Layoffs for Teva Respiratory too

Pay attention. The severance is 2 weeks for every year. That is and has been the policy. I don't like it either but that's the deal. This was confirmed by reps from WH who all got laid off. Do the math and you'll know what you are getting...period. And, what grounds could you sue the company that would make them give you a better severance to avoid it??? They can lay people off dumb fuck. It's not illegal. You wishing won't make it so. 2 weeks for every year of employment. Commit that to memory.

If you have been through this before (as I have), the OP is right. In your severance package is a clause which states "by accepting this severance, you voluntarily and readily agree to waive any and all rights to future claims and/or legal action against XYZ." I'm pretty sure they don't put that in there for shits and giggles. People have sued pharmaceurical companies for every conceivable reason, not the least of which is discrimination. Is it bogus? Often times. I'm pretty sure you can count on signing a waiver if you want your severance, which I do.

When will the managers know who stays and who goes? Will the managers have input who is on their new team? What about managers that are let go? Do they find out the same time we do or earlier?

When will the managers know who stays and who goes? Will the managers have input who is on their new team? What about managers that are let go? Do they find out the same time we do or earlier?

Doubtful that managers have any input at all. The managers will be let go before the reps. The managers that are left will lay off the reps quickly after the management is let go.

I think that is the "Specialty sales force" that corporate is talking about. If you aren't in the cinqair group, your days are numbered.

If you are retained on the "core" sales team? How should you feel about the future moving forward? Will these reps still have to be worried about having a job going forward?

If you are retained on the "core" sales team? How should you feel about the future moving forward? Will these reps still have to be worried about having a job going forward?
Those who are retained will have a job for a while, but Teva is no longer a stable company and everyone should keep that in their mind because we are all on borrowed time after the layoffs.

Pay attention. The severance is 2 weeks for every year. That is and has been the policy. I don't like it either but that's the deal. This was confirmed by reps from WH who all got laid off. Do the math and you'll know what you are getting...period. And, what grounds could you sue the company that would make them give you a better severance to avoid it??? They can lay people off dumb fuck. It's not illegal. You wishing won't make it so. 2 weeks for every year of employment. Commit that to memory.

Those who are retained will have a job for a while, but Teva is no longer a stable company and everyone should keep that in their mind because we are all on borrowed time after the layoffs.

Those retained have been given a gift, because they will now have until Nov/Dec (most likely) before another round of layoffs. Spend your time satisfying the corporate metrics while planning your exit strategy to another gig.