorp's so control of sales was one of the deciding factors. And yes, I know this first hand from a reputable source. Why else would you want to dismantle a battle tested AP sales force (who had a solid year in 2010) that thrived under the rule of LabCorp and the obstacles that hinder the sales process. Why is it that TW only lasted 6 months? He didn't have what it takes to survive and thrive in this challenging environment. Why has MM been so holed up in his office in MA and missing in action? He's addressed us as sales team exactly ONE TIME since Tahoe. He's planning on jumping to the repro side so he has more time to plan his departure as the oncology business sinks. And he will depart. How many times has he told us that he's been through "these types of deals"? Do you honestly think he'll stay put for any length of time?
And why is APC from Long Island jumping to the repro sales side? Could it be that she LOST a $70,000 per month oncology office and his running for the hills? Of course "it's not her fault". She'll end up getting paid on it and then leave the problem to the newly hired Sales Director to deal with. Why has EP lost a legacy USL client in Westchester County NY? Because the pathologist (and economic buyer) stated that he didn't even know she existed. I personally took this account away from IMPATH years ago and the pathologist she failed to call on was extremely loyal. In less than a year they are history. And she has the audacity to blame the internal pathologists for lack of follow up!!!!
These are just two examples (and there are more) in which I have first hand knowledge of where the ineptitudes demonstrated were blatant and appaling. These are just two examples sub-par salesmenship that plagues your so-called stellar GG sales force. There are a myriad of others I've heard about second hand.
So take that haughtly GG attitude and %)&#)%&^#@.

How is everyone today? GROUP HUGS ALL AROUND

RP as a SVP!!! That is rediculous! TM stop posting about your lover on here. Everyone knows that RP WILL NEVER be moved up. All senior leadership hates him and what he stands for.

He is not spoon feeding anyone. She is letting him hang himself. Did you not see the NSM?? He was a freak....

Seems there are some real similarities between the BDE program and the Arkansas football program. At least Arkansas did the right thing.