Idorsia contract

My manager was put on a plan. What a pathetic contract this is. I blame Idorsia and I blame syneos. I would never work for syneos again. I’m in the final interview with a much better company making 30,000 more than this ridiculous joke of a contract.

My manager was put on a plan. What a pathetic contract this is. I blame Idorsia and I blame syneos. I would never work for syneos again. I’m in the final interview with a much better company making 30,000 more than this ridiculous joke of a contract.

My manager is in trouble, too. I am wondering if they got warning letters as well. This contract is unbelievable.

With over 15 years in the industry I can tell you this was the worst job I was ever on.
No organization should put someone on a plan within eight weeks of launch.
The company purposely over hired knowing full well that they would be doing a significant layoff in the fall as you are seeing through plans and pips. Future job seekers avoid this place at all costs.

Syneos sent bonus acknowledgment for bonus to sign for May-August read it carefully it says bonus may be paid out 90 days after quarter or at client discretion along with info on a Warning letters and PIP all of which we were never informed of at the beginning. And yes managers can and ARE on plans due to below expectations for sad

Syneos sent bonus acknowledgment for bonus to sign for May-August read it carefully it says bonus may be paid out 90 days after quarter or at client discretion along with info on a Warning letters and PIP all of which we were never informed of at the beginning. And yes managers can and ARE on plans due to below expectations for sad

What did it say about warming letters and PIP's?

Read your letter and do some homework, it does not affect your bonus, numb nuts.

Who cares! If both of you are not looking to get out of this sinking ship and resuming your careers elsewhere you are blind. Reps and managers being put on plans. I would bet Idorsia will do some type of realignment (downsizing) at the end of the year.

It said you must in good standings (no warning letter or pip) to recieve bonus. Go back in and read the acknowledgement you just had to do on bonus. Telling a lot of us up front you ain't getting bonus.

it doesn't say that. It says to receive payout you must not be in receipt of a FINAL warning letter (which have not been sent out). And if you're on a PIP, you accrue no bonus during that period. So no one's bonus is being affected. But does it really matter? If you're one of these unlucky reps who got a letter your bonus is hardly anything worth waiting around for. Been in this business for 15+ yrs. This is the worst I've heard of.

No one goes to dinner programs in area with expectations 25 attendees and min of 2 ! Scripts don't get refilled and no answer as to why from my Drs.. small territory only has 20 total Dora scripts in 6 mo and high Medicare and Medicaid. launched many products but this has been the hardest with smallest return and most management pressure .my guess is I'm not alone..sad to say I hope they layoff soon...

No one goes to dinner programs in area with expectations 25 attendees and min of 2 ! Scripts don't get refilled and no answer as to why from my Drs.. small territory only has 20 total Dora scripts in 6 mo and high Medicare and Medicaid. launched many products but this has been the hardest with smallest return and most management pressure .my guess is I'm not alone..sad to say I hope they layoff soon...
Couldn’t have said it better myself!

My manager was put on a plan. What a pathetic contract this is. I blame Idorsia and I blame syneos. I would never work for syneos again. I’m in the final interview with a much better company making 30,000 more than this ridiculous joke of a contract.

This is the worst contract ever. They micromanage the shit out of you, there are ride days all the time, programs that no one can go to and they pay you nothing. They are looking to fire people because they aren’t making enough to keep all these reps. It’s a complete joke. Putting people on plans 2.5 months after launch is unheard of in the industry. Everyone on my team is miserable and looking for a job. They should have hired entry level reps for this position.

You numbnuts are worried about a bonus check of $6,000 if you're lucky. $3,800 after taxes. Oh but lemme guess, you're going to get another job soon and the the f*ck out of this contract, aren't you? Idiots.

You numbnuts are worried about a bonus check of $6,000 if you're lucky. $3,800 after taxes. Oh but lemme guess, you're going to get another job soon and the the f*ck out of this contract, aren't you? Idiots.

What is wrong with you? What exactly is your motivation for calling people stuck in a bad situation "idiots"? I hope you're kinder to the people in your life than those on a web forum. If you're as unhappy as your comment would suggest, please get some help. Life is too short to go through it with such anger.