InVentiv recruiters are the WORST

Couldn't be less true for me. The Ohio recruiter was helpful, polite and put me in the process from the get. She kept contact with me and returned calls quickly, took a position and has worked out great.

Lots of unhappy people on here but thats what this board is for right? If its so bad just do yourself a favor and find a new gig, you will be happier.

As for Ventiv not placing reps on new contracts, eight people on my team two are placed from another contract that ended. These reps were good performers that had a track record of working. Wait maybe thats the issue, stuck in old pharma, little work average at best performance and the company is to kiss your butt.

Have a great weekend!

Yes, they get paid the same either way. (I'm a former inVentiv recruiter) You guys are making this bias up. The recruiters get paid if the job gets filled. They really don't care who fills it, as long as the client likes the candidate and extends the offer. One piece of advice I can tell you: there are indeed 25+ qualified candidates for every position - all able to get and do the job. The inVentiv recruiter is more likely to send people they like on interviews than people who act entitled. Just sayin...

Yes, they get paid the same either way. (I'm a former inVentiv recruiter) You guys are making this bias up. The recruiters get paid if the job gets filled. They really don't care who fills it, as long as the client likes the candidate and extends the offer. One piece of advice I can tell you: there are indeed 25+ qualified candidates for every position - all able to get and do the job. The inVentiv recruiter is more likely to send people they like on interviews than people who act entitled. Just sayin...

That would be the case with every recruiter I have worked with, they support the candidates they like, way it is.

How can they tell that they "like" somebody they have never met?

Anyone who does not have the decency to respond to an email should not have the privledge of their job. At least write back: "The job has been filled".

These are by far the worst group of recruitors I have experienced.

How can they tell that they "like" somebody they have never met?

Anyone who does not have the decency to respond to an email should not have the privledge of their job. At least write back: "The job has been filled".

These are by far the worst group of recruitors I have experienced.

Honey that's the way the world works. Understand it and get over it. If you don't like the recruiters and they are non responsive move on.

realistically if any pharma recruiter spent their day returning emails, LI requests and voice mails they'd be working 12 hours a day...reality check (put your big boy/girl pants on here)..the market is SWAMPED with former reps, SWAMPED with new blood looking to get in, SWAMPED with new college grads eager to get 'experience..If I called, emailed, LI'ed, txt you name it every other day bugging you for something pretty soon you'd kinda not like me reaching out to you...unless you network to the front of the line (Mr Regional calls recruiter, pls take a look at this guy kinda of networking) you odds are not great,,, figure out how to improve and not worry about improving recruiters (No, I'm not a recruiter- just played one on tv)

realistically if any pharma recruiter spent their day returning emails, LI requests and voice mails they'd be working 12 hours a day...reality check (put your big boy/girl pants on here)..the market is SWAMPED with former reps, SWAMPED with new blood looking to get in, SWAMPED with new college grads eager to get 'experience..If I called, emailed, LI'ed, txt you name it every other day bugging you for something pretty soon you'd kinda not like me reaching out to you...unless you network to the front of the line (Mr Regional calls recruiter, pls take a look at this guy kinda of networking) you odds are not great,,, figure out how to improve and not worry about improving recruiters (No, I'm not a recruiter- just played one on tv)

Shut the fuck up asshole

Does anyone know if the InVentiv recruiters get paid a bonus if they place EXISTING reps that are coming off a contract the same as a new to InVentiv hire?

it doesn't work that way. i'm on my second gig with them. to be considered for a subsequent contract, you have to have the requisite experience and be in good standing based on your performance from previous contracts. this is not a foregone conclusion. then, if you get by that, you get - an interview. that's it. it's unto you to win the job against all other applicants. i have found all the people at inventive to be top notch and very professional. i spent a lot of years at pfizer, so i do have some basis for comparison.

it doesn't work that way. i'm on my second gig with them. to be considered for a subsequent contract, you have to have the requisite experience and be in good standing based on your performance from previous contracts. this is not a foregone conclusion. then, if you get by that, you get - an interview. that's it. it's unto you to win the job against all other applicants. i have found all the people at inventive to be top notch and very professional. i spent a lot of years at pfizer, so i do have some basis for comparison.

" i spent a lot of years at pfizer, so i do have some basis for comparison." Possibly the most fucked up response I have ever seen on this site. So you were at pfizer and you consider them the professional standard? BWHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! They are the most corrupt company in the USA. You are one stupid blind motherfucker. Don't ever post again on any site asshole.

" i spent a lot of years at pfizer, so i do have some basis for comparison." Possibly the most fucked up response I have ever seen on this site. So you were at pfizer and you consider them the professional standard? BWHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! They are the most corrupt company in the USA. You are one stupid blind motherfucker. Don't ever post again on any site asshole.

you have psychological problems, boy.

the reason they dont call back is because they have no news for you. Meaning get the clue and keep applying to jobs on career builder.
A courtesy reply is what separates a professional recruiter from a head hunter.

Guess what, when they call again, I do not apply for a job they have and I certainly don't refer to my power base. I didn't even need the positions they were referring me to, I just wanted the free airline miles.

A courtesy reply is what separates a professional recruiter from a head hunter.

Guess what, when they call again, I do not apply for a job they have and I certainly don't refer to my power base. I didn't even need the positions they were referring me to, I just wanted the free airline miles.

You have a "power base"/ LOL!!!! You "just wanted the airline miles"? Good lord your life must SUCK! You CSO hacks are hilarious!

At the end of the day it comes down to this, these recruiters can either be professional or not. Because there are no checks and balances they can get away with being horribly unprofessional. Most are and it's unfortunate. Nothing you can do about it, fuck em' and move on!