What a bunch of pussies. No wonder you didn't get hired. Boo hoo they were unprofessional.
Have you EVER if you life received a call from a company not interested in you to say hey Mr. Rep thanks for coming in but you sucked ass in your interview so we are moving on to a better looking, younger, smarter version of you?
Move on with your life. I did. I went in with no expectations--left with no expectations. What I didn't like I bitched about it to their face. I asked them what is your stock package?
I didn't like it, asked that I politely be excused from the interview and consideration. that lady Robin don't remember last name, was floored. The look on her face is priceless.
Yep she will know how I am
Verbatim: "Robin, what is your equity plan for new hires.?" ROBIN SAYS" Its going to be a range from 500 to 1,000 rsu's, and options haven't fully decided"
ME= "Robin, I have to be frank with you, this position does not fully excite me and the risk far outweighs the reward for me being a rep, maybe if I was a manager it would be different, so I would kindly ask that we conclude this interview and I am revoking my name for the possibly consideration of employment at Intermune"
That was it!! Just like that it was over!!
Now, I spent the other 3 days visiting my family in Phoenix for free. HAHA so I got the last laugh.
You must have been wearing your superman underwear there little one. Blue ribbon for you big boy.
Your mommy should wash your mouth out with soap.