Idorsia contract

What’s going on with tomorrow??

Will there be another round of letters sent out for low scripts or do you think they are planning a total downsize and reorg at end of year?
The fact they we are even wondering if there is another letter about low scripts is a horrible sign. It takes over 6 months to a year to launch a product. This is the worst company ever. Syneos you made a deal
with the devil. I’ve lost respect for both companies. For job seekers…if you are offered a position here, don’t take it.

After what happened today you need to get the heck out of there! They are slicing and dicing and I want to be honest if anyone’s interviewing, You may want twice if you get an offer.. don’t do it don’t do it don’t do it!

What happened today??????
The developer, SL Green Realty Corporation, and the gambling giant Caesars Entertainment are actively trying to enlist local restaurants, retailers and construction workers in joining a pro-casino coalition, as the companies aim to secure one of three new casino licenses in the New York City area approved by state legislators earlier this year.

What what comments??
Thou hast described A hot friend cooling. Ever note, Lucillius, When love begins to sicken and decay, It useth an enforcèd ceremony. There are no tricks in plain and simple faith. But hollow men, like horses hot at hand, Make gallant show and promise of their mettle. But when they should endure the bloody spur, They fall their crests and, like deceitful jades, Sink in the trial.

Did something happen on Friday or not?
Smokey: 'Sup, man?
Craig Jones: Wassup.
Smokey: Why ain't you at work?
Craig Jones: I got fired yesterday.
Smokey: Fo' real...?! I thought you had the day off yesterday.
Craig Jones: I did. Went in there pick up my check. Came home. Supervisor called me about 4 o'clock. Talking about they got me on videotape stealing boxes.
Smokey: The f*ck you doin' stealin' boxes for? What you trying to build a clubhouse? Man, I know you didn't go out like that.
Craig Jones: Hell, no, ain't got me on tape. But they said they did. Fired me on the spot. Talkin' about pressin' charges.
Smokey: Goddamn! You've got to be one stupid motherf*cker to get fired on your day off.