If your happy and you know it...

I wonder if they are bringing JFin back. At least he new what he was doing

i think he left Taro and went straight to the bank. He knew for two years he was leaving and they kept extending it. He had to be well paid because he was hired before Sun took over. He also had good relationships in India for a very long time. Just sayin. Some did not like him but he was very honest. He told me it was the stress of reporting to a boss several time zones away. He was very happy to leave.

Very smart guy with mental issues that he even admitted to.
However, whenever he moved to another office, it was because some female who worked nearby complained about him.

Ya. That female caused a lot of women and men trouble. Started fighting with the other females in GP. What a mess! She got figured out and kind of isolated herself in her office. One day, she just walked out. For some reason, MB could not fire her.

i think he left Taro and went straight to the bank. He knew for two years he was leaving and they kept extending it. He had to be well paid because he was hired before Sun took over. He also had good relationships in India for a very long time. Just sayin. Some did not like him but he was very honest. He told me it was the stress of reporting to a boss several time zones away. He was very happy to leave.
Is he you? Has to be

i think he left Taro and went straight to the bank. He knew for two years he was leaving and they kept extending it. He had to be well paid because he was hired before Sun took over. He also had good relationships in India for a very long time. Just sayin. Some did not like him but he was very honest. He told me it was the stress of reporting to a boss several time zones away. He was very happy to leave.

Moron. Go harass some Indians to do your work and then call them stupid elsewhere. Taro spit you out and so stay out. You come on every post insulting Indians like people don’t know it’s you who write about IT folks, Help desk and consultants. If you don’t like the curry, go work at McDonald’s. You didn’t like anyone here and feeling is mutual. It’s people like you that act so racist and complain on Indians yet you only can rely on Indians to do the work. Enjoy your trip to the bank. Strange how you post on here so often about RG, GT, PQ, and MB when you’re so happy and rich now. So pathetic he is for writing how great he is in another’s hand.

i think he left Taro and went straight to the bank. He knew for two years he was leaving and they kept extending it. He had to be well paid because he was hired before Sun took over. He also had good relationships in India for a very long time. Just sayin. Some did not like him but he was very honest. He told me it was the stress of reporting to a boss several time zones away. He was very happy to leave.
JF writing compliments to himself. Clear as day.

There were other and much bigger companies charged for price fixing. Some of them ( Pfizer) are considered best places to work. Don't think it has anything to do with culture.

Correct. Pfizer RMs and TMs were implicated in a huge lawsuit for deceitful off label marketing of a drug. They have a great culture and happy employees (except Accounting). Lawsuits and fines has nothing to do with culture. For Leadeeship to accept that as a reason not to fix Finance is absurd.

Every single employee is replaceable. That's a fact. However, good, honest, hard-working folks are not easy to find. By now you guys should've caught a clue. Got good folks on board, do what you can to keep them happy. It's that simple guys.
Too many egotistical and plain ole nasty a55holes. Taro management couldn't care less about good employees. Just leave. Finance has worst management team I ever worked with.

Everyone asked for advice/help- went to managers, HR and even this board out of desperation. All we are told is “You don’t like it? Then leave!”

HR reads these posts. Not a single person in that department even anonymously shared a message of support and/or solid feedback on how an employee can deal with toxicity in the office. And I’m not talking about the miserable chronic complainers that just look for anything to fuss about (loud phone calls, bathroom visits) every time a few days go by with no posts on this board, just to have entertainment. I’m talking about people who expressed legitimate concerns over issues of bullying, harassment, inadequate tools, etc.

“If you don’t like it, stop complaining and leave!”


Peace out. F this place.
Yep! That's Taro 100%

i think he left Taro and went straight to the bank. He knew for two years he was leaving and they kept extending it. He had to be well paid because he was hired before Sun took over. He also had good relationships in India for a very long time. Just sayin. Some did not like him but he was very honest. He told me it was the stress of reporting to a boss several time zones away. He was very happy to leave.
This doesn't sound like a true. Everybody knows JF was fired. They wanted to get rid of him for a long time but kept extending his contract as a courtesy because he couldn't find new job. Crazy, noisy old man. Writing about "good relationships in India" is hilarious! LMAO! He was famous for his racist attitude especially targeting Indians; no way someone in India would ever maintain good relations with him.
As for the woman who complained, I didn't know her, but doubt what he wrote about her was true either.

Too many egotistical and plain old nasty a55holes. Taro management couldn't care less about good employees. Just leave. Finance has worst management team I ever worked with.
Treasurer def. has to go. Everybody's tired of his stupid comments in the meetings and a$$kissing of the new CFO. he has no value

He’s a good guy. Leave him alone.
BC's been nasty bully for years. Everybody knows it. He just recently started playing nice person hoping they let him stay for a couple more years. You must be one of his directs who feels if he doesn't lie smth good about his boss at CP he'll lose his job. Go get some job done instead!

Ya. That female caused a lot of women and men trouble. Started fighting with the other females in GP. What a mess! She got figured out and kind of isolated herself in her office. One day, she just walked out. For some reason, MB could not fire her.
I don't know who were those " lot of women and men", but employee you are talking about didn't cause any trouble in the department. She was just trying to get her work done and fix things that were too screwed up in GP. Unfortunately, others in her group were not always cooperative with her- mainly due to their own incompetence- which caused some frictions. That, together with no qualified support from IT, caused her resignation.

Moron. Go harass some Indians to do your work and then call them stupid elsewhere. Taro spit you out and so stay out. You come on every post insulting Indians like people don’t know it’s you who write about IT folks, Help desk and consultants. If you don’t like the curry, go work at McDonald’s. You didn’t like anyone here and feeling is mutual. It’s people like you that act so racist and complain on Indians yet you only can rely on Indians to do the work. Enjoy your trip to the bank. Strange how you post on here so often about RG, GT, PQ, and MB when you’re so happy and rich now. So pathetic he is for writing how great he is in another’s hand.
Don't blame JF for something he might had never done. The guy was indeed a bit crazy but he knew the boundaries. And he had done a lot for the company. He wouldn't be writing racist and offensive posts on cafepharma like the one about sitting in the room with Indian contractors.
Look for racists among current employees especially those who work with IT a lot.

I don't know who were those " lot of women and men", but employee you are talking about didn't cause any trouble in the department. She was just trying to get her work done and fix things that were too screwed up in GP. Unfortunately, others in her group were not always cooperative with her- mainly due to their own incompetence- which caused some frictions. That, together with no qualified support from IT, caused her resignation.

I liked her. Her direct report was also so nice, smart kid. I enjoyed my interactions with him. He quit too after she left for the same reasons. It’s a shame because he was so willing to pass on knowledge and help. I suggest everyone who hates it here do the same and quietly leave. No point in going to HR. Who cares if JF or EH or MK or any of these ex employees come back? Let them have this dumpster fire.