Is there anything worse than Cardinal Health?

Dear Cardinal,

Please sell the PR business. We were all happy before being rolled into this sh*t burrito. You are not capable of manufacturing products or pleasing customers. For the love of god, have mercy and spin us off.


I never wanted to be a logistics representative (that can’t offer any logistical solutions either).
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Unfortunately, I don't think we could sell it even if we wanted to. By now the market knows what a waste of money it was and is. And I agree with the no logistical abilities at all. What is so frightening is that management is so clueless that they don't understand that they don't understand the business at all. Good luck to the consulting group because if our management doesn't understand it, how will a consulting group? Garbage in is garbage out...

i want a lawyer. Now i am having my commission clawed back. I have no product to sell because of the backorders and now they are taking MY money. What kind of lawyer would I need to contact about this?

There are many reps ready to jump on a lawsuit regarding compensation. If this is the first time you’ve been clawed back then welcome to the team. We’re all waiting for the first person to make the move. Most people that have already left have their documentation ready to get on board. The numbers aren’t right, tracings are a joke, and 2 years later they still don’t have products coded to the correct sales team. It’s a fkn joke and they clearly don’t care to fix it. What’s worse is the abusive relationship we’ve been put through. Sir, May I have another??

There are employment lawyers out there. They are hard to find but they exist. We will need a LOT of documentation and more than you think. I am 100% sure that this could be a class action suit but who is willing to stick their neck out?

There are employment lawyers out there. They are hard to find but they exist. We will need a LOT of documentation and more than you think. I am 100% sure that this could be a class action suit but who is willing to stick their neck out?

When you sign your comp plan every year, there is language in it that allows them to cancel or change the comp plan any time, for any reason. You would have to prove they are negligent and/or purposely and willfully change numbers to put you in a claw-back. Obviously, the former would the route to go. Because they really have no fucking clue. They are going to come into this year thinking tracings are fixed. They are not. If you did file a class action, you would have an uphill battle proving your case, then what? You get paid at 100%? Its not like they would award damages. Lawyers are going to take 30% to 40% of any award anyways. Seems like a lot of trouble for little reward. Just find another gig.

I think what is still the most disturbing to me is that none of the "upper" management understands that we aren't getting paid, nor do they care.The total lack of empathy is nothing short of amazing. My manager is a great guy but can't make lemonade from this sack of lemons. Like someone else posted, we ARE paying for their fuckups and lack of products.

There are employment lawyers out there. They are hard to find but they exist. We will need a LOT of documentation and more than you think. I am 100% sure that this could be a class action suit but who is willing to stick their neck out?
I hate to say this but 4/6 medical sales companies have cheated me. The first time it was out of $100,000 and I went to 3 attorneys who told me that if you are wearing black shoes and they are wanting you to wear brown then they can fire and cheat you for any reason. Cardinal is NO different. They blow. Someone from the first company that cheated me contacted me on LinkedIn looking for a job at Cardinal. He sued the first company that cheated me (and him) and lost - these guys are just too big for us Peons. They cheat the reps and give excuses like "There is a glitch in the system", "there was a problem with Tracking" ha ha, "We are working on it and hope to have an answer for you in a few weeks", ha ha, I call BULLSHIT! Your manager will go through the motions and have phone calls with tech people like my manager did for me and act like she cares (sorry I saw through the shit immediately) and saw it for what it was. Another person on my team was cheated the year before and still not paid her commissions... You suck Cardinal and so do your ridiculous managers - we can see right through you. Better if you were honest and said, "We just can't pay you because our Opiod lawsuits were too high and we spent 6.2 billion on Medtronic, OOPS, we overspent and underdelivered. What else is new? Let's take it out on the backs of the Reps, like usual. Fuck you Cardinal.

The products are either:
Come on folks - let's go sell three times for commissions we will Never get! Hip Hip Hooray!

Cardinal Sucks...we all know that. I left a while ago and am quite content with my new life. I hated working here as I had a terrible manager who, with impunity, violated HR rules, and thought her shit never stank. A Monster. Many companies are poorly run and just as ruthless as Cardinal. Good luck finding a better place to work--but they exist. Good luck if you sue but realize the cost and the consequences. Cardinal will sacrifice each and every one of you to survive the opioid scandal and its consequences which will never go aware in your lifetime. Leave and try to find happiness elsewhere. Good luck

Cardinal Sucks...we all know that. I left a while ago and am quite content with my new life. I hated working here as I had a terrible manager who, with impunity, violated HR rules, and thought her shit never stank. A Monster. Many companies are poorly run and just as ruthless as Cardinal. Good luck finding a better place to work--but they exist. Good luck if you sue but realize the cost and the consequences. Cardinal will sacrifice each and every one of you to survive the opioid scandal and its consequences which will never go aware in your lifetime. Leave and try to find happiness elsewhere. Good luck

TOXIC. That's what this place is

Ben T and Daren M sitting around discussing FY 20, and eating rats do.
“Well, we can blame FY19 and FY20 on Blaze, he set us up for failure. Obviously, we can’t to better (than horrific), so let’s reorg. Then, we can say it’ll take at least 2 years to see our vision through. In the meantime, let’s buttf**k reps out of commission to boost fake profits. Well done ole top! Splendid! Now, let’s go buy some special colorful socks for the NSM”.

You gotta love the spin they put on it though... "we didn't do this for cost cutting". Bullshit. 5 year plan? Really? is that the same thing as the "3-hour tour"? I feel like we are on a deserted island...

The 5 year plan is only so BT and douchy DM can keep their jobs for another couple of years. We are losing to Medline left and right. In some cases we aren't even getting a chance to bid. Douche DM and BT think medline is winning because of contracts. NO, Medline is winning because their sales force is incentivized, aggressive, and paid well to sell off contract. They create relationships and work them for 5 to 10 years before getting a deal done because if that deal comes through, those reps make bank, and I'm not talking about shitty cardinal bank. I'm talking $250k YOY. All the while, we have to work harder to get paid the same as we did last year. If you aren't looking for another job you are either dumb or scared. This place is going to be a dog fight having to compete for jobs against our own colleagues in the 2nd quarter, and forget about being promoted.

Does anyone remember a year without a pay cut via variable comp plan? What’s worse is I can’t remember a year when they didn’t act like it was better. Lying fake ass pieces of shite!
BT & DM, please READ more of your motivational thoughts/cons on conference calls. We all get the warm and fuzzies in the presence of your charm and business acumen. You are our guiding light.