Is HP qualified to be in leadership?

are we really still talking about her? She is the biggest loser in leadership in this company. Let's just accept that she will remain protected and kept in place because to move her along would be an admission of error by BG and others. They know what a mistake she is but to correct the error of promoting her would be to admit their bad judgment. We are stuck with her until BG is made to be accountable for her lack of leadership ability. Move on.
you move on if you want but my professional future is directly affected by her ineptitude. How do you suggest I sleep at night knowing that she will ruin my career if she gets wind that I and so many others think she is an idiot? I am tired of walking on egg shells. She is a terror!!!!!!!

So a natural question to ask is, why do they both operate in such negative and vindictive ways without any repercussions? What is it about this corporate culture that fosters this type of leadership? Clearly we see the downsides; miserable salespeople, high turnover, stunted initiative by people under them, lower sales success and a general sense of limitation to thrive by the people who work for and with them. They're both toxic. They degrade and criticize their peers. They see which way the wind is blowing and get out in front to act as if they are leading the way. Neither of them can genuinely believe that they are leaders and they both have to be unhappy always looking to remain secure in their jobs rather than actually doing meaningful work. The problem of course lies in the leadership above them. A wholesale house cleaning from the AD level on up seems to be the only thing that can make this company a viable long-term success. Where is the accountability?

She also thinks she is way smarter than Bob G. She tries so hard to be PC but she isn't smart enough to hide her disdain for most of his direction. To his face she is super supportive. It's the HP way. What a farce.

The hostility and drama that these two women infect into the leadership ranks is reason enough to send them packing. Heather gets on CP and blasts real leaders like Brunetti. With employees she has authority over she establishes that he is the enemy. She foments division where she should be encouraging cooperation. This is the opposite of leadership.
Nice try Romeo, or JB, or whatever is your name of choice today......I like John-Boy as you are so childish and unprofessional. Guess HP usn’t Pretty enough for you to cozy up to and act like you respect women. You are as fake as a $3 bill, but are not worth as much.

Heather - Do you think posting on CP is appropriate conduct for someone in your position?
If she had a grasp of what was appropriate, and if she was the caliber of leader fit for her role, she would not be interested in the least what is posted on CP. And she would have no need to. But, demonstrating the reason this thread exists, she gets on here and proves the point! Heather, go back to teaching second grade where you are arguably smarter than those whom you are responsible to lead.

Heather's antics are the worst kept open secret in the company. It is comical how everyone knows it, talks about it, and still avoids dealing with it.
There are more resources and efforts employed to maintain the illusion that Heather is an acceptable AD than meets the eye. She is protected because she has the leverage to cry sexism. She hides her ineptitude hides behind her minority status. This is a slap in the face to all the women who are actually repressed and held back because of real sexism. She plays that card and thereby diminishes the actual repression that so many women face. Her problem is that she has an open path to fail.

There are more resources and efforts employed to maintain the illusion that Heather is an acceptable AD than meets the eye. She is protected because she has the leverage to cry sexism. She hides her ineptitude hides behind her minority status. This is a slap in the face to all the women who are actually repressed and held back because of real sexism. She plays that card and thereby diminishes the actual repression that so many women face. Her problem is that she has an open path to fail.
BRAVO! Well said! Why I such a catastrophe of a person promoted and kept? Who is so afraid to get rid of her and why? She is crafty and knows how to manipulate the system and those above her would rather hide than take a stand. Everyone loses. Get rid of her and the region will thrive.

As someone who has witnessed HPs deviousness up close I couldn't agree more. She would be bowled over if she knew it was me saying this, but while I don't think she is all bad she definitely is a schemer and someone who sets the trap and lays in wait. She doesn't seem to realize that she is not operating in secrecy. To those of us who watch her operate every day she is completely in the open. She is not as clever as she would like to believe. The RMs and other ADs see it and talk about it all the time. She is the only one who doesn't get it. She has my pity and my prayers.

As someone who has witnessed HPs deviousness up close I couldn't agree more. She would be bowled over if she knew it was me saying this, but while I don't think she is all bad she definitely is a schemer and someone who sets the trap and lays in wait. She doesn't seem to realize that she is not operating in secrecy. To those of us who watch her operate every day she is completely in the open. She is not as clever as she would like to believe. The RMs and other ADs see it and talk about it all the time. She is the only one who doesn't get it. She has my pity and my prayers.
Well stated. I think it is especially helpful and appropriate to keep comments on this thread confined to behaviors that are specific and relevant to Heather's professional conduct. Attacks on her as a person and on her personal traits are out of bounds and not helpful to exposing her ineptitude as an AD.

The funniest thing is that Heather professes to not understand where all of the thoughts here about her are coming from. Is she that blind to her own behaviors, or is that just more of her manipulating? Does it even matter at this point?

No, the funniest thing actually is that everyone surrounding her feels the same way as the posters here, but are careful not to allow Heather to know it. She is easily lead to see what she wants to see. Her harshest critics are those who know her best and work most closely with her. They are also the most aware of how to feed her what she wants. She is totally exposed. It would be comical, if it weren't for the toxicity she radiates.

Still find it crazy that people on here defend JB and claim he is a "great leader". Clearly these people dont have to report to him. People say he is funny??? He has terrible "Dad jokes". He acts as if he is so successful. He was a TM in one of the highest paying states in the country, then he was a RM in the same state. What a shocker that his numbers were good when WV pays more than just about any other state. JB has been in this industry for his entire career, dont you think there is a reason it has taken him until he was in his 50's to get his first RM position? Maybe its becaus he is not leadership material. There is so much that needs to be fixed at this company, but it is surprising to me that this guy continues ot get a pass with his ridiculous antics and lack of leadership ability.

Still find it crazy that people on here defend JB and claim he is a "great leader". Clearly these people dont have to report to him. People say he is funny??? He has terrible "Dad jokes". He acts as if he is so successful. He was a TM in one of the highest paying states in the country, then he was a RM in the same state. What a shocker that his numbers were good when WV pays more than just about any other state. JB has been in this industry for his entire career, dont you think there is a reason it has taken him until he was in his 50's to get his first RM position? Maybe its becaus he is not leadership material. There is so much that needs to be fixed at this company, but it is surprising to me that this guy continues ot get a pass with his ridiculous antics and lack of leadership ability.

It is ironic, or is it, that this advertisement or notice is below this post.
“For reference:
A whistleblower is an employee that reports an employer's misconduct. There are laws that protect whistleblowers from being fired or mistreated for reporting misconduct. One of these laws is the Whistleblower Protection Act.”

Today's is day 165 since this thread began. Has HP changed in ANY way for the better over this period? Is there ANY evidence that those responsible for condoning her destructive management style have taken note and asked for positive change? Does anyone else feel like our concerns are deliberately being ignored to protect her? I know of other ADs who've raised concerns and they too have been ignored. What's the deal???

Today's is day 168 since this thread began. Has HP changed in ANY way for the better over this period? Is there ANY evidence that those responsible for condoning her destructive management style have taken note and asked for positive change? Does anyone else feel like our concerns are deliberately being ignored to protect her? I know of other ADs who've raised concerns and they too have been ignored. What's the deal???