Is it true OCEAN done in September?

Yep I fake calls while I watch movies, take my fiancé to lunch, sleep in till 12. And best of all I chase signatures. I measure my success 4-9 or 7-10, please sign my computer. I make impact full calls when I do go to my 10 offices in 4 hours. Selling Crestor. I have one product. It's not that hard. I'm a contract rep. Big deal. I used to make double. And, now since we became contract reps, I know we have only 4 months left, so I spend my time looking for another job. You should too, why not get paid to look. Oh, by the way I have blow off days as well 0-10! Lol AZ is a crappy company that blows. Too bad you and your loyalty, or sense of non-entitlement can line up at the unemployment office. I'm a realist. And, You are a dreamer.

This might have been the best post I have seen on this whole site in a long time. If anyone actually thinks this contract is getting extended, I feel bad for you. How obvious does it need to be. We just now got a shit bonus, based on numbers we didn't have access to. And now they can't make up their mind to set a simple POA meeting. We also now overlap with 10 other sample droppers who carry Crestor. And the kicker is that now Lipitor is actually generic and everyone will be switched at the pharmacy. You can judge and think we should all be working hard instead of enjoying summer and looking for a real job, but in a few weeks, your so-called hard work is not going to be paying your bills and you will be thankful we have an idiot in the white house who wants to give out tax payers money for nothing.

In the last week or two we have been getting a ton of propaganda about Publicis as a company and all of the opportunities we have here for promotions. Also how Publicis is growing, has a great track record with getting contracts extended, etc. This message is always followed up with the DM saying, "Just don't worry about what you can't control and keep selling!" In my experience these kind of talks are the kiss of death. This combined with our POA being delayed and still no firm dates leads me to believe we are done in September. I hope this is not the case but that's just my feeling.

In the last week or two we have been getting a ton of propaganda about Publicis as a company and all of the opportunities we have here for promotions. Also how Publicis is growing, has a great track record with getting contracts extended, etc. This message is always followed up with the DM saying, "Just don't worry about what you can't control and keep selling!" In my experience these kind of talks are the kiss of death. This combined with our POA being delayed and still no firm dates leads me to believe we are done in September. I hope this is not the case but that's just my feeling.

I agree with you and have been thinking the same things. But I really don't think Publicis knows yet and they're going through these motions jusy in case... I still think it could go either way. There are SO many reasons to keep us and AZ is still in a state of confusion right now.

By the way, there's never been an answer to the question... Are we talking the END of September? 30 days and 2 paychecks make a difference and it seems unclear to me since DMs began the first of Sept (if not late Aug) of last year.

I agree with you and have been thinking the same things. But I really don't think Publicis knows yet and they're going through these motions jusy in case... I still think it could go either way. There are SO many reasons to keep us and AZ is still in a state of confusion right now.

By the way, there's never been an answer to the question... Are we talking the END of September? 30 days and 2 paychecks make a difference and it seems unclear to me since DMs began the first of Sept (if not late Aug) of last year.

RS here! We are Saved!

Is it just me, or are they really trying hard to make us believe we're going to be around past September? Even though they don't even know yet (and likely think we WON'T be).

And please save the ridiculous "RS" posts for some other board.
Legitimate comments only, please.

Ok here is the truth. The sales numbers are all made up. Since when did it matter how many calls per day and market share doesn't matter? The company both AZ and Publicis don't know what to do. There are too many reps selling Crestor and something has to change. Crestor market share is going to continue to drop. Company expects growing market share in a market that has generic compittion. Only going to get worse with more generic coming. They will not say extended or ending until the very last minute. RS doesn't know shit and never will as do all the rest of the speculators and complainers here. The Ocean group is only one step above the value of a CSA. In the company eyes Ocean is easily replaced. There now do you feel better that you have the truth?

Ok here is the truth. The sales numbers are all made up. Since when did it matter how many calls per day and market share doesn't matter? The company both AZ and Publicis don't know what to do. There are too many reps selling Crestor and something has to change. Crestor market share is going to continue to drop. Company expects growing market share in a market that has generic compittion. Only going to get worse with more generic coming. They will not say extended or ending until the very last minute. RS doesn't know shit and never will as do all the rest of the speculators and complainers here. The Ocean group is only one step above the value of a CSA. In the company eyes Ocean is easily replaced. There now do you feel better that you have the truth?

AZ rep here..... this is so spot on. AZ could give a crap about its own employees, so could give a crap about Publics employees. The told us Ocean was here to help our lay offs were coming..... then 4 months later lay offs announced.

I spend more time explaining(than selling) to annoyed offices, why there are so many people coming the Cardiology offices for Crestor/any AZ product: CSA, Ocean, Dutoprol team,AZ primary Care rep, 2 AZ specialty reps, 1 AZ hospital rep..... " 7 people with AZ on their card" . My best guess is that is about 650 K in salaries alone, for 1-2 products. I compete with my own " company" sell my products.

Ok here is the truth. The sales numbers are all made up. Since when did it matter how many calls per day and market share doesn't matter? The company both AZ and Publicis don't know what to do. There are too many reps selling Crestor and something has to change. Crestor market share is going to continue to drop. Company expects growing market share in a market that has generic compittion. Only going to get worse with more generic coming. They will not say extended or ending until the very last minute. RS doesn't know shit and never will as do all the rest of the speculators and complainers here. The Ocean group is only one step above the value of a CSA. In the company eyes Ocean is easily replaced. There now do you feel better that you have the truth?

