Idorsia contract

Maybe Taye, Jennifer & Lindsey will ski us out of our current problems :)


The idea probably is that in order for the medication to be successful, the top writers, according to where ever they are getting data from, with top volume need to write the medication and will allow for the most overall growth

The reality is that the more open minded PAs will write first and probably more but may not have the volume needed for the med to be successful in the long run

I’d imagine that during a launch you would want anyone and everyone to write, and build from there. Reps that don’t have grit will shy away from the difficult docs easily and miss opportunity. Or the top docs are just 110% no access which the company doesn’t want to hear either.

By the company “controlling” the opportunity they tried to prevent that… but it doesn’t work unless you have solid reps who could have added/dropped hcp understanding their territory

either way I’ve only heard a few reps have exceeded goal so hoping they make adjustments

either way I’ve only heard a few reps have exceeded goal so hoping they make adjustments

That’s putting it mildly… More accurately, for every rep within striking distance of target there are four or five reps that have b/w 0-3 Scripts. And many of these reps had great success with their previous rep job.

They feel justified in telling us to call only on top targets because they don’t believe us when we tell them the vast majority of top targets aren’t accessible. Perhaps this is because reps on other Syneos assignments put calls in on those doctors recently. Of course, those calls were fudged by those reps to appease their mgrs. So the cycle continues

Yes, they let us do adds and drops but only a small handful.

We haven’t seen national or regional reports because the numbers are horrific and they don’t want you to know how bad it is because you would leave like many are or be so discouraged you would stop working knowing you can’t hit their astronomical goals.
Not to mention numbers in power BI are so delayed and wrong so the payouts if any will be limited.

We haven’t seen national or regional reports because the numbers are horrific and they don’t want you to know how bad it is because you would leave like many are or be so discouraged you would stop working knowing you can’t hit their astronomical goals.
Not to mention numbers in power BI are so delayed and wrong so the payouts if any will be limited.

Don’t worry about seeing numbers. Just focus on doing your next video role play for your manager via Acto. That’s the new tool to make you better!!!!!!!!

This has been the WORST shit show of a launch I’ve ever been involved with. Everyone on this board is absolutely right. Syneos and Idorsia. Shame on you both. No wonder everyone is leaving!

i am speechless. We now have to do video role play assignments to secure a commitment. I wonder what they will do next.

Oh, so it's the reps fault we are so far from target?? Please.

The top rep in our region has just 25 scripts out. ...Most on my team have <5.

It's not about how we phrase the close or define the patient. ..It's about Idorsia's gross overestimation of the market for a new sleep med... or at least the speed at which a new med would be adopted.

Every rep in our district is looking for to make an exit. Partly b/c of the IC plan, partly b/c they feel like layoffs are in the near future. Idorsia has done nothing to address either concern.

So the Idorsia numbers are out…Quviviq is already selling better than Dayvigo. According to Idorsia, the feedback from HCP is very positive. Belsomra figures are within reach. Almost 2700 HCP have written Q over the past 2 months…

So the Idorsia numbers are out…Quviviq is already selling better than Dayvigo. According to Idorsia, the feedback from HCP is very positive. Belsomra figures are within reach. Almost 2700 HCP have written Q over the past 2 months…

there was nowhere to go but up from Dayvigo, they launched during height of Covid to very, very disappointing numbers…

I invite all the critics here to listen to the IDORSIA conference call with specific data on Quviviq…The CCO came last week to the US, he has followed up in person ( so which one of you had him in your car?:) on some doctors prescribing Quviviq and the feedback from doctors was good. The CCO stated that Idorsia is very pleased with the performance of the SSR’s! So why all this complaining, they are satisfied with the way things are going RIGHT NOW; For sure Vitacare has shown some problems, they recognize this, but everything is solved now. Dayvigo already passed, Belsomra in just a couple of week or months.
The main issue is Covid, because HCP’s need to focus on Covid and not giving enough direct attention to other chronic diseases. A lot of doctors see patients not in person, which doesn’t help.

When the DTC will start end of August and people will be pushing for Quviviq directly via their doctor and the numbers will go through the roof. By that time Quviviq will already be the best prescribed compared with Dayvigo and Belsomra (after 5 months launched on the market)

Oh sure, you can give another crappy comment on this (probably Belsomra SSR’s on this blog) but let’s see what will happen once Quviviq is on every television screen as of September..Sciprts are going to be flying around, keep in close contact with your doctors. It will be a good joke for those who left in the early days…future will tell.

And do not forget, focus on the 50mg dose, because that is the “thank you for helping me with my chronic sleep disorder” doses.

And now back with the complaining and fake 3rd Dora on the market BELLONI.

I invite all the critics here to listen to the IDORSIA conference call with specific data on Quviviq…The CCO came last week to the US, he has followed up in person ( so which one of you had him in your car?:) on some doctors prescribing Quviviq and the feedback from doctors was good. The CCO stated that Idorsia is very pleased with the performance of the SSR’s! So why all this complaining, they are satisfied with the way things are going RIGHT NOW; For sure Vitacare has shown some problems, they recognize this, but everything is solved now. Dayvigo already passed, Belsomra in just a couple of week or months.
The main issue is Covid, because HCP’s need to focus on Covid and not giving enough direct attention to other chronic diseases. A lot of doctors see patients not in person, which doesn’t help.

When the DTC will start end of August and people will be pushing for Quviviq directly via their doctor and the numbers will go through the roof. By that time Quviviq will already be the best prescribed compared with Dayvigo and Belsomra (after 5 months launched on the market)

Oh sure, you can give another crappy comment on this (probably Belsomra SSR’s on this blog) but let’s see what will happen once Quviviq is on every television screen as of September..Sciprts are going to be flying around, keep in close contact with your doctors. It will be a good joke for those who left in the early days…future will tell.

And do not forget, focus on the 50mg dose, because that is the “thank you for helping me with my chronic sleep disorder” doses.

And now back with the complaining and fake 3rd Dora on the market BELLONI.