If you have heard or know something add here

Post in another thread indicated confrence call yesterday with announcement to follow. Anyone hear anything yet? Confirm a call took place with mgr's?
And for conspiracy theory guy, I'm a rep, not someone trolling for info. Just looking for some kind of update

Post in another thread indicated confrence call yesterday with announcement to follow. Anyone hear anything yet? Confirm a call took place with mgr's?
And for conspiracy theory guy, I'm a rep, not someone trolling for info. Just looking for some kind of update

Post in another thread indicated confrence call yesterday with announcement to follow. Anyone hear anything yet? Confirm a call took place with mgr's?
And for conspiracy theory guy, I'm a rep, not someone trolling for info. Just looking for some kind of update
there are no conspiracy theories. It's a fact that third party firms are hired by competition in our market and all markets to monitor us and any competitor. They will stoop to any level to get information their clients pay them to obtain. Sure genuine posts exist. Hack lazy ass posers exist also. Wish we coudl keep the qualified and deserving informed and flesh out the ass holes that are getting paid to play stupid and ask questions.

carve outs from existing/realigned territories deployed through attrition +- an equation redirecting potentials from steriod/NSAID fields driven by potential. keriogonsion. restructuring follows

*more territories consolidated/realigned/collapsed
**next week timeline (possibly week after if legal approval not met within time constraints
***performance a factor but geography plays into it as well

so depressed. managers had conf call either today or yesterday and nobody is talking. i just closed a big besi account and maybe it's not mine in a week
Seriously? You are worried about doing your job? I hope your counterpart loses all business of any drug they might transfer to you. You would deserve it.

Just saw this...

Valeant switches up sales force compensation model
Valeant's ($VRX) sales force is already undergoing a realignment, but now, it's changing up its rep compensation model, too. It's tweaking it "to be in line with our existing performance-based compensation structure versus sales structure," CEO J. Michael Pearson said on the company's Q2 earnings call, a move it thinks "will maximize the effectiveness of our sales team going forward."

Just saw this...

Valeant switches up sales force compensation model
Valeant's ($VRX) sales force is already undergoing a realignment, but now, it's changing up its rep compensation model, too. It's tweaking it "to be in line with our existing performance-based compensation structure versus sales structure," CEO J. Michael Pearson said on the company's Q2 earnings call, a move it thinks "will maximize the effectiveness of our sales team going forward."

That was about Salix.....not B+L. Below:

Obviously the big event was the IBS-D approval, where we saw immediate growth in script uptake of Xifaxan post-approval. Our soft launch commenced right after approval with our sales force undergoing training in the first week of June. At this time, we continue to promote the package insert as we are still awaiting regulatory approval for our marketing campaign, including our first DTC advertisement.

Based on our quick start, revenues and EBITDA are both significantly ahead of the deal model and the integration is nearly completed. In addition to the realignment of the sales force, which we discussed in our last earnings call, we [Indiscernible] the sales force compensation model to be in line with our existing performance-based compensation structure versus sales structure, which [Indiscernible] the sales team. We believe these adjustments will maximize the effectiveness of our sales team going forward.

Just saw this...

Valeant switches up sales force compensation model
Valeant's ($VRX) sales force is already undergoing a realignment, but now, it's changing up its rep compensation model, too. It's tweaking it "to be in line with our existing performance-based compensation structure versus sales structure," CEO J. Michael Pearson said on the company's Q2 earnings call, a move it thinks "will maximize the effectiveness of our sales team going forward."

I guess you are posting this half-info piece to stir things up and scare people. Don't you think we look this shit up and see it's not even Bausch? Why? Nothing more than terrorism. Creep.