what did happen, I missed it
did sk say something or someone else in management, and what was it?[/QUOT
I really would like to tell all, but I would probably forfeit my anonymity , and I need my job. That paranoid little minion has shown that she will retaliate for something that is only in her dirty little mind. I don't intend to give them a real reason for it. If the economy was better, I would have been long gone. Who in their right mind would tolerate this?
Now what's up with the admin time again? Knowing what a little opportunist she is, it has to be another one of her gambits. She says that she told S. in Arizona about it? So what does that mean? San Diego will become compliant with California labor laws? They will have to reduce the number of slides they screen to comply with California business laws and codes standards and practices for cytopatholgy labs? LOL.
SK told S about IT? About what, admin time? What exactly was SK's genius explanation?
I know all about the admin time. I would love to talk to you off this site, because I have info that can help you. Care to talk if I give you an email? No names needed, but I hate to see other cytos go through the same things I have, it has taken years off my life worrying about all this crap!
I understand about the job, same for me-would have been gone long ago if I could afford it. But we had the same problem with a nightmare manager and she was gotten rid of. Unfortunately the situation still sucks for other reasons, maybe you are already realizing them.