Is it true OCEAN done in September?

Whats the word? Any new news?

Looks very speculative at this point. Contract may be renewed but probably with fewer territories depending on performance and overload with AZ Crestor reps in a given area. AZ may have another layoff before year end. Waiting game for OCEAN reps. September not far away so some word like yea or nay should be coming down soon. AZ upper mgt will do a balance sheet to determine whether to renew or not.

Looks very speculative at this point. Contract may be renewed but probably with fewer territories depending on performance and overload with AZ Crestor reps in a given area. AZ may have another layoff before year end. Waiting game for OCEAN reps. September not far away so some word like yea or nay should be coming down soon. AZ upper mgt will do a balance sheet to determine whether to renew or not.

And so we continue to wait...

My manager said their may be a POA in July but not certain at this point. No news on the contract being extended. Guess we will have to continue to wait. All hinges on the numbers and how OCEAN is doing as a team.

My manager said their may be a POA in July but not certain at this point. No news on the contract being extended. Guess we will have to continue to wait. All hinges on the numbers and how OCEAN is doing as a team.

At this point it no longer "hinges on the numbers"... OCEAN reps have proven themselves. Now there are so many reps calling on any given office it's impossible to say which individual is really having the impact or is it really a team effort. Not to mention we're getting into that time frame where generic Lipitor is really going to have an impact. Crestor numbers are going to fall A LOT now.

What this contract extension really hinges on is which direction AZ wants to go... What company might they buy and how will that affect their sales force with new products to promote? Will dapa get approved for the diabetes team? So on and so forth... AZ is in flux. Hopefully that will end up being a benefit for us... They may not keep us for another full year, but maybe they'll extend this baby at least another 90 days until they figure out what they're doing and what their sales force structure needs to look like.

Over? Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor? Hell no and it ain't over now? When the going gets tough, the tough get going. Now who's with me? Your Blues Bro. R.I.P Johny......

This thread has gotten ridiculous. I hope someone will post when they have some real information or at least an interesting tidbit that might shed some light on the future of this contract. I still feel like it could go either way. Someone mentioned a 90-day extension... A little extra time while AZ is figuring things out. That's not a bad idea and would make good business sense. I just wonder if AZ or Publicis has thought at all about it! I know I'd prefer working up to the holidays!! It also buys us a little more time to find something else!

Why is everyone freaking out? Welcome to pharma sales! If you haven't experienced this whole "are we gonna have a job, are we not gonna have a job" in this industry yet, then congratulations! Fact is, there will be no word from anyone until something is official, so, go work, do your job and be thankful you have one. I'm not even starting on this contract until July, and I'm fine with it! Make a little cash and find something else. I worked for a big pharma co. for 8 years and am joining a contract co. by choice. I personally find it comforting that I know an exact date that I will be unemployed vs. big pharma, where there were massive layoffs every 2 years, and I was constantly wondering when the madness would end. So... worst case scenerio... the contract ends in September. Best case scenerio, it's extended until next year. If you can't deal with it, get a job somewhere else. You know it's not a permanent position b/c that's not what you signed up for, so quit freaking out like it is.

Why is everyone freaking out? Welcome to pharma sales! If you haven't experienced this whole "are we gonna have a job, are we not gonna have a job" in this industry yet, then congratulations! Fact is, there will be no word from anyone until something is official, so, go work, do your job and be thankful you have one. I'm not even starting on this contract until July, and I'm fine with it! Make a little cash and find something else. I worked for a big pharma co. for 8 years and am joining a contract co. by choice. I personally find it comforting that I know an exact date that I will be unemployed vs. big pharma, where there were massive layoffs every 2 years, and I was constantly wondering when the madness would end. So... worst case scenerio... the contract ends in September. Best case scenerio, it's extended until next year. If you can't deal with it, get a job somewhere else. You know it's not a permanent position b/c that's not what you signed up for, so quit freaking out like it is.

So you'll have a job July, August, and September? Wow, now THAT will look good on a resume. Unless you plan on staying in contract your entire life.

Hey you that's getting ready to start your 3-month gig... I don't think anyone's "freaking out", just wondering and sharing their speculation. I would say most people ARE getting out there and doing their job on a daily basis, so I wouldn't make any snap judgements on a job you haven't even started yet. I think people would just like to know if/when it's extended because most of us aren't interested in sitting on the sofa collecting unemployment. For those of us that like this gig, another year would be nice. For those that don't, we will be looking and interviewing... It's just nice to know how long we really have.

Congrats on the bonus. Is it really worth it for you to brag about 20 % faked calls? What ever happened to pride in you work or effort. Let me guess your voting for Obama because you like getting something for nothing?

I see so then do you think you would have made more if you didn't fake those 20%? If you think so then maybe you just don't need the money and you do this work thing for fun. I am so hopeful you don't have your own business. Guess people have adopted the mentality of do just enough to get by. What a shame this system has created. Entitlement...

I see so then do you think you would have made more if you didn't fake those 20%? If you think so then maybe you just don't need the money and you do this work thing for fun. I am so hopeful you don't have your own business. Guess people have adopted the mentality of do just enough to get by. What a shame this system has created. Entitlement...

Yep I fake calls while I watch movies, take my fiancé to lunch, sleep in till 12. And best of all I chase signatures. I measure my success 4-9 or 7-10, please sign my computer. I make impact full calls when I do go to my 10 offices in 4 hours. Selling Crestor. I have one product. It's not that hard. I'm a contract rep. Big deal. I used to make double. And, now since we became contract reps, I know we have only 4 months left, so I spend my time looking for another job. You should too, why not get paid to look. Oh, by the way I have blow off days as well 0-10! Lol AZ is a crappy company that blows. Too bad you and your loyalty, or sense of non-entitlement can line up at the unemployment office. I'm a realist. And, You are a dreamer.