Idorsia contract

I doubt bonus will be paid in October
They will pay us in December….they are don’t care

So glad that a friend pointed me in the direction of this board. I almost took a job on this contract. What I learned from another contact about working here is even worse than what I have read on this Idorsia page. What I don’t get is why a company like Idorsia tolerates and advocates treating it’s reps this way.

So glad that a friend pointed me in the direction of this board. I almost took a job on this contract. What I learned from another contact about working here is even worse than what I have read on this Idorsia page. What I don’t get is why a company like Idorsia tolerates and advocates treating it’s reps this way.
So what you’re saying is you really tanked the interview and didn’t get an offer and now you’re bitter, right?

So glad that a friend pointed me in the direction of this board. I almost took a job on this contract. What I learned from another contact about working here is even worse than what I have read on this Idorsia page. What I don’t get is why a company like Idorsia tolerates and advocates treating it’s reps this way.

Good for you! I have had several people contact me about this job and simply told them the truth. Yes, worse things than just this board talks about.

Pretty pathetic that reps have to come to this site to find out about bonus payout etc. DMs aren’t sharing info with reps seems the powers that be could just send out one email and we could all be on the same page at the same time. But that would be too easy

Pretty pathetic that reps have to come to this site to find out about bonus payout etc. DMs aren’t sharing info with reps seems the powers that be could just send out one email and we could all be on the same page at the same time. But that would be too easy

If they cared about rep morale they’d pay asap after all scripts get counted, but they clearly don’t. So why would they pay any sooner than they have to?

In spite of all the nastiness, I have a manager I trust. He says the target payout is 11/4. But, how irresponsible of any organization to leave its salesforce wondering on something like a bonus payout. That said, it's not that bad here unless your territory is that bad. And like everywhere, some DMs are fuckers and others are not. I consider myself lucky based on 91 pages of unhappy people. I give it a thumbs up. I do my job. I'm left alone.

Wishing now I wouldn’t have taken the first job opportunity ( idorsia) that came along.
Would’ve been worth the wait to find something much better.
Feel like this job , with the unrealistic expectations is simultaneously a gut punch and a throat punch.
When are things going to improve?

Will anyone from management care to elaborate?

Do any managers feel they have been duped, or found that the stress here is almost unbearable?

Worst job ever...trash