Is there anything worse than Cardinal Health?

The architects of this company plan should be ashamed. No tracings at month 2. Any business I have lost is due to their never ending backorders and lack of competency. They consider that my problem. Fuck you cardinal. I just want a fair opportunity to make my number and commission. That’s not possible here. Such a shame.

Mark Henderson. There is nothing worse than Cardinal. Everyone needs to wake up and smell the steaming pile of sh-t that we all work for. Nothing ever changes - do more with less (check out how long some of the open territories have been vacant), let’s reinvent the wheel for the umpteenth time and act like it’s going to “revolutionize” the business (reorg # 3,826), we promote koolaid drinking robots who will sell their soul to the devil for the right price (KA is a spineless corporate bobble head that no one respects), let’s pay useless, idiot consultant groups with no clue about our business millions of dollars that are owed to the salesforce for commissions that will ultimately end up in the toilet (category management for $1000, Alex), we blatantly ignore the giant opioid elephant in the room that no senior leader will talk about, but everyone knows is the root cause of everything! But hey, at least we are offering you a severance if you are lucky, right? Take the money and run!!!!

Truer words have never been spoken. Cardinal is a toxic cesspool of “yes men” leadership who will bend you over and f- you up the ass at every opportunity.

Mark Henderson. There is nothing worse than Cardinal. Everyone needs to wake up and smell the steaming pile of sh-t that we all work for. Nothing ever changes - do more with less (check out how long some of the open territories have been vacant), let’s reinvent the wheel for the umpteenth time and act like it’s going to “revolutionize” the business (reorg # 3,826), we promote koolaid drinking robots who will sell their soul to the devil for the right price (KA is a spineless corporate bobble head that no one respects), let’s pay useless, idiot consultant groups with no clue about our business millions of dollars that are owed to the salesforce for commissions that will ultimately end up in the toilet (category management for $1000, Alex), we blatantly ignore the giant opioid elephant in the room that no senior leader will talk about, but everyone knows is the root cause of everything! But hey, at least we are offering you a severance if you are lucky, right? Take the money and run!!!!

Truer words have never been spoken. Cardinal is a toxic cesspool of “yes men” leadership who will f- you up the a-s at every opportunity.

Mark Henderson. There is nothing worse than Cardinal. Everyone needs to wake up and smell the steaming pile of sh-t that we all work for. Nothing ever changes - do more with less (check out how long some of the open territories have been vacant), let’s reinvent the wheel for the umpteenth time and act like it’s going to “revolutionize” the business (reorg # 3,826), we promote koolaid drinking robots who will sell their soul to the devil for the right price (KA is a spineless corporate bobble head that no one respects), let’s pay useless, idiot consultant groups with no clue about our business millions of dollars that are owed to the salesforce for commissions that will ultimately end up in the toilet (category management for $1000, Alex), we blatantly ignore the giant opioid elephant in the room that no senior leader will talk about, but everyone knows is the root cause of everything! But hey, at least we are offering you a severance if you are lucky, right? Take the money and run!!!!

Mark Henderson. There is nothing worse than Cardinal. Everyone needs to wake up and smell the steaming pile of sh-t that we all work for. Nothing ever changes - do more with less (check out how long some of the open territories have been vacant), let’s reinvent the wheel for the umpteenth time and act like it’s going to “revolutionize” the business (reorg # 3,826), we promote koolaid drinking robots who will sell their soul to the devil for the right price (KA is a spineless corporate bobble head that no one respects), let’s pay useless, idiot consultant groups with no clue about our business millions of dollars that are owed to the salesforce for commissions that will ultimately end up in the toilet (category management for $1000, Alex), we blatantly ignore the giant opioid elephant in the room that no senior leader will talk about, but everyone knows is the root cause of everything! But hey, at least we are offering you a severance if you are lucky, right? Take the money and run!!!!

Mark Henderson. There is nothing worse than Cardinal. Everyone needs to wake up and smell the steaming pile of sh-t that we all work for. Nothing ever changes - do more with less (check out how long some of the open territories have been vacant), let’s reinvent the wheel for the umpteenth time and act like it’s going to “revolutionize” the business (reorg # 3,826), we promote koolaid drinking robots who will sell their soul to the devil for the right price (KA is a spineless corporate bobble head that no one respects), let’s pay useless, idiot consultant groups with no clue about our business millions of dollars that are owed to the salesforce for commissions that will ultimately end up in the toilet (category management for $1000, Alex), we blatantly ignore the giant opioid elephant in the room that no senior leader will talk about, but everyone knows is the root cause of everything! But hey, at least we are offering you a severance if you are lucky, right? Take the money and run!!!!

Anyone else get the blue screen yesterday? If past outsourcing FAILURES aren’t an indication of what’s coming, this definitely shows first hand what future outsourcing is going to do to the company. They laid off some of the local RCS team. Call the IT line, “Hi, I’m CHIA”, hang up on that bulls—-, call back wait on hold for 20 minutes, get someone that I can’t even understand what his or her name is, put in a ticket, there’s no one local to follow up with... so we sit and wait and no work is being completed!!!! we’ll see how long it takes to get this resolved and how many additional tickets have to be submitted.

Life freaking sucks today. Apparently talent has nothing to do with the new world and Blazes's legacy lives on. Bunch of freaking losers....

If you don’t like being around the “freaking losers”, why not resign? Eventually the lack of talent and lost knowledge will catch up to the company and it’s chosen leadership.

Life freaking sucks today. Apparently talent has nothing to do with the new world and Blazes's legacy lives on. Bunch of freaking losers....

I just don't understand why we are still following Blazes' chosen path when he's gone. If it wasn't working when he was here to "lead the way", how the f&*! is it going to work with him gone? Come on people- pull your heads out of your asses!!!

I just don't understand why we are still following Blazes' chosen path when he's gone. If it wasn't working when he was here to "lead the way", how the f&*! is it going to work with him gone? Come on people- pull your heads out of your asses!!!

For clarity, this was never Blaze’s path. Cardinal hired a consulting company to make all of its decisions related to the new sales org structure. According to BT, this wasn’t an initiative to save costs and they had 1 chance to get it right. They relied on external consultants to get it right for them. When (not if) it fails miserably, they also have the consultants to blame it on. If you don’t like the new path being taken, no one is keeping you at Cardinal. Resign like everyone else.