Understand that you are never joining something great in this industry. With the unicorn exception anomaly noted, all rep jobs in this industry are fraught with variable levels of negatives that you, and others posting on CP, have so well described: the micromanagement, poor access to customers, lack of respect, pressure to meet unrealistic sales goals, dysfunctional company cultures, sociopathic and/or superficial personalities of managers and/or select teammates - the longer you are employed in the industry, the more you will experience this and will know this to be true. However, for most, the greatest negative is Instability. Lay-offs are so common now that you can't count on keeping your job for more than a year or so (whether on a contract or with a manufacturer). Re-orgs, and the pace of lay-offs, have been increasing for over a decade. The real question, for most, is not "How do I maintain myself in good standing at my current job?", it's questions such as, "Do I see a future for myself in this industry?", "How can I transition out of this industry?", "Am I willing to leave the industry and earn less?" The alternative is to continue on the hamster wheel and continue enduring what it means to be a Pharma Rep in 2022.
If you put in a good amount of day's work on a regular basis and stay away from the negative people and just keep charging, chances are you will last longer than the average rep in this industry. Trust me my friend, I am on my 25th year, a couple of Presidents' and Vice Presidents' awards on my mantle and I have survived the most brutal cuts this industry has thrown at me! Mergers and downsizing happens, but it is the usual suspects that get canned: those with expense report "concerns", sample dilemma and worse you happen to be on your boss' shit list because you are "insubordinate". This is by far the easiest and the most rewarding sales job that I know!