Layoffs for Teva Respiratory too

Will the managers know in advance who is staying and who is going? Will the managers find out their fate sooner then the reps and will the reps know which managers are gone?

I would assume managers would know first as they will have to do some of the calls. Managers virtual meeting for next week was postponed. Would assume they find out next week and we will soon follow.

Honestly though if you are safe consider this buying you extra time to look while having a job. I would bet the entire division will be dissolved within a year ot two max. With all of the generics coming there wont be a need. Look at Allergy

Next thing you know Benjamin Netanyahu will be blamed for the layoff.....I mean come on people we've been selling basically "Generics" with a fancy Gizmo (mousetrap).
Seriously folks how long did you think this excrement show would last??

i just want to know why we are hearing our fate from NP?? respiratory doesn't even have the decency to let us know how many. NP had a conf call and they were told Respiratory was being cut by 50%. This place is a joke and I really hope that anyone that is retained looks at it like they have a leg up to look while still being employed. The NSM is going to be a funeral and should just be cancelled

check your email kids!! CC just sent out the communication. 50% of what we are at full capacity so 200 territories, 20 managers. Assuming by what it is saying that we will find out the 30th or 31st as it states that the new alignment will start Feb 1st. Buckle up its going to be a ride. Good luck to all and if you are retained use this as ample time to find a new job while still having one. On a positive note at least this is going down now before all of the generics come and there are reps from GSK and AZ scrambling also.

Looks like it will be territories with good formulary access and high volumes to get what they can the rest of the year. Low volume high Medicaid territories and ones with few specialists are toast.

Looks like it will be territories with good formulary access and high volumes to get what they can the rest of the year. Low volume high Medicaid territories and ones with few specialists are toast.
Just curious, who's working and hitting metrics? 10 plus 3 pharmacy calls? Who's looking for jobs? Will it go back to old territory structure when there were 200 territories? Who's placing reps, outside company or senior management?

Just curious, who's working and hitting metrics? 10 plus 3 pharmacy calls? Who's looking for jobs? Will it go back to old territory structure when there were 200 territories? Who's placing reps, outside company or senior management?

ZS Associates will cut territories and place reps. Territory value, not performance is what they will go by.

Any insight is appreciated ...

Chance those let go still get paid T3 IC?

Chance fate is communicated this Friday?

How long between notice and last day?

I am under the impression we will all get our Q4 bonus. I don't think we will know prior to the 30th. This allows them to hope that people will still work until then. Then, I would assume that will be our last day and severence would start 2-1. That's my opinion though.

Any guesses as to when health insurance coverage is cut off?

I've heard rumors we may keep the Teva plan during our severence but who knows. I do know that the company has 4 or 5 severence plans that need to be meshed together in one plan for everyone. I guess we will know soon enough. But I am guessing they will stick with the 2 weeks for every year, starting on the 1st of February. I'm thinking we may get a little help on the insurance end...maybe the length of each respective reps severence. That's about it though. It sounds as if the company is in a very tough spot financially due in large part to the deal with Actavis. So, them being MORE generous is highly unlikely, unfortunately. Sucks.

The lack of transparency with this whole thing is totally Busch League! We are a week away from finding out our fate and have no idea what sort of severance, IC Payout, or insurance we can expect to receive. These turds we call leadership just keep stringing us along and say follow the POA. Sure thing! TOTALLY UNBELIEVABLE!!!

The lack of transparency with this whole thing is totally Busch League! We are a week away from finding out our fate and have no idea what sort of severance, IC Payout, or insurance we can expect to receive. These turds we call leadership just keep stringing us along and say follow the POA. Sure thing! TOTALLY UNBELIEVABLE!!!

Downey will be on the stage in Orlando saying how much the people at Teva matter. He'll be addressing an audience that will all be thinking "bullshit".