InVentiv recruiters are the WORST

In your dreams ass..... I left inventiv months ago and am working in healthcare outside
of pharma...I still log on to the site because I want to see the day that recruiting gets
what is coming to them for what they did to the loyal Inventiv Veteran reps that built this company. I am truly happy for the first time in years. I love my new job. I work
with professionals and I am treated like a valuable member of their team. Oh and
I got a ten thousand dollar raise, with 40,000 a year in bonus potential, 4 weeks vacation,
company match and better benefits coming in the door. So screw you.
Getting away from Inventiv has been a blessing. Asses like you always find slimey
jobs working for other slimes. Aren't you the greatest. NOT.

Congratulations, and much luck to you. Only a 10K raise? I would have thought you would earn much more collecting semen in your mouth at a bull farm. Oh well, GO TEAM!!

In your dreams ass..... I left inventiv months ago and am working in healthcare outside
of pharma...I still log on to the site because I want to see the day that recruiting gets
what is coming to them for what they did to the loyal Inventiv Veteran reps that built this company. I am truly happy for the first time in years. I love my new job. I work
with professionals and I am treated like a valuable member of their team. Oh and
I got a ten thousand dollar raise, with 40,000 a year in bonus potential, 4 weeks vacation,
company match and better benefits coming in the door. So screw you.
Getting away from Inventiv has been a blessing. Asses like you always find slimey
jobs working for other slimes. Aren't you the greatest. NOT.

Can you be more specific as to what kind of healthcare. If you truly cared for the loyal veteran reps you would offer more specifics rather than "hanging out" and bragging about your new job.

Can you be more specific as to what kind of healthcare. If you truly cared for the loyal veteran reps you would offer more specifics rather than "hanging out" and bragging about your new job.

Wasn't bragging to put down the inventiv reps...just wanted the recruiters to know that
we can do better than this dump...They hold so many reps hostage with "If you don't
want the job there are 10 Plus people who will take it...oh and by the way were going
to cut your sure and say thank you while we screw you over"...Look under
medical sales on career builders, hot jobs, ect. Won't give myself away because of an age discrimination lawsuit against Inventiv. Don't just sit by and take it....It is against the
law to discriminate against people because of their age. It is time for Pharmaceutical
employers to answer for their actions. I realize I am on the other side of the fence but
this position enables me to speak out and take action. I have nothing to lose and I am
hoping that I can make a difference.

Congratulations, and much luck to you. Only a 10K raise? I would have thought you would earn much more collecting semen in your mouth at a bull farm. Oh well, GO TEAM!!

My condolences go out to whatever poor individual is seen in public with you. How
about responding just once with intelligence. You evidently do not have a mature relationship with anyone because all you can come out with is disgusting sexual comments.
Go to therapy do us and yourself a favor.

My condolences go out to whatever poor individual is seen in public with you. How
about responding just once with intelligence. You evidently do not have a mature relationship with anyone because all you can come out with is disgusting sexual comments.
Go to therapy do us and yourself a favor.

You gave yourself away. I know who you are when you mentioned that you have a pending age discrimination lawsuit against Inventiv. The fact that you were not rehired or transferred after your contract went down had nothing to do with age. It was because you smell like cat piss, have yellowish green teeth with overcoming halitosis and you fart every time your thighs rub together.

Wasn't bragging to put down the inventiv reps...just wanted the recruiters to know that
we can do better than this dump...They hold so many reps hostage with "If you don't
want the job there are 10 Plus people who will take it...oh and by the way were going
to cut your sure and say thank you while we screw you over"...Look under
medical sales on career builders, hot jobs, ect. Won't give myself away because of an age discrimination lawsuit against Inventiv. Don't just sit by and take it....It is against the
law to discriminate against people because of their age. It is time for Pharmaceutical
employers to answer for their actions. I realize I am on the other side of the fence but
this position enables me to speak out and take action. I have nothing to lose and I am
hoping that I can make a difference.

I think we were on the same contract. If you are one and the same, you were very opinionated but not much substance. You are not "making a difference". You are here to stir the pot and try to get others to support your lawsuit. I hope the corporate attorneys find out what you have been posting and turn it back on you. When you say you "have nothing to lose", I don't believe you. You have a potential lawsuit to lose, probably because the evidence will show you were not treated differently than any others. It disgusts me to see people wanting preferential treatment to serve their selfish agendas. Please stay away from our board if you are not currently an Inventiv rep.

