

Rookies.....don't you understand wall street? this deal has to be approved and consummated which will happen in October.

If no other company bids that means you an employee in 1 week Sept 2. Roche owns company as of Oct. Therefor all our obligations will be honored.

Don't be stupid. or if you have weak knees you weren't cut out for this anyway.

My guess is bidding war starts and we see 90+!

I have been at Genentech for 10 years. It has not change. Sure it us bigger with more people but depending what franchise you are in has stayed the same. The whole Roche thing is bull it was more like a reverse take over. The headquarters are in still is SSF. It is more like a college setting then anything else. All I can say is welcome to the best company in pharma. Nothing even comes close. We put patients first! We work hard and play hard! We define casual intensity. Most of you will love it the rest will take the payout from daddy Roche. The Swiss have been very generous to me.

You're the loser!! All the commitments made by Intermune are being honored. I know it's rare in this day and age, but a few companies still have integrity!

Did you ever think for a second that the reason they offered you a sign on bonus is because they knew your options would be worthless? Also RSU's are taxed at a ridiculous rate. Still a decent job but please, it's not nearly as good as it first appeared

The only thing great about the Roche buyout of Genentech, was the millions that folks made from the large stock options of the past. Those days are over and so is Genentech. They might be located in San Fran, but Genentech is a shell of its former self. Great products, bad corporate is not the same as the gold old days.

The only thing great about the Roche buyout of Genentech, was the millions that folks made from the large stock options of the past. Those days are over and so is Genentech. They might be located in San Fran, but Genentech is a shell of its former self. Great products, bad corporate is not the same as the gold old days.

So true. It started going downhill when all of the Oncology people came in from other companies- 25 years ago...

Roche was known as the Primary Care company that had Boniva and Tamiflu...what breakthrough science. They had a ton of money available and bought a great company. That boring Big Pharma company now owns Genentech. Have fun....

I have been at Genentech for 10 years. It has not change. Sure it us bigger with more people but depending what franchise you are in has stayed the same. The whole Roche thing is bull it was more like a reverse take over. The headquarters are in still is SSF. It is more like a college setting then anything else. All I can say is welcome to the best company in pharma. Nothing even comes close. We put patients first! We work hard and play hard! We define casual intensity. Most of you will love it the rest will take the payout from daddy Roche. The Swiss have been very generous to me.

Thanks for the post Michael Crum.

If 10,000 reps tried to interview as they said repeatedly during the interview process why on earth would they offer pretty decent salaries 130-150K and sign on bonusus up to 25K??? There is no need to give such a high price sign on with a biotech unless something was up.....and they didnt even mention sign on until they gave an offer. They knew this was shady from the get go to drive $$ up to Roche and ther suitors. Also - these buyouts are in the works for weeks if not months. All reps were PLAYED. Hope no one gave notice to their company.

What a joke, for those of us that haven't given notice this was a blessing to see the buyout prior to making a huge mistake!

I'm calling BS. I doubt very many people are walking away from 60k in RSU's and 25k in sign on. In addition, a guarantee of 14 months salary if something were to happen to our jobs.

We all knew that Intermune was going to be bought at some point. Would have been nice to have been able to launch on our own, but this is the best case scenario regarding a parent company. I think it could be a good thing long-term and will at least squash all the rumors! I'm not walking away from $85K plus Genentech is working on another retention bonus for us. I'm going to just see what happens and am still excited about this job!

Why the hell would GNE pay a retention bonus to a bunch of people they don't need anyway? They are not concerned about keeping sales reps, which are easily replaceable. Get a grip on your elevated sense of worth.

Why the hell would GNE pay a retention bonus to a bunch of people they don't need anyway? They are not concerned about keeping sales reps, which are easily replaceable. Get a grip on your elevated sense of worth.

Well said. It's not as if they are getting a bunch of reps that already launched Esbriet. The drug wont even be out for a couple of months. A safe bet is that you will be told this week, "Thank you for your time but you will not be starting a new job next week." So many talk like they are already Intermune employees. But, YOU AREN'T YET. The managers may get a parting gift as they already had started work but not the reps. It does suck for those that gave notice but in this industry you cant believe anything until you actually start that first day of work. AZ screwed a bunch of new hires in 2009 or so when an entire training class was told on a Friday that they would not be starting their new jobs that following Monday because the respiratory pediatric team was being disbanded. They received nothing just as the would be new Intermune reps will probably get. It is crap but reality.

I'm calling BS. I doubt very many people are walking away from 60k in RSU's and 25k in sign on. In addition, a guarantee of 14 months salary if something were to happen to our jobs.

A guarantee??? from the company that is about to be sold??? that guarantee is worthless. I also have a funny feeling you haven't received that 25k sign on bonus check yet have you? Don't go spending that quite yet....

Husband is a lawyer and yes the contract is legally binding.
We will get 15 months severance if laid off! But that's not going to happen mr jealosy.
Go back to work and stop trying to name people scared . You are an envious fool..
I could not be happier right now
Worst case scenario my old boss already called and asked if I wanted to come back .. That's what happens when you are a top performer.

Nothing goes as smoothly as you think it will. New hires are the least of this companies worries at this point. You are all just numbers that can be moved around or out just like that. I hope it works out for you all...

Nothing goes as smoothly as you think it will. New hires are the least of this companies worries at this point. You are all just numbers that can be moved around or out just like that. I hope it works out for you all...

No you don't... None of the haters on this board really want it to work out for us. You want it to be a justification that it was a "good thing" that you either didn't get the job or chose not to go for it.

We are guaranteed employment at least through 2015... After that nobody knows. It was confirmed again on conference calls yesterday. They absolutely NEED us to launch this drug... No other salesforce can do it and there isn't time to hire another, cheaper team. Xolaire team is under contract with Novartis and can't carry another drug... Also just received a new indication so they really don't have time. They conformed again that all commitments made to us will be met.... Believe it or not, we will all have at least $85K in the next 4 months... That's a fact!

I am nervous about the long-term future here...can't count on retention, but it will be fun while it lasts!