Lab West Upper Management?

The previous posts were probably correct. Management has a vested interest in keeping wages as low as possible. SK is just a willing tool. They want t make you feel that your is in jeopardy and all insecure. Could be a tactic in their business strategy. As if cytology is not already stressful enough. Have a little patience. Time will tell.

The previous posts were probably correct. Management has a vested interest in keeping wages as low as possible. SK is just a willing tool. They want t make you feel that your is in jeopardy and all insecure. Could be a tactic in their business strategy. As if cytology is not already stressful enough. Have a little patience. Time will tell.

So true. SK may be a evil little minion doing the devil's work butnot all cyto jobs are in jeopardy - they need you to crank them out so they can bill asap and get the money while it is still available. Therefore you have more power over her than you think. If she upsets enough people and does things that are not accepted by the LabCorp, call her on it and get her out. Put competant people in charge and you will see your worth.
I agree, time will tell..but not if you sit on your hands and wait for someone else to do it. She could F- the whole thing up for everybody if you let her continue, I kid you not.

How lo.g Dr we going 2 listen 2 ur complaininabout how much u hate ur boss? OK? Steal more account and become top salesperson and someone will listen 2 u 2.

Holy hell is this the caliber of salespeople that are out there at labcrap?
Did you get through grammer school and are you really trying to communicate with clients in your text jargon?

And butt out if you don't want to hear these conversations, no one wants to TRY to decipher your pathetic comments anyway.

Can you say - Neanderthal?

WOW!!! How long will this pathetic conversation go on between two cytotechs that hate their supervisor in some small lab in CA. A lab that won't exist in a few months none the less. Get over it already. LabCorp doesn't want to keep you or any part of LabWest. All we wanted were your clients. As soon as we divert all specimens to San Diego from the Santa Ana site, we will divert all Monrovia workload to Van Nuys and San Diego. STOP this ridiculous conversation about office politics and do something useful like look for another job before it's too late. Your regretful supervisor situation will end soon in a few months.

If you know what is going to happen with MOnrovia, maybe you can enlighten us

Doesnt the company have to give employees some 60 day notice if a RIF is in order? What about closing the entire lab, do they offer relocation for Cytos or just cut them loose?
How do we get the heads up on this before it is too late? Have a little compassion and remember we are all people with families to take care of.

That's a slick comment about rearranging seats on the Titanic, we would like some info. Even if what you are saying is true about them closing all of Lab West, sk has done things that might ruin our chances if she is left with the authority to make choices.

Never the less, as mentioned before, the lab will be better served with leads, MRH, PB, and EL are fine choices.

what did happen, I missed it
did sk say something or someone else in management, and what was it?[/QUOT

I really would like to tell all, but I would probably forfeit my anonymity , and I need my job. That paranoid little minion has shown that she will retaliate for something that is only in her dirty little mind. I don't intend to give them a real reason for it. If the economy was better, I would have been long gone. Who in their right mind would tolerate this?

Now what's up with the admin time again? Knowing what a little opportunist she is, it has to be another one of her gambits. She says that she told S. in Arizona about it? So what does that mean? San Diego will become compliant with California labor laws? They will have to reduce the number of slides they screen to comply with California business laws and codes standards and practices for cytopatholgy labs? LOL.

what did happen, I missed it
did sk say something or someone else in management, and what was it?[/QUOT

I really would like to tell all, but I would probably forfeit my anonymity , and I need my job. That paranoid little minion has shown that she will retaliate for something that is only in her dirty little mind. I don't intend to give them a real reason for it. If the economy was better, I would have been long gone. Who in their right mind would tolerate this?

Now what's up with the admin time again? Knowing what a little opportunist she is, it has to be another one of her gambits. She says that she told S. in Arizona about it? So what does that mean? San Diego will become compliant with California labor laws? They will have to reduce the number of slides they screen to comply with California business laws and codes standards and practices for cytopatholgy labs? LOL.

SK told S about IT? About what, admin time? What exactly was SK's genius explanation?
I know all about the admin time. I would love to talk to you off this site, because I have info that can help you. Care to talk if I give you an email? No names needed, but I hate to see other cytos go through the same things I have, it has taken years off my life worrying about all this crap!

I understand about the job, same for me-would have been gone long ago if I could afford it. But we had the same problem with a nightmare manager and she was gotten rid of. Unfortunately the situation still sucks for other reasons, maybe you are already realizing them.

