
You are all so short-sighted! This is the best case scenario! They need to keep us in tact... The Xolaire salesforce is on a contract with Novartis and can't sell anything else. We will also be getting Genentech(Roche) stock. It will all work out! Patience! Don't get rattled.... Still a great decision!

I agree to some extent. Everybody knew that a buy-out was pretty imminent. Being a part of Genentech is the best case scenario of all the other options. Not drinking the kool-aid yet but it will be fine.

Think again!!

Genentech is long gone! When Roche bought Genentech, it is just another huge Big Pharma company with tons of process, admin and BS. You signed up for a small entrepreneurial company. That will never, ever happen.

the only people bitching tonight are those that didn't make the cut.

We reps get $85k prior to even starting with intermune and what Roche/Genentech gives us to retain us. they need us to launch this drug in less than 2 months and who doesn't want to work for Genentech? People never leave the company.

You people that didn't get hired need to move on to your existing company board and get a life and some better interviewing / company experience.

I got a rep job and I'm psyched. Genentech is an aspirational company and I get close to $100K to walk into a job there.

if I don't like it in 4-5 months I go elsewhere with the pedigree of getting this hard to get job.

Thanks Karma!

I can't believe the jealousy here.. Move on. What happened for us is amazing!
Go back to work and stop the negativity and maybe you will get an opportunity like this one day .

cut the shit.

don't rain your sorry ass comments on our parade. What better company is there than Genentech. the InterMune team has been nothing but exceptional to this point.

go back to your shit job loser.

Just admit the fact that you made a dumb move... Roche has an excellent employee placement program for those employees that are laid off. I think the number is now well over 3,000+ since 2009. But, I'm sure they will keep you.

Is it a guarantee that Roche will keep you before your start date? If I were at Roche I would not hire any of you and rehire everyone next week at 100k with no equity and no sign on bonus. It would make fiscal sense but if Roche does keep you then more power to you. I am hoping you guys keep all of your jobs and build a great career at Genentech. It would be great for the industry as a whole

news flash.

if they lay us off within a year of starting I get a year's salary.

That was as of last Friday. Maybe you loser that didn't get the job didn't know that detail.

Go back to long drawn out dumb answers on your next interview loser.

One year employment, deal gets finalized with the SEC and then you are gone next September with no severance. In addition, Roche will thank you for launching their product. That is called a Rent-A-Rep for one year. Watch and see...

news flash.

if they lay us off within a year of starting I get a year's salary.

That was as of last Friday. Maybe you loser that didn't get the job didn't know that detail.

Go back to long drawn out dumb answers on your next interview loser.

Listen loser. Your start date isn't until Sept 2nd. You are not an intermune employee yet and there is no contract in place protecting you for a year. Effective Monday Intermune will be Roche. Effective Monday you are still not an employee of Roche yet. Make sense loser?

Intermune is starting out by using a second or third rate recruiting firm to bring in talent, that does not seem like a smart way to run things. I was one of the candidates asked to wait around for another interview, then was told they also wanted to talk to someone else the next day. Why not have me interview anyway since I'm here, then interview the next gury? I'm not sure where the decision was made to run things like that, but it tured me off in a bad way. What kind of person is going to be treated like that and still want the job, a desparate one!
What else are they going to farm out in poor fashion, managed care/rembursement, nurse educators, physician speaker programs? Every small company makes mistakes in certain areas and learns from them, but ITMN has one product, with a competitor coming out about the same time. Do they have the resources to make big mistakes and survive as a stand alone company?

A players hire A players. B players hire C players. InterMune is B at best

Listen loser. Your start date isn't until Sept 2nd. You are not an intermune employee yet and there is no contract in place protecting you for a year. Effective Monday Intermune will be Roche. Effective Monday you are still not an employee of Roche yet. Make sense loser?

You're the loser!! All the commitments made by Intermune are being honored. I know it's rare in this day and age, but a few companies still have integrity!

How do you know that Intermune has integrity? They never had a commercial organization and they are totally lost when it comes to mergers and acquisitions. They will follow everything the mother ship, Roche tells them to do. They are not in the drivers seat anymore.

the only people bitching tonight are those that didn't make the cut.

We reps get $85k prior to even starting with intermune and what Roche/Genentech gives us to retain us. they need us to launch this drug in less than 2 months and who doesn't want to work for Genentech? People never leave the company.

You people that didn't get hired need to move on to your existing company board and get a life and some better interviewing / company experience.

I got a rep job and I'm psyched. Genentech is an aspirational company and I get close to $100K to walk into a job there.

if I don't like it in 4-5 months I go elsewhere with the pedigree of getting this hard to get job.

Thanks Karma!

Sorry no retention. Only change in control ie if Roche doesn't keep you (us) then we get 1 yr
Company this big does not offer retention

Ok this deal happening before we start frightens me. Why? Because they can use their own sales team now. Sure we get the 1 yr but we lose the 40K + in bonus. So its like 130K-40K=90k
I mean why didn't Intermune, if they really wanted to protect all of us, wait a couple more weeks when we were all hired on? They could have easily done that. No rush to sell now unless some type of strategic reason why and I feel it has to do with us reps?? Hope Im wrong

Think about that for a second. I don't like all this I really don't.