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Layoffs with Zeposia


A lot. No rhyme or reason behind who was let go. Top 5 people were let go, while others who have been middle of the pack were retained. Still no idea where our territories are until we meet our new manager tomorrow and see maps. Anyone retained would be idiotic to stay here! Get those resumes ready. Oh and if you came here as an overlay in Derm, get ready to be cut in the next few months. This place is the absolute worst. Carlos and Meg are perfect for each other. They are both so fake.

I don't know why derm thinks they are untouchable. The launch over there has been just as bad as Zeposia. BMS has done nothing but lay people off since I have been here. Who wants to work for a company that doesn't take care of its employees? All they do is lay people off and fire other ones. This is place is scary. Derm needs to wake up. No one is safe here. Carlos has everyone scared.

One consistent leader is responsible for launch failures and the shit spiral of BMS culture. BMS has fired endless people at multiple levels but let’s see if Chris will hold Adam accountable.

I don't know why derm thinks they are untouchable. The launch over there has been just as bad as Zeposia. BMS has done nothing but lay people off since I have been here. Who wants to work for a company that doesn't take care of its employees? All they do is lay people off and fire other ones. This is place is scary. Derm needs to wake up. No one is safe here. Carlos has everyone scared.

Not sure who you’ve been talking to in Derm, but we do not think we are untouchable. Plenty of us in Derm aren’t happy either, and we are very aware of how toxic this place is. People in Derm have slowly started to leave and you’ll see more this year.

I don't know why derm thinks they are untouchable. The launch over there has been just as bad as Zeposia. BMS has done nothing but lay people off since I have been here. Who wants to work for a company that doesn't take care of its employees? All they do is lay people off and fire other ones. This is place is scary. Derm needs to wake up. No one is safe here. Carlos has everyone scared.

A lot. No rhyme or reason behind who was let go. Top 5 people were let go, while others who have been middle of the pack were retained. Still no idea where our territories are until we meet our new manager tomorrow and see maps. Anyone retained would be idiotic to stay here! Get those resumes ready. Oh and if you came here as an overlay in Derm, get ready to be cut in the next few months. This place is the absolute worst. Carlos and Meg are perfect for each other. They are both so fake.

Does any leader here know what they are doing? Seriously, it is a complete circus. Just wait they will be posting these jobs lost in a year.

Not sure who you’ve been talking to in Derm, but we do not think we are untouchable. Plenty of us in Derm aren’t happy either, and we are very aware of how toxic this place is. People in Derm have slowly started to leave and you’ll see more this year.

I agree. I am not happy. And now we are stacked ranked. This is not how you motivate a sales force. I think we are next. But some people are happy here but maybe it’s the toxic positivity people. We do have a few of those. But honestly I am very worried. This company does not value it’s employees at all.

I agree. I am not happy. And now we are stacked ranked. This is not how you motivate a sales force. I think we are next. But some people are happy here but maybe it’s the toxic positivity people. We do have a few of those. But honestly I am very worried. This company does not value it’s employees at all.

Derm isn't valued????? Seriously???? You got more preferential treatment than any other business group here....

Meg has been an unmitigated disaster and is a prime example of being well beyond her depth. All too often the smoke of burning business fire is mistaken for her lit Marlboro Reds. Zero people/ leadership skills, awful judgement and a worse track record to match. I am however envious of one thing (and its not her increased likelihood to contract something that requires penicillin to treat or COPD), she has found her professional nirvana here at BMS. Only in a place like this could she be viewed and rewarded as competent & valued. She's so incompetent, she couldn't be counted on to hand out orange bronzer at a Trump rally.

Derm isn't valued????? Seriously???? You got more preferential treatment than any other business group here....

Not what I am saying at all. Actually I do not believe that BMS cares about its employees. They will lay us off in a moments notice. I have seen companies with so much less do so much more for their employees during difficult times.

Meg has been an unmitigated disaster and is a prime example of being well beyond her depth. All too often the smoke of burning business fire is mistaken for her lit Marlboro Reds. Zero people/ leadership skills, awful judgement and a worse track record to match. I am however envious of one thing (and its not her increased likelihood to contract something that requires penicillin to treat or COPD), she has found her professional nirvana here at BMS. Only in a place like this could she be viewed and rewarded as competent & valued. She's so incompetent, she couldn't be counted on to hand out orange bronzer at a Trump rally.

I have seen a lot of accurate posts here but this one is at the top of the list

I blame Derm Division, they are doing so bad that other divisions have to cut people/cost to make total forecast look good. It’s embarrassing that Derm can’t carry their own weight. What doesn’t make sense is Derm hired extra overlays. If reps can’t sell that drug what makes them think overlays can do it?

I blame Derm Division, they are doing so bad that other divisions have to cut people/cost to make total forecast look good. It’s embarrassing that Derm can’t carry their own weight. What doesn’t make sense is Derm hired extra overlays. If reps can’t sell that drug what makes them think overlays can do it?
Spot on. First we fire long suffering Orencia reps. Then we recruit and over-pay for entitled derm "talent" that was only experienced with selling products in preferred position. Not a bit a grit in any of them. Then we launch with a strategy to bad mouth the industry beloved product. Then we build an IC platform that only confounds us. Then we flat out lie about having a 40% share of orals. Then we double down by hiring overlays. Derm is an all time disaster and their failures cost us all over the organization.

Spot on. First we fire long suffering Orencia reps. Then we recruit and over-pay for entitled derm "talent" that was only experienced with selling products in preferred position. Not a bit a grit in any of them. Then we launch with a strategy to bad mouth the industry beloved product. Then we build an IC platform that only confounds us. Then we flat out lie about having a 40% share of orals. Then we double down by hiring overlays. Derm is an all time disaster and their failures cost us all over the organization.[/QUOTE

Derm rep here. I agree. The majority are just topical salespeople who never had to fight or only sold a first-line biologic. It’s a dumpster fire over here. We are throwing spaghetti at the wall. We are grossly overpaid for what we do, and they coddled us by paying non-performers in Q2. So they rewarded under performance. I think only 5 or 6 people in the nation made their goal in Q2.
It’s a great product, but we underestimated the power of Otezla. We launched without understanding selectivity and how to truly differentiate the product, other than saying "hey, it's better than the other guy."

Meg has been an unmitigated disaster and is a prime example of being well beyond her depth. All too often the smoke of burning business fire is mistaken for her lit Marlboro Reds. Zero people/ leadership skills, awful judgement and a worse track record to match. I am however envious of one thing (and its not her increased likelihood to contract something that requires penicillin to treat or COPD), she has found her professional nirvana here at BMS. Only in a place like this could she be viewed and rewarded as competent & valued. She's so incompetent, she couldn't be counted on to hand out orange bronzer at a Trump rally.

Throw Lancimini, Boner and Lerch into this group as well. What a cast of misfits and no talents.