Idorsia contract

Understand that you are never joining something great in this industry. With the unicorn exception anomaly noted, all rep jobs in this industry are fraught with variable levels of negatives that you, and others posting on CP, have so well described: the micromanagement, poor access to customers, lack of respect, pressure to meet unrealistic sales goals, dysfunctional company cultures, sociopathic and/or superficial personalities of managers and/or select teammates - the longer you are employed in the industry, the more you will experience this and will know this to be true. However, for most, the greatest negative is Instability. Lay-offs are so common now that you can't count on keeping your job for more than a year or so (whether on a contract or with a manufacturer). Re-orgs, and the pace of lay-offs, have been increasing for over a decade. The real question, for most, is not "How do I maintain myself in good standing at my current job?", it's questions such as, "Do I see a future for myself in this industry?", "How can I transition out of this industry?", "Am I willing to leave the industry and earn less?" The alternative is to continue on the hamster wheel and continue enduring what it means to be a Pharma Rep in 2022.

If you put in a good amount of day's work on a regular basis and stay away from the negative people and just keep charging, chances are you will last longer than the average rep in this industry. Trust me my friend, I am on my 25th year, a couple of Presidents' and Vice Presidents' awards on my mantle and I have survived the most brutal cuts this industry has thrown at me! Mergers and downsizing happens, but it is the usual suspects that get canned: those with expense report "concerns", sample dilemma and worse you happen to be on your boss' shit list because you are "insubordinate". This is by far the easiest and the most rewarding sales job that I know!

For those who have worked contract before: if and when this contract ends do sales reps receive any type of a severance package?
Does the WARN act apply to provide 60days notice?
OR, with contracts and or syneos, is it more akin to lights out, your next paycheck is your last?

I have been on a few contracts. There is no severance (one big difference between direct & contract). But normally they tell you the contract is over, then last paycheck is in 1 to 3 months. Sometimes it is as much as 3. But be prepared for far less just in case. They don't owe any generosity.
Then Syneos recruiters will call to place you on new Syneos contract interviews right away if you are interested. Huge perk.

If you put in a good amount of day's work on a regular basis and stay away from the negative people and just keep charging, chances are you will last longer than the average rep in this industry. Trust me my friend, I am on my 25th year, a couple of Presidents' and Vice Presidents' awards on my mantle and I have survived the most brutal cuts this industry has thrown at me! Mergers and downsizing happens, but it is the usual suspects that get