
Roche has a 60 person sales force calling on all the Pulms with Xolair. Do you think they need another 80 Intermune reps? Enjoy the journey and go try to find another job that pays that well in the short term....Good luck

The average Roche rep earns 80-125K. Do you actually think that they will keep the Intermune sales force with those bloated base salaries. Polish up those resumes and dry clean your interview suits :)

They will keep you for about one year or until the deal closes and then they will gradually terminate you. They did that when Roche took over Genentech. I would say that you have about 12 months of employment.

Roche fired 1000 Boniva and primary care reps once the Genentech deal was completed. They also fired 3/4 of the employees that were at their Nutley, NJ headquarters. They love to terminate excess fat!!

The best you can hope for is to keep your sign on 25-45K and your RSU's of about 55-60K. You'll never see the severance package because they will keep you for one year and then give you the ax. Your options are worthless with a strike price of 74 or higher after Monday.

What's going to happen to us new reps? I am very worried.

You'll have a job and make same cash in the short term but if you thought coming to InterMune was this great culture small biotech firm well those days will be gone very soon along with a lot of the employees. Roche is big enough that they don't need anyone at InterMune.

This sucks ass. Options worthless. Is there a way to cash out then go back to my old job?
Told my old boss that I made mistake in decision. Said if I wanna come back in 3-4 weeks will you hire me back?
He said yes. Just need to know can I cash then leave in 3-4 weeks?

When we get the rsu $$ ??

Most companies will make those that left, reapply for their old jobs through the website. Once you leave, it's very hard to crawl back to your old manager. We told you that it was a RISKY move!!

You are all so short-sighted! This is the best case scenario! They need to keep us in tact... The Xolaire salesforce is on a contract with Novartis and can't sell anything else. We will also be getting Genentech(Roche) stock. It will all work out! Patience! Don't get rattled.... Still a great decision!

You are all so short-sighted! This is the best case scenario! They need to keep us in tact... The Xolaire salesforce is on a contract with Novartis and can't sell anything else. We will also be getting Genentech(Roche) stock. It will all work out! Patience! Don't get rattled.... Still a great decision!

Best case scenario? A "great decision"? Been drinking tonight? You must be a DM

You are all so short-sighted! This is the best case scenario! They need to keep us in tact... The Xolaire salesforce is on a contract with Novartis and can't sell anything else. We will also be getting Genentech(Roche) stock. It will all work out! Patience! Don't get rattled.... Still a great decision!

I heard you guys will make 150K for sure and if what you you wrote is true , it is indeed a great deal.
Hope every things work out good for you guys . Good luck

First of all, Genentech only has a "co-promotion" agreement with Novartis for Xolair. Do you actually think that Genentech/Roche is restricted and can't put one more product in their bag to sell? They will laugh their asses off when you walk in with 140-150K salaries. You guys will be cut faster than you can say IPF. Enjoy the sign on bonus, that will barely cover the Q3 bonus that you missed out on. Have fun interviewing again...