Idorsia contract

If you put in a good amount of day's work on a regular basis and stay away from the negative people and just keep charging, chances are you will last longer than the average rep in this industry. Trust me my friend, I am on my 25th year, a couple of Presidents' and Vice Presidents' awards on my mantle and I have survived the most brutal cuts this industry has thrown at me! Mergers and downsizing happens, but it is the usual suspects that get canned: those with expense report "concerns", sample dilemma and worse you happen to be on your boss' shit list because you are "insubordinate". This is by far the easiest and the most rewarding sales job that I know!

Finally someone talking some sense here!

What reason could they have for withholding bonus? Afraid we will all quit after receipt?Changing the amount after seeing the does say on letter we signed “ they reset the right to change bonus”...hoping it’s not the case

For those who have worked contract before: if and when this contract ends do sales reps receive any type of a severance package?
Does the WARN act apply to provide 60days notice?
OR, with contracts and or syneos, is it more akin to lights out, your next paycheck is your last?

2 week notice, that's all you get

What reason could they have for withholding bonus? Afraid we will all quit after receipt?Changing the amount after seeing the does say on letter we signed “ they reset the right to change bonus”...hoping it’s not the case

I'm beginning to think it's the same 1 or 2 people who keep going on about the bonus.

As someone pointed out earlier, it is NOT unusual for a pharma company to pay each bonus the last paycheck of the next bonus period. In this case that would mean the END of June! ..Yes, they probably shouldn't have said they're going to pay us earlier but if they DID that would have been unusually early for a bonus payout. So please complain about something else. ..Like the excessive field rides.

I'm beginning to think it's the same 1 or 2 people who keep going on about the bonus.

As someone pointed out earlier, it is NOT unusual for a pharma company to pay each bonus the last paycheck of the next bonus period. In this case that would mean the END of June! ..Yes, they probably shouldn't have said they're going to pay us earlier but if they DID that would have been unusually early for a bonus payout. So please complain about something else. ..Like the excessive field rides.

The delay in the bonus payout is just one of many complaints we are rightfully voicing. I tend to think it’s many people who are unhappy. Our entire district is unhappy. People are quitting on a weekly basis and they don’t seem to even understand why. The ride alongs are absurd and the metrics and goals are completely unattainable. After this initial “training” bonus there won’t be many people reaching 100 percent attainment if any. If you don’t think this contract is filled with issues and problems than you are in the minority.

The delay in the bonus payout is just one of many complaints we are rightfully voicing. I tend to think it’s many people who are unhappy. Our entire district is unhappy. People are quitting on a weekly basis and they don’t seem to even understand why. The ride alongs are absurd and the metrics and goals are completely unattainable. After this initial “training” bonus there won’t be many people reaching 100 percent attainment if any. If you don’t think this contract is filled with issues and problems than you are in the minority.

100 percent correct. There are more unhappy people on this contract than not. I honestly have not spoken to one person who is happy with how this has gone since we were hired in January. I’ve worked for syneos before but this one has been ridiculous. Not sure if it’s syneos or Idorsia but I hope they get their shit together.

I'm beginning to think it's the same 1 or 2 people who keep going on about the bonus.

As someone pointed out earlier, it is NOT unusual for a pharma company to pay each bonus the last paycheck of the next bonus period. In this case that would mean the END of June! ..Yes, they probably shouldn't have said they're going to pay us earlier but if they DID that would have been unusually early for a bonus payout. So please complain about something else. ..Like the excessive field rides.

If this is true, then payout would be the end of August. Not June.

Same thing here with the huddle calls. A few disheveled people for sure. Also, what is up with some people wearing scrubs ? That is just ridiculous. I always see a couple of people in scrubs on the calls.

Ha Ha I wondered about the scrubs too. What’s the deal with that?

Our boss wont let us wear scrubs, but yet we don't get paid enough to pay for drycleaning. This is the worst sales job with highest expectations on a “me too” drug that might be 5-10% better on side effects but yet cost 100 times more than a generic. Only metropolitan territories will survive once they start cutting.