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It's Kim not Kimmie. She never uses Kimmie. It's Kim or Kimberly.

Kim's agent contacted Amgen seeking endorsement $ to hawk Enbrel for her psoriasis. True story. Evidently she has mild psoriasis and never used Enbrel, but would for the right price. I think the Ray J Sex tape caught an Amgen Senior Executive by surprise when his teenage son showed his Exec dad how she was made famous online. It wasn't Nanula either, or she would've gotten the contract signed and another celebrity tape would be porn.

Rephrase: anyone NOT interviewing?

Face it, 2 layoff announcements within 6 months--unheard of. A low, lower than even Big Pharma. Great CEO strategy gets it right the first time. Guy is clueless. GTFO!

Rephrase: anyone NOT interviewing?

Face it, 2 layoff announcements within 6 months--unheard of. A low, lower than even Big Pharma. Great CEO strategy gets it right the first time. Guy is clueless. GTFO!

Yes, we get the piss poor CEO strategy thing and the role of the donut boy leading AFP. Yes, it blows big time

However, we have moved beyond that AFP thing. We are now working to cure Kimmie of career limiting skin ailments. Our mission, pioneering science delivers vital medicines in Calabasas....keep the coochie clean is the new R+D mission with new drug targets from DeCode....

How about fermenting things like apple cider vinegar, garlic, caviar, salmon and gluten-free foods to reduce the occurrence of a kim kardashian psoriatic outbreak? We could call it KiMAB.

Great idea ! Love the salmon piece. The product will be acquired by Kythera as it has no meaningful health benefit.

Rephrase: anyone NOT interviewing?

Face it, 2 layoff announcements within 6 months--unheard of. A low, lower than even Big Pharma. Great CEO strategy gets it right the first time. Guy is clueless. GTFO!

There will be at least 3 more layoffs including the upcoming RIF over the next year and half depending on EVO/IVA launch success and legacy product revenue declines. It won't be over for another 3 years. That's a lot of stress for anyone to endure. I'd rather masturbates all day to donate my semen for money until my dick turns red and falls off than work for Amgen. VTP baby!

Yes, we get the piss poor CEO strategy thing and the role of the donut boy leading AFP. Yes, it blows big time

However, we have moved beyond that AFP thing. We are now working to cure Kimmie of career limiting skin ailments. Our mission, pioneering science delivers vital medicines in Calabasas....keep the coochie clean is the new R+D mission with new drug targets from DeCode....

DeCODE? That's hilarious. You know there's over 300 employees over there? That's like half the population of that stupid volcanic island that have produced nothing, can't be fired, and are led by a maniac that makes Goldfinger seem rational.

DeCODE? That's hilarious. You know there's over 300 employees over there? That's like half the population of that stupid volcanic island that have produced nothing, can't be fired, and are led by a maniac that makes Goldfinger seem rational.

This sounds very Austin Powers-like. 300 inbred employees on a remote island led by Dr Evil. Dr Evil periodically unleashes the volcano to screw-up global air travel. The evil plan was so good the company went bankrupt before Dr Evil sold the bag of goods to SH who had been frozen for 25 years and missed any new science in the last 25 years...meanwhile in TO, No. 2 (SK) was seduced by an Asian accomplice and could not stop the evil conspiracy.....

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