Is there anything worse than Cardinal Health?

Does anyone remember a year without a pay cut via variable comp plan? What’s worse is I can’t remember a year when they didn’t act like it was better. Lying fake ass pieces of shite!
BT & DM, please READ more of your motivational thoughts/cons on conference calls. We all get the warm and fuzzies in the presence of your charm and business acumen. You are our guiding light.

Every single year I have had my pay adjusted. Whether it is adjusting my quota mid year because I was doing too well, being capped, or not getting paid correctly because tracing are wrong. This is the last time though. I'm going to sit on my ass and not do shit till I find a new job. F#ck this place. This place is worse than the shitty job I worked after college.

Tho only reps that even want to stay are the old timers running out the clock and because they have 36 vacation days. If your young and competent heed these words “Get out!” For your sanity and financial welfare, go now.

There is no such thing as vacation here, oh young one. The poor customers cannot function without a daily substitution check. They will legitimately run out of basic products needed to care for patients. And this from a friggin Distributor!!

Can’t wait for this damn NSM. It was so well thought out that a good portion of the attendees won’t even work for Cardinal next quarter. Efficiency!

These guys have no clue how to run a sales force or a service organization. run for the hills! It’s all Blaze’s fault. He set us back 20 years versus the competition and billions in shareholder value. At least they fired him and Mike doesn’t even speak his name.

What about Pharmaceutical division?
Well, depending on the news sources you read, we are out of most of the lawsuits from the attorney generals in the affected states but we still have a big one headed our way from the same guy who won against the tobacco companies. However, the tobacco companies knew what their creations did while we were just the mules so to speak. However, the decline in generics and switches to other models are impacting our business. We HAVE to start thinking out of the box for distribution services and efficiency's. We need to invest in other areas of business because the truth is, medical is not going to keep up with the demands of the baby boomers. And the services that pay (private insurance, medicaid etc) are out to make profits as well so the patient will have to come up with the difference - and a lot of them just don't have the money. Been to Taco Bell lately? That's not a college student behind the register - it's grandma paying for her heart medication. We need to diversify to stay afloat.

There is no such thing as vacation here, oh young one. The poor customers cannot function without a daily substitution check. They will legitimately run out of basic products needed to care for patients. And this from a friggin Distributor!!

Can’t wait for this damn NSM. It was so well thought out that a good portion of the attendees won’t even work for Cardinal next quarter. Efficiency!

The truth is, the CAM's weren't selling. A few were really good and helped find opportunities but why overpay a customer service representatives in an area losing money??? The one thing I agreed with is moving to the new customer service model. My spoiled customers are just going to have to deal with it. They don't want to pay for shit and therefore, they get what they deserve on service. No where else in the world would you expect to get top notch, personalized service and not pay for it. But, here I am, tired and cranky and still don't know pay scales, territories or anything else I really needed to know so I'm out. We would have been better off having this meeting when most was done and not before. Just stupid.

I'm guessing the current "compensation" situation is designed to run off the most expensive thing they have - other than lawsuits - us. I was embarrassed and disappointed by the scandal. I wonder what will hit us next. We have no inventory, no clue and no paychecks. Testa is gone because he actually had as much integrity as one can have at that spot.

I'm smacking myself in the head for not seeing it sooner - they're paying us at 76% not because of clawbacks but what a great way to make some extra money off of your employees. Keep that money in the bank a little bit longer - when your talking millions, an extra day adds up. And then I also wonder if its because they still can't get our tracings correct. How does that many people loose so much money so quickly???? Oh, unless your specialty and then you just get paid for showing up.

I'm smacking myself in the head for not seeing it sooner - they're paying us at 76% not because of clawbacks but what a great way to make some extra money off of your employees. Keep that money in the bank a little bit longer - when your talking millions, an extra day adds up. And then I also wonder if its because they still can't get our tracings correct. How does that many people loose so much money so quickly???? Oh, unless your specialty and then you just get paid for showing up.

Wow. Way to really rack the ole noodle and figure that one out, captain obvious. How else are they going to pay for multi-billion dollar settlements? On the sales force’s back that’s how.

LOL I know. I really wanted to believe in something good coming out of all of this but I just keep finding myself more and more depressed and looking for a way out. I believe in one of the meetings they said there will be more HSE's than OR specialist but so far, I'm only seeing 159 HSE territories. Which means less than 159 OR specialist. Currently, there are 120 CAM territories and 250 GMOR. Even with the mass exodus, tell me again how this isn't a layoff situation??

What more can be said? Failing company, ran by short sighted idiots who couldn’t spell CAT if you spotted them the C & A. The only question remaining is do you stay until they throw you out or leave on your own terms with your head held high and a hardy “Fuck you, you cheating bastards!” As you dance to the door.

When Cardinal puts someone in charge of distribution from Patient Recovery... wtf, have you learned anything?!??!? When you see more tenured people like DK and MH leaving... run!!! You people are hanging onto the side of the Titanic! GTFO! Do you think this is the only job out there??

I love the fact that they have "posted" all the HSE jobs but actually have not. Didn't Ben say that we would be able to bid on either job? Where are the OR specialist roles?? At this point, I don't really care. I'm just hanging on till I finalize my new position because I'm so tired of this bs. Titanic indeed.