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Layoffs with Zeposia

Meg is a uniquely disingenuous, uninspiring and untalented individual. Her vocabulary consists of F-bombs, corporate buzzwords and the ever-enlightening phrase "are you picking up what I am putting down?" In an industry brimming with faux leaders, she is firmly placed in the top-tier. How this company sees her as an acceptable representation of the business is beyond me. She has met with some of my KOLs and most insist on not being asked to do so ever again. I have had to hear about her gruff manner, the cursing, the offensive smell of cigarette smoke and her lifestyle choices on multiple occasions. Addressing stuff like that is exactly what I dont need to be doing when trying to sell a product

I have had to hear about her gruff manner, the cursing, the offensive smell of cigarette smoke and her lifestyle choices on multiple occasions. Addressing stuff like that is exactly what I dont need to be doing when trying to sell a product

I seriously doubt your KOLs are talking to you about her lifestyle choices. Where would they learn about them? From you, most likely. They don’t have the time or interest in her that you do.

That’s your hang up. Own it. Don’t blame it on your docs.

I seriously doubt your KOLs are talking to you about her lifestyle choices. Where would they learn about them? From you, most likely. They don’t have the time or interest in her that you do.

That’s your hang up. Own it. Don’t blame it on your docs.

I neither know nor do I care how they learned about her lifestyle choices. As I was told, it was likely her very public profile with pics that had something to do with it. KOLs talk to each other a lot especially about their dealings with various companies from the amount of their honoraria to the level & style of engagement with leadership. It became my business when I was shockingly asked about it after he had a meeting with her and medical at a congress mtg. Keep kidding yourself that this sort of thing is dismissed. It isn’t and it is a reflection on the company and those of us who represent it.

Friday they announced P club. I wonder how many of them wouldn’t have made it had the layoffs not occurred. The overlays alone, the top 7 were let go. Enjoy the trip you “earned” from others losing their jobs. Some names when announced I had no idea who they were. What a joke.

Friday they announced P club. I wonder how many of them wouldn’t have made it had the layoffs not occurred. The overlays alone, the top 7 were let go. Enjoy the trip you “earned” from others losing their jobs. Some names when announced I had no idea who they were. What a joke.

I would have quit if the prize was going on a trip with Meg.