POAs are being held in July. Managers meeting in late June.

This is good news, but it still doesn't mean alot to me except that they don't know yet what they're doing with the contract and it's simply business as usual until they do.

Why would AZ have POAs with 2 months left on the contract. Also, vacant positions are being field. There must be some contract negotiations going on for an extension.

Why would AZ have POAs with 2 months left on the contract. Also, vacant positions are being field. There must be some contract negotiations going on for an extension.

Correct! We are getting one more year. Big deal. That means in 14 months, I have to hope for openings anyway. Novo is expanding everyone should try and go for any openings possible. Get out of contract it's a career ender.

Why would AZ have POAs with 2 months left on the contract. Also, vacant positions are being field. There must be some contract negotiations going on for an extension.

Are you serious?! Yes, it's a logical question, but unless you're brand new to the industry, you'd understand why it makes no difference. Pharma companies do a lot of illogical things. These are not even POAs... They're 1 day district meetings with a dinner the night before. Maybe 2 days in some cases. And yes they're still filling positions. It's always business as usual until the very end and there are probably countless reps that can tell you they've been in situations or know someone who's been through it where they've been hired, gone through training and then a few months (even a few weeks) later they're let go, downsized, lost their position. It is not unheard of or even that uncommon.

With all that said, I don't think the writing's on the wall one way or another. I just know that anything is possible and when I was hired I was told this is a 1-year contract until September. Until I hear otherwise, that's what I'm planning on. I do hope it's extended and I think there's a strong chance, but I'm just saying it would be wise to be prepared.

Stop spewing facts and truths on this site or page for that matter. People come here because they want to complain and say how bad their situation is. Contract is just what it is. A JOB. Now after that refreshing break of wisdom. Let's get back to speculation on our existance in this Ocean contract. I feel it will end as stated above it's until Sept. How about those goals of increase market share in a market that has one and soon to be many more generic option that doctors must write before going branded? Grow your market 10% will be next. If you don't better hit that call average and make a couple hundie. Can you believe that it has come down to number of calls per day? I understand this for the CSA's but to an experinced rep. Really?

Are you serious?! Yes, it's a logical question, but unless you're brand new to the industry, you'd understand why it makes no difference. Pharma companies do a lot of illogical things. These are not even POAs... They're 1 day district meetings with a dinner the night before. Maybe 2 days in some cases. And yes they're still filling positions. It's always business as usual until the very end and there are probably countless reps that can tell you they've been in situations or know someone who's been through it where they've been hired, gone through training and then a few months (even a few weeks) later they're let go, downsized, lost their position. It is not unheard of or even that uncommon.

With all that said, I don't think the writing's on the wall one way or another. I just know that anything is possible and when I was hired I was told this is a 1-year contract until September. Until I hear otherwise, that's what I'm planning on. I do hope it's extended and I think there's a strong chance, but I'm just saying it would be wise to be prepared.

I, too, was brought on thinking this was a 1 year gig. I dont think we will know anything until after our poa's. I mean, why would we have one if we already knew our fate? Mid July at the earliest.

I, too, was brought on thinking this was a 1 year gig. I dont think we will know anything until after our poa's. I mean, why would we have one if we already knew our fate? Mid July at the earliest.

It looks at this point that the Ocean contract will be extended for one more year. With so many cheap generic brands of atorvastatin soon to be available, Ocean reps are needed more than before. AZ full time reps are very lazy, overpaid and don't do anything Ocean does not do and they dont do it as well for the most part.

How much do they pay u to speak Chinese? Does the Ocean team do it better? I did not understand what u said.

The Ocean reps are in the offices SELLING with Stellar, Eclipse and Meteor and delivering solid sales messages for Crestor whereas the AZ reps are mostly lazy sample droppers and caterers who really do little if any selling. Ocean offers AZ much more bang for the buck with the Crestor campaign.

The Ocean reps are in the offices SELLING with Stellar, Eclipse and Meteor and delivering solid sales messages for Crestor whereas the AZ reps are mostly lazy sample droppers and caterers who really do little if any selling. Ocean offers AZ much more bang for the buck with the Crestor campaign.

I agree.

It looks at this point that the Ocean contract will be extended for one more year. With so many cheap generic brands of atorvastatin soon to be available, Ocean reps are needed more than before. AZ full time reps are very lazy, overpaid and don't do anything Ocean does not do and they dont do it as well for the most part.

With AZ/ Ocean training scheduled and Disrtict meetings set. I think so.

I love how you guys somehow want to take credit of doctors already sold on Crestor....

Stupid F#*kers.... your lists ( as jacked up as the were/are ) for the most part made up of high Crestor prescribing doctors or doctors that write branded products... You act like you are hot shit.....????? and you sold the doctors ?Big deal that you grew market share amongst current prescribers my by what .25 or .5 % .....get real.

I know your lists had some " no sees" but my rep Ocean rep does not do shit...and reaps the rewards of mature product that doctors were already sold on.

Now lets give you doctors that write only generics or have all medicare D patients where savings cards don't work and see how you do.