SK told S about IT? About what, admin time? What exactly was SK's genius explanation?
I know all about the admin time. I would love to talk to you off this site, because I have info that can help you. Care to talk if I give you an email? No names needed, but I hate to see other cytos go through the same things I have, it has taken years off my life worrying about all this crap!

I understand about the job, same for me-would have been gone long ago if I could afford it. But we had the same problem with a nightmare manager and she was gotten rid of. Unfortunately the situation still sucks for other reasons, maybe you are already realizing them.

Yes,she said that she told S about admin time. She gave no explanation. Please help the techs here with the info if you can. We all need to know.

Everyne should read this thread: Genzyme is just not a fun place to work anymore

OMG!! It is far worse than I thought it was, but it fits with what I have been seeing. Looks like we are fckd.

Take it from someone who also went thru an acquisition - LC does not listen to what good people have to say. They have an agenda and it is not to "learn" from the leaders in the old company. Those that fight that and try to prove their point is seen as a trouble-maker..not good.
They dont' care about anything but following the master plan to turn everyone into faceless worker bees, pay them as little as they can, make them fear losing their job to control them and keep them quiet, and get rid of who they dont need.
wait until they threaten you to falsify documents to look legitimate, and you do it because you need your job. Such BS but everyone is scared and will not fight it.
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This is the copy and paste

KV and his little entourage have no clue how to drive the ship. Way to reactive and have zero forethought. Bummer as we all suffer from the KV clan incompetence. Yeah, but we have huge accounts....sure with HMO's that pay ship.

You act surprised, LabCorp buys companies for their business and technology and then cuts the employees and sells off unnecessary buildings and property. It is all about head count. This is how they make their money it is not on up selling accounts or getting new accounts it has to do with acquiring labs and buying their business that other labs generate. Why do you think sales reps do not last because they don’t care about them, they can always get baby sitters for accounts cheap. When people do go to other companies they don’t care because eventually they will own that lab in do time and the cycle will start over.

WOW!!! How long will this pathetic conversation go on between two cytotechs that hate their supervisor in some small lab in CA. A lab that won't exist in a few months none the less. Get over it already. LabCorp doesn't want to keep you or any part of LabWest. All we wanted were your clients. As soon as we divert all specimens to San Diego from the Santa Ana site, we will divert all Monrovia workload to Van Nuys and San Diego. STOP this ridiculous conversation about office politics and do something useful like look for another job before it's too late. Your regretful supervisor situation will end soon in a few months.

And just who do you think "we" are?? Read post 159. He could not have made it clearer
Yo!! You get it yet? We are all in the same boat. You are in a glass house, so stop throwing stones After a good look in the mirror, follow your own advice.

Take it from someone who also went thru an acquisition - LC does not listen to what good people have to say. They have an agenda and it is not to "learn" from the leaders in the old company. Those that fight that and try to prove their point is seen as a trouble-maker..not good.
They dont' care about anything but following the master plan to turn everyone into faceless worker bees, pay them as little as they can, make them fear losing their job to control them and keep them quiet, and get rid of who they dont need.
wait until they threaten you to falsify documents to look legitimate, and you do it because you need your job. Such BS but everyone is scared and will not fight it.
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This is the copy and paste
What is this? The mafia trying to look legit?

This is is crazy. Does LCA really base cytotech's salary increases only on their semi-annual stats of how often the pathologist or QC review disagrees with the tech's findings? Those old stats are bull crap anyway, because were edited. Sk has deleted all of the discrepant cases that SHE did not agree with the pathologist on.No tissue correlation, or anything to back her up. She just overruled the pathologists. Now if you happen to belong to her crew, a missed low grade on QC, a major upgrade or downgrade would conveniently disappear from your stats.

It is so obvious that any fool can see that she had an agenda. You can make someone believe anything you want using statistics simply by including some and excluding others.
Why? You are probably asking yourself. Because she is crazy. Because she wants to put you in your place and keep you there.

Now to reasonably intelligent persons, isn't it obvious that you show stats to support the technical supervisor's daily workload limit for that tech. Why would you undermine it with negative, unnecessary, unrelated information. After all, this is a legal document. A document that can be used in a court of law. A document that was never intended for used as an annual employee evaluation by HR to determine raises. WTF is going on here?

Is this the way LCA does things? Or is ineptitude rearing its ugly head again?

You have to be joking. You mean it is more important that how you describe an abnormal case, for example, the pathologists calls your case an ASC-H and you call it a straight HGSIL, it is more important that your calls don't perfectly agree than that you picked up that case? And they are basing your performance on stuff like this? How ignorant can they be? The accountants had to have come up with this as a ridiculous way to hold down wages. This IS bs.