Is HP qualified to be in leadership?

Even if I was considering changing I won't now after reading this nonsense. Someone, Anyone - Please have the courage to come and say this garbage to my face. Until that happens, nothing changes. Sexist Pigs.
Nothing sexist at all. Quite the opposite. You are being held, at least by posters here, to the same standard as anyone else, male or female. And it is a well-understood fact that when people confront you directly with your shortcomings as a leader you simply empower yourself to begin a vendetta against them. Look inward and self-examine if you are capable. You've shown your hand too many times. People know better.

Opinions and personal animosity have no useful place in this conversation. The only things that matter are objective facts and observable behaviors that are hurtful to other employees and/or the company. With Heather there are dozens of examples but nobody wants to listen.

Opinions and personal animosity have no useful place in this conversation. The only things that matter are objective facts and observable behaviors that are hurtful to other employees and/or the company. With Heather there are dozens of examples but nobody wants to listen.
I am one of the people who have been contacted and asked to provide examples, which I gladly provided. I am confident that when the final report is submitted she will have to be answerable. Don’t think that no one is listening. It is only a matter of time. Bad leaders ultimately get exposed. Trust that the process will work.

I was also contacted and asked questions about how she treats people. It seemed like they had already made up their minds about her and were just looking for evidence to support it.

I was also contacted and asked questions about how she treats people. It seemed like they had already made up their minds about her and were just looking for evidence to support it.
I have a call scheduled with them on Thursday. Do I need to worry about anything? I know they are not asking about my actions but if I give them examples of her treating Zoll employees badly will I suffer consequences from her? Will she end up knowing who gave them information? They tell me not to worry but I can’t help it. My husband’s job is less than half of our income and I can’t lose my job! I am thinking about either not talking to them or getting a lawyer, which could be expensive. Any advice?

I have a call scheduled with them on Thursday. Do I need to worry about anything? I know they are not asking about my actions but if I give them examples of her treating Zoll employees badly will I suffer consequences from her? Will she end up knowing who gave them information? They tell me not to worry but I can’t help it. My husband’s job is less than half of our income and I can’t lose my job! I am thinking about either not talking to them or getting a lawyer, which could be expensive. Any advice?

My Personal code is no snitching but everyone needs to do as they see fit.

her call today was priceless. Great leadership lady. You are talking out of your ass on the defense. You are such a joke
What is worse, that she actually believes the drivel she was spouting or she knows it’s drivel and expects people to be duped? This is where a real leader would get real. What a buffoon!

she had a call without all the facts and defended the company stance in an emotional state. That is not leadership where she didn’t care what anyone had to say or that the whole sales force had meetings under false pretense

This is the perfect time opportunity to keep a close eye on how HP handles this whole VEST trial results debacle. Her leadership abilities, or lack there of, are on full display. You don’t have to believe anything on this thread——just watch her spin and spout whatever she thinks will keep her secure in her incompetence. She is so insecure and scared of allowing anyone to voice an opinion. Self preservation is her ONLY concern!!! What you going to believe, her words or your own eyes?

Be very careful about what you say if there is even a remote chance it will get back to her. If she gets wind of anyone showing skepticism she will jump at the chance to make an example of you. Weak leaders do not tolerate dissent and they look for opportunity to tighten their grip. Watch her closely in this regard and you will see her doing exactly that.

Be very careful about what you say if there is even a remote chance it will get back to her. If she gets wind of anyone showing skepticism she will jump at the chance to make an example of you. Weak leaders do not tolerate dissent and they look for opportunity to tighten their grip. Watch her closely in this regard and you will see her doing exactly that.

Correction - Strong, competent and successful leaders do not tolerate dissent.

This is the perfect time opportunity to keep a close eye on how HP handles this whole VEST trial results debacle. Her leadership abilities, or lack there of, are on full display. You don’t have to believe anything on this thread——just watch her spin and spout whatever she thinks will keep her secure in her incompetence. She is so insecure and scared of allowing anyone to voice an opinion. Self preservation is her ONLY concern!!! What you going to believe, her words or your own eyes?
We are seeing exactly what this poster meant. She is terrible under pressure!