Labcorp mangement

When everyone is faking a happy disposition to simply put on a front there are larger issues at hand. Ppl should not be feeling like this place is "killing" them. And when ppl feel worse leaving weekly meetings and do not feel there is any support, these are signs there are problems. The new external ppl get a quick fire drill training and no management training, and are expected to keep programs afloat. How? How will we survive? How is it that no one is doing anything about this and thinks it's ok to run a business this way? Why do some get preferred treatment if you are a "favorite"? This ship is sinking so expect to see ppl jump ship in April.

Get out now! Do us all a favor!

I'm interviewing for a position and just read all these comments. Some of these are not so nice. I already read glass door reviews too and was wondering if the pay and benefits are good. Do people like their jobs working there or are mostly happy to be there? I appreciate your honest answer.

Things don't look so good twiddle Dee and twiddle dumb. Maybe it will finally be realized that your position doesn't add value. We are long overdue for a BIG change in mgmt. Things would be better if we put action behind our words for investing in our ppl.

Things don't look so good twiddle Dee and twiddle dumb. Maybe it will finally be realized that your position doesn't add value. We are long overdue for a BIG change in mgmt. Things would be better if we put action behind our words for investing in our ppl.

I think you will have a long wait. Sort of along the lines of when hell freezes over, pigs flying, etc.