karuna deal

Any legit intel on the different levels of mgmt (upper and mid level) in this new BMS division? Anything dynamic or innovative. Or are they typical metrics minions chasing the stale piece of big pharma cheese?

Any legit intel on the different levels of mgmt (upper and mid level) in this new BMS division? Anything dynamic or innovative. Or are they typical metrics minions chasing the stale piece of big pharma cheese?
Luther is a director that was hired to be a cheerleader! Wait to you hear the crap the flows from that pie hole

Heard there is even the classic "sell me this pen" BS going on. Can't imagine what the trainings and meetings will be like. Not getting a good feeling about culture.
If that’s true, look out below. Will be another big pharma house of horrors. Funny thing is these damn clown managers can’t sell a pen or anything else for that.

If that’s true, look out below. Will be another big pharma house of horrors. Funny thing is these damn clown managers can’t sell a pen or anything else for that.
I am one of those "damn clown managers" who will be interviewing to fill my new sales team. You better come prepared and don't assume that we can't see right through you entitled job chasers. I have a full slate of candidates next week and will see right through people like you.

I am one of those "damn clown managers" who will be interviewing to fill my new sales team. You better come prepared and don't assume that we can't see right through you entitled job chasers. I have a full slate of candidates next week and will see right through people like you.
You are going to be highly impressed when you see that my balls are as smooth as eggs

I am one of those "damn clown managers" who will be interviewing to fill my new sales team. You better come prepared and don't assume that we can't see right through you entitled job chasers. I have a full slate of candidates next week and will see right through people like you.
Can you tell HR to stop ghosting people already ? I would like to get my rejection email already if it ain’t going to work

That's probably because you've never worked an honest 8 hour day. You probably man groom like most of the metrosexuals in our industry, which is why I only hire tenured industry females.

Lmao, yes! Hire those spa going soccer moms who work less than anyone I know, terrific logic as clown manager!