If your happy and you know it...

Agreed. MB and PC were incompetent and drove Finance into the ground.
PC didn't destroy the department. He came when resignations in Finance were already going on at full speed and he only stayed for several months- not enough to do any major harm even if he wanted to. He was hated for not joining the jerks club run by MB and BC and for trying to bring back normal work hours.

MK did some freaky things but you could still work in that environment, achieve results and get rewarded sometimes. BCs, Frat Leaders and Babytalks kept their dirty mouth shut under MK.
All hell broke loose when MB came on board. Sh!t quickly spread all around Finance making it impossible for normal employees to stay and do their job. Unpredictable schedules, nonsense tasks, crazy deadlines, change of priorities every hour, racism, public harassments, zero appreciation, no payment for overtime.
I don't know if department will ever recover from that. All talents are gone, old bullies are still running the show.

I couldn’t agree more. Harassment went to an all time high. Bullies cannot get other jobs and that is why they stay. All the good talent left in Finance.

MK did some freaky things but you could still work in that environment, achieve results and get rewarded sometimes. BCs, Frat Leaders and Babytalks kept their dirty mouth shut under MK.
All hell broke loose when MB came on board. Sh!t quickly spread all around Finance making it impossible for normal employees to stay and do their job. Unpredictable schedules, nonsense tasks, crazy deadlines, change of priorities every hour, racism, public harassments, zero appreciation, no payment for overtime.
I don't know if department will ever recover from that. All talents are gone, old bullies are still running the show.
MK lead bullies. Showed them that sexism, racism, demeaning employees, it was all ok and the reason bullies remain. The behavior that I and others witnessed unnder MK were unheard of. You may have been one of the fortunate under MK but the environment was certainly not normal. The trouble with MB and PC was that they thought they were walking into a normal environment and took Babytalk and Frat leader as well as other Jokers seriously. The departments can recover if truth is completely out and action is taken. Previous post is accurate. Review ALL exit interviews. The bull5hit doesn't just exist in finance. You have verbal abuse going on 3rd OPENLY. No consequences. Too many bully bosses not enough leadership.

PC didn't destroy the department. He came when resignations in Finance were already going on at full speed and he only stayed for several months- not enough to do any major harm even if he wanted to. He was hated for not joining the jerks club run by MB and BC and for trying to bring back normal work hours.

PC didn't destroy the department. He came when resignations in Finance were already going on at full speed and he only stayed for several months- not enough to do any major harm even if he wanted to. He was hated for not joining the jerks club run by MB and BC and for trying to bring back normal work hours.
I agree 100%. Bully club was and is a hateful bunch. This has been going on for years and ignored.

PC didn't destroy the department. He came when resignations in Finance were already going on at full speed and he only stayed for several months- not enough to do any major harm even if he wanted to. He was hated for not joining the jerks club run by MB and BC and for trying to bring back normal work hours.

Hello PC. How have you been? Actually doing work at your current company? You did no work and wanted to get paid for surfing the internet and taking long walks. That is why MB and BC didn’t like you. Although they have their own issues.

Hello PC. How have you been? Actually doing work at your current company? You did no work and wanted to get paid for surfing the internet and taking long walks. That is why MB and BC didn’t like you. Although they have their own issues.
No matter what you thought of PC, it didn't give anyone the right to treat him poorly. There are measures that can be taken without bullying. Here's your list of some of the known Taro bullies

No matter what you thought of PC, it didn't give anyone the right to treat him poorly. There are measures that can be taken without bullying. Here's your list of some of the known Taro bullies

Great list of bullies who look for other jobs and find out time and time again that no one else will hire them.

I'm in sales and we're no better. I work with the most dishonest, unethical MF on the planet. Cut throat like no other!
Funny that you wrote about that...Dishonesty on all levels of management was the first thing I noticed at Taro when started. Top managers lied freely, shamelessly and were even teaching their subordinates how to lie the right way. But I thought it was just our department's thing. Looks like the issue is much bigger that that.

Funny that you wrote about that...Dishonesty on all levels of management was the first thing I noticed at Taro when started. Top managers lied freely, shamelessly and were even teaching their subordinates how to lie the right way. But I thought it was just our department's thing. Looks like the issue is much bigger that that.
Honesty should start at the interviews to give candidates realistic picture of what to expect at Taro. At least about the possible overtime, spontaneous requests from parent company, tough deadlines etc. Some managers think this will scare away good candidates but it actually won't. There's many categories of people who are Ok working in such environment or used to it from their prior workplaces .
Much worse when people are misled at the interviews, promised good working conditions and then come aboard and see all this BS going on.

Perfect post on Labour Day. Taro is a sweatshop working people to mental breakdowns. Enough is enough already Mr. CEO. Stop with the games and make it a warm and fuzzy place instead of such hostility.

Taro has an excellent culture, great management and above average compensation. My peers are all team players. Unfortunately what we have here are former low ranked reps who were let go, and still disgruntled and posting lies. Move on with your life. We fired you because of the behavior and hostile mentality demonstrated in this thread. You were horrible! Good Riddance!!!!

Hello PC. How have you been? Actually doing work at your current company? You did no work and wanted to get paid for surfing the internet and taking long walks. That is why MB and BC didn’t like you. Although they have their own issues.

PC was a friendly guy - if you didn't have to report to him.
He offered no help and no guidance to his direct reports.
He seems like the type of person that interviews well and has no trouble finding another job.
And that was the big issue with him. He didn't care about his position at Taro because he knew he could always talk his way into getting another job.

Taro has an excellent culture, great management and above average compensation. My peers are all team players. Unfortunately what we have here are former low ranked reps who were let go, and still disgruntled and posting lies. Move on with your life. We fired you because of the behavior and hostile mentality demonstrated in this thread. You were horrible! Good Riddance!!!!
Were you high when you posted this?