
All I can tell you is that if you are interviewing with the SW District Manager, you had better run..

A lot of these managers. NE was scary. They said I'm top candidate. Gotta wait another week or so they said. I know other rep that interviewed and they told her same thing??
What gives? Am I #1 or no?
I hate games.

My husband doesn't see stock going up too much. He said approval is "baked" into stock price. Doesn't see them getting bought out for that price either unless their market share is 80% + vs competition. He doesn't know who competitors are, I just told him another similar drug coming out.

When I get offer, if I get offer, I'll make a decision. A little concerned but I think that's good. Means I'm not desperate to jump at this job like most ppl are

A lot of these managers. NE was scary. They said I'm top candidate. Gotta wait another week or so they said. I know other rep that interviewed and they told her same thing??
What gives? Am I #1 or no?
I hate games.

My husband doesn't see stock going up too much. He said approval is "baked" into stock price. Doesn't see them getting bought out for that price either unless their market share is 80% + vs competition. He doesn't know who competitors are, I just told him another similar drug coming out.

When I get offer, if I get offer, I'll make a decision. A little concerned but I think that's good. Means I'm not desperate to jump at this job like most ppl are

Question to the poster. How was the final interview with RD/VP? I heard they were very guarded and cold.

A lot of these managers. NE was scary. They said I'm top candidate. Gotta wait another week or so they said. I know other rep that interviewed and they told her same thing??
What gives? Am I #1 or no?
I hate games.

My husband doesn't see stock going up too much. He said approval is "baked" into stock price. Doesn't see them getting bought out for that price either unless their market share is 80% + vs competition. He doesn't know who competitors are, I just told him another similar drug coming out.

When I get offer, if I get offer, I'll make a decision. A little concerned but I think that's good. Means I'm not desperate to jump at this job like most ppl are

I can tell you after doing extensive research on this company, products, competition as well as knowing a few people in corporate and sales structure you are 95% correct with your above thoughts. Everything you stated is almost dead on.

The only missing piece is I think Intermune will get out marketed, out resources and out strategized from a sales perspective. Therapeutic background of Mgt here is anything but Resp/Pul.... odd but true. They are going up in one of the top two industry leaders in Resp/Pul in BI. The only other bigger player in Resp/Pul would be GSK with AZ coming in third. On top of that BI will most likely make it to marker first by 4 months. Lots going against Intermune here.

No they were ok. they ask questions based on the pysch test, your weaknesses. Like anything its the "feel" they have for you and your relationships.

FEEL? wow how utterly impressively professional - frankly - what a paranoid group! No one here can make a decision. Or is allowed to ... not a good sign people.

I will tell you I was excited about this place until yesterday. I have been a part of a fast moving, quick timeline, national expansion. So I didn't think much of the fact that they were going to finish phone interviews on Friday and tell me if they wanted me in Dallas on Monday. But now that it's into Saturday and I haven't heard is just disrespectful.

A little bit is sour grapes thinking I may not have made the cut although the reality is, the way this process has been handled, I am not really convinced that is true either. I am still totally convinced I may get a call/email on Saturday/Sunday telling me they want me in Dallas on Monday - which is a bunch of horseshit.

At this point they would have to perform one hell of a sales job to get me to accept a position with them. Just would hate to waste my time going from one dysfunctional organization to another.

I will tell you I was excited about this place until yesterday. I have been a part of a fast moving, quick timeline, national expansion. So I didn't think much of the fact that they were going to finish phone interviews on Friday and tell me if they wanted me in Dallas on Monday. But now that it's into Saturday and I haven't heard is just disrespectful.

A little bit is sour grapes thinking I may not have made the cut although the reality is, the way this process has been handled, I am not really convinced that is true either. I am still totally convinced I may get a call/email on Saturday/Sunday telling me they want me in Dallas on Monday - which is a bunch of horseshit.

At this point they would have to perform one hell of a sales job to get me to accept a position with them. Just would hate to waste my time going from one dysfunctional organization to another.

Trust me you don't want it. Stock package sucks. ppl gonna get screwed. the pressure to beat BI drug will be immense. managers will be micro on your butt. it will not be easy.
stay where you are at.

Lots of Actelion & Bayer folks in Dallas. Bayer will get hammered but they probably do not care. Actelion peeps are checking this company out. Bayer sales is leaving ASAP.
Bayer will lose a good chunk of their sales force which will be replaced by their Merck partners/ Such is pharm.

I read somewhere on hear that they had prepicked candidates and only called others to make it look like they talked to people. This is totally the case and they wasted my time for over an hour on the phone and told me that I was going to next round and suddenly the calls stopped. Poor example if this is how the company operates. Good luck to you all.

Same here. I get a personal call from the mgr asking me if I was interested and if my resume could be forwarded to the recruiter to go through the formality of the phone screen. The phone screen with the recruiter goes fantastic....who verbally informed me I will be moving on to face-to-face interviews and to hang on so I can be scheduled for the week of Aug 4th. Then crickets.

I called, emailed and called again for the next 2.5 weeks so I can plan accordingly. No response. I called the hiring mgr with the same result. The recruiters that are handling this hiring project have VMs stating they are out for a couple weeks, which is past the week of Aug 4th, and to contact a third recruiter in their absence. I contact this 3rd recruiter and finally get an email response from the original recruiter stating they have moved on with another candidate. Unprofessional. So unprofessional.

I treated everyone in this entire process with respect, professionalism, and courtesy. I just want to say thank you to each and every one of these people for this experience and wish them well. Your work characteristics and habits are noted.

Same here. I get a personal call from the mgr asking me if I was interested and if my resume could be forwarded to the recruiter to go through the formality of the phone screen. The phone screen with the recruiter goes fantastic....who verbally informed me I will be moving on to face-to-face interviews and to hang on so I can be scheduled for the week of Aug 4th. Then crickets.

I called, emailed and called again for the next 2.5 weeks so I can plan accordingly. No response. I called the hiring mgr with the same result. The recruiters that are handling this hiring project have VMs stating they are out for a couple weeks, which is past the week of Aug 4th, and to contact a third recruiter in their absence. I contact this 3rd recruiter and finally get an email response from the original recruiter stating they have moved on with another candidate. Unprofessional. So unprofessional.

I treated everyone in this entire process with respect, professionalism, and courtesy. I just want to say thank you to each and every one of these people for this experience and wish them well. Your work characteristics and habits are noted.

Wait till they figure out some people are taking the positions just hoping for the buy out/cash out and will not quit their other job right away. If buyout doesn't happen then some will quit and go back to their other job, expecialy if the pressure and lack of leadership really starts to drive people nuts! It will be interesting when they start calling to fill positions again and some reps will rememberhow they were treated in the process.