Is HP qualified to be in leadership?

BS. The co wouldnt take cowardly anonymous CP trolls seriously
Sure. You could say that the posts here on CP are the musings of cowardly trolls. Another perspective is that without other, more legitimate avenues to bring forth concerns, employees of this company are left with no other avenues. She manages in a way that ensures that any sign of disagreement with her will land you in a position of having to fear for your job. What do you suggest?

So says one person, John Brunetti, he hates her and is responsible for all this trash. Heather is a great manager, get off your boat and swim JB! Fat is floatable.....
Don't try to scapegoat JB. He is one of the few leaders here who has real integrity. I truly doubt he would use CP to oppose her. As a leader who actually earned and deserves his position, he has the ability to call her out and unmask her where it counts. He doesn't need the anonymity of CP.

It’s always failed former employees or current malcontents who post.

PR left and now has a higher position than MD, funny how karma works. I heard our replacement comes from big pharma. I can’t wait to see what kind of irrelevant work he teams up with the other two cardio naive managers to create for us. MD loves these self proclaimed leaders that know nothing about our business to actually coach us. Team will turnover just like the rest of New England over the next few months great leadership Phil and Bubar knew what they were doing out here to help us

To the attention of ZOLL attorneys:

MD is bonkers we both know it so him continuing to ask you to send letters to corporations and people is a waste of everyone’s time. Please spend your time doing some valuable. He thinks he can control everyone and it makes him nuts that he can’t control this. Big J

I cant believe JB doesnt catch more heat on these threads. The guy is one of the worst leaders I have ever worked with. The stuff that comes out of this guys mouth is shocking. He doesnt know how to effectively motivate a team and just talks down to people. In fact, I cant believe he is still with us and hasnt said something to get himself fired.

JB is a stand up guy. His business reviews are business focused and he knows how to get it done. He’s a fun guy and people love to be around him. MD is not fun and no one wants to be around him. His business review turns into a 6 year history lesson about what’s he done not about his people. Him and HP makes me sick with the sneaking to each others rooms. HP is all about the people during her reviews and no business. JB knows his stuff! 2 thumbs up to this true leader.

ive been on MDs team twice in the past few years and at business reviews. This is a stand up guy. Leader, he thinks about the business, strong coach and he’s always been supportive.

The most amusing thing no one touches on is that MD has had his area in his current footprint for over 1.5 years yet he won’t take accountability for the poor performing areas even though he has chased old management out and replaced with “leaders”. Numbers are worse, turnover is huge, MD is ranked last in the area but he pokes at a proven super star like JB.

The most amusing thing no one touches on is that MD has had his area in his current footprint for over 1.5 years yet he won’t take accountability for the poor performing areas even though he has chased old management out and replaced with “leaders”. Numbers are worse, turnover is huge, MD is ranked last in the area but he pokes at a proven super star like JB.

After telling everyone for years as part of the 3 semi coherent sales management points in his script that it’s never the geography always the rep/manager. That’s irony

How are sales in HP's Area since she's become AD? Are they the strong, robust growth that she would lead everyone to expect from the great visionary leader she touts herself to be? Do the people who work under her respect her? Do they trust her? Do they trust the company more, or less, for having put her there? Do they believe she is looking out for them and the company or simply trying to hang on and inflate her own credibility? If you work in her Area, would you stay with her if given a choice? Honestly, do you think she is a fit for the role she occupies? Or is she WAYYY out of her depth?
If you work for her or in her area answer this: would sales be more robust or less if she was not in leadership? Does she inspire you to be successful? Do you trust her judgement and motives? Do you think she has your best interests and those of the company at heart or is she just looking to keep her job and be taken seriously?

a person of her limited capabilities could not compete in a professional environment where she was not shielded from her own limitations from those above her. Nuff said....

are we really still talking about her? She is the biggest loser in leadership in this company. Let's just accept that she will remain protected and kept in place because to move her along would be an admission of error by BG and others. They know what a mistake she is but to correct the error of promoting her would be to admit their bad judgment. We are stuck with her until BG is made to be accountable for her lack of leadership ability. Move on.