she is a living version of the VEST trial. All hype and no positive results.
she is a living version of the VEST trial. All hype and no positive results.
Your negativity is noted. I will find you[/QUOTEI
I am right in front of you and you don’t even know it. Dummy.
What happened to "retaining" talent? If an AD loses half of her RMs in one day, what statement does that make? How many of the remaining RMs are looking to get away from her? I know the answer. Has there ever been a Zoll Sales Area with 100% RM vacancy? How long will HP be given further opportunity to kill LifeVest business in her segment of the U.S.?people are running from her in droves- RMs, TMs and SSRs. Do you really need any more evidence of what a horrible AD she is? Bob G are you blind?
people are running from her in droves- RMs, TMs and SSRs. Do you really need any more evidence of what a horrible AD she is? Bob G are you blind?
we must be talking about two different people. No AD in this company has accomplished this and HP is at the bottom of the list in achievement to plan. Nice try at misdirection but this is common knowledge.I hear what you are saying but keep in mind she has hit her plan 4 out of the last 5 quarters! How do you argue with that? This woman produces, bottom line.
AD’s don’t produce. Period. The TM’s do and the RM’s help. I would think that if you had content RM’s and content TM’s the results would be even better. I don’t know Heather, but when you have 3 managers leave in a day, there is a message being sent and you should listen. Some people are not cut out for leadership.
Cramer was fired. Got an exit package too. Heather loves to play like a friend until she fires you. Justin and Brenda left to get away from her before their turn came. Heather is a hemorrhoid.
HP was overheard this week spinning her RM mass exodus as being ahead of the imminent downsizing. Do you need to know more to see how sleazy she is? She tries to spin everything to make herself look better.
HP was overheard this week spinning her RM mass exodus as being ahead of the imminent downsizing. Do you need to know more to see how sleazy she is? She tries to spin everything to make herself look better.
I hear what you are saying but keep in mind she has hit her plan 4 out of the last 5 quarters! How do you argue with that? This woman produces, bottom line.
Apparently this is very true
This is entirely untrue. we must be talking about two different people. No AD in this company has accomplished this and HP is at the bottom of the list in achievement to plan. Nice try at misdirection but this is common knowledge.Apparently this is very true