I think we were on the same contract. If you are one and the same, you were very opinionated but not much substance. You are not "making a difference". You are here to stir the pot and try to get others to support your lawsuit. I hope the corporate attorneys find out what you have been posting and turn it back on you. When you say you "have nothing to lose", I don't believe you. You have a potential lawsuit to lose, probably because the evidence will show you were not treated differently than any others. It disgusts me to see people wanting preferential treatment to serve their selfish agendas. Please stay away from our board if you are not currently an Inventiv rep.

You are evidently not a rep because if you were why would you care if reps were
standing up against discrimination? Ten bucks you are a recruiter and are sweating
bullets that you are going to get you rear dragged in for utilizing unfair hiring practices.
Why don't you get off the site.

Barbara Cutts....I can't believe the amount of posts on this pathetic bitch. I thought it was just me. About four years ago this idiot contacted me about a position. She was a complete unprofessional total bitch. About one year later here we go again, I get a call from Barbara the bitch; again same snotty ass attitude and behavior. THEY SHOULD FIRE THIS BITCH! I will never apply to this company again unless I can deal directly with a hiring manager. I'd love to know what this bitch looks like? Is she screwing someone? What is it?

Why doesn't someone complain to the hiring managers and let them know that they are missing out on some good talent. What is wrong with this person? NO wait, she needs to experiencce some of her won meanness.

Lauren in CA is horrible also. She never returns calls. She calls and leaves a message about possible opportunities with a company tha you are already are employed with. Then when I called her back she never answered my call nor called me back.

I do not even know where to start... all the whiners on this site are under some crazy notion that the inVentiv Recruiters owe them something? Well - lets just set the record straight. I hate to break it to you - but inVentiv is a service-based company that takes direction from their clients. Like all companies in 2009 - they are trying to stay in business by listening to their customers and giving them what they ask for. inVentiv Recruiters do not make the rules or quite honestly any of the decisions when it comes to who gets a call for an opportunity. If the client says - we only want candidates that are selling to neurologists right now - then that is what the recruiters give them. The recruiters do not have time to call people that they can not use on a current opening - your best bet is to email them if you want to ask them a specific question. Seriously though - wise up - the recruiters have no say so in what type of business is being brought into the company. So please for god's sake - quit whining and go get your own job if you are not getting a call from your inVentiv recruiter! Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!

Yes, I am sure that the client tells the recruiters that they don't wan tyearly award winners and their top laid off reps. Too funny.

Ventiv blatantly violates Federal Laws in their rehiring of documented heavy hitters. "At will" state laws do not transcend the EEOC laws regarding discrimination. They will pay out hundreds of thousands of dollars...if certain people follow through with law suits.

BTW, I an not a former sales representative, but an attorney that is reviewing the practices of Ventiv and other pharmaceutical companies.

Yes, I am sure that the client tells the recruiters that they don't wan tyearly award winners and their top laid off reps. Too funny.

Ventiv blatantly violates Federal Laws in their rehiring of documented heavy hitters. "At will" state laws do not transcend the EEOC laws regarding discrimination. They will pay out hundreds of thousands of dollars...if certain people follow through with law suits.

BTW, I an not a former sales representative, but an attorney that is reviewing the practices of Ventiv and other pharmaceutical companies.

ambulance chaser=Cafepharma chaser=major douchebag

A shining example for the immediate euthanasia of all with a legal degree.

Wasn't bragging to put down the inventiv reps...just wanted the recruiters to know that
we can do better than this dump...They hold so many reps hostage with "If you don't
want the job there are 10 Plus people who will take it...oh and by the way were going
to cut your sure and say thank you while we screw you over"...Look under
medical sales on career builders, hot jobs, ect. Won't give myself away because of an age discrimination lawsuit against Inventiv. Don't just sit by and take it....It is against the
law to discriminate against people because of their age. It is time for Pharmaceutical
employers to answer for their actions. I realize I am on the other side of the fence but
this position enables me to speak out and take action. I have nothing to lose and I am
hoping that I can make a difference.

I hope you bring them down!


It's a crappy economy and the industry is all screwed up. Do yourselves a favor and stop blaiming everyone else for your misfortunes and step up and make a difference in your own life. You can't rely on anyone in this industry and loyalty doesn't exist anymore. No one owes you anything. All you whiners who think you are entitled to something for nothing makes me sick.

I hope for your children's sake that you figure this out sooner than later or the're going to be just as screwed up in their "entitlement" way of thinking that you are.

Good luck!