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Any reductions in R&D? The cliff vesting on allocated stock is coming up soon for those retained after the acquisition, when I left I assumed just about everyone would be disposed of before any of the stock they were "granted" actually vested. So this timing is right in line with that expectation. Had there been any long term potential it would have been amazingly profitable to have worked for vrx for the last year, I just wasn't going to let them black folder me on their terms at the last minute.

Any reductions in R&D? The cliff vesting on allocated stock is coming up soon for those retained after the acquisition, when I left I assumed just about everyone would be disposed of before any of the stock they were "granted" actually vested. So this timing is right in line with that expectation. Had there been any long term potential it would have been amazingly profitable to have worked for vrx for the last year, I just wasn't going to let them black folder me on their terms at the last minute.

Don't know about R&D, but didn't B+L get acquired in late 2013? All the vesting I have seen requires a 3 year time period and it's only been 2, correct?

Any reductions in R&D? The cliff vesting on allocated stock is coming up soon for those retained after the acquisition, when I left I assumed just about everyone would be disposed of before any of the stock they were "granted" actually vested. So this timing is right in line with that expectation. Had there been any long term potential it would have been amazingly profitable to have worked for vrx for the last year, I just wasn't going to let them black folder me on their terms at the last minute.

No. Sales force only.

Some reps only received 4 weeks severance!! Unbelievable! What a bush league move by the company. Especially considering there was no real heads up of what was going down. Really shows that our company doesn't care at all about its people.

well if your team 2 you got screwed. You got to keep your job but welcome to your new territory that consist of multiple states. Total B.S., shame on you R.L.. You are a spineless piece of $hit. You don't give a crap about the people that make you successful. I can only hope that one day you and the big fat man and all you M.F's that have your fancy titles will get what is coming to you.

Some reps only received 4 weeks severance!! Unbelievable! What a bush league move by the company. Especially considering there was no real heads up of what was going down. Really shows that our company doesn't care at all about its people.

I think it's pretty standard to get 2 weeks severance for every year of service...so 4 weeks for someone that had been with the company 2 years would be right. They did tell us 2 months ago that there would be a reorg and since we are supposed to be intelligent adults, the writing was on the wall. 2 months to get your resume ready, interview, and get realistic about staying at this company. The way of the pharm world. It sucks sometimes.

well if your team 2 you got screwed. You got to keep your job but welcome to your new territory that consist of multiple states. Total B.S., shame on you R.L.. You are a spineless piece of $hit. You don't give a crap about the people that make you successful. I can only hope that one day you and the big fat man and all you M.F's that have your fancy titles will get what is coming to you.
maybe you did not get screwed, but Valeant should consider higher compensation for more travel. Many of us with responsibilities of children, elderly parents and pets will have higher expenses tied to our lack of time at home to tend to these. In other words, I will now have more than double the hotel nights. My child care expenses will explode as I cannot be home to tend to my child's needs. I will have to extend the hours of my child care. More $$$ out of my pocket. I have territory 6 hours away. Can I fly? My furthest point used to be 3 hrs.

You are getting more for your work... Were you not listening about the $ increase (better than 20%) in target bonus? You are complaining about what again? Don't be greedy, you will spoil it for us all. I got my call and I am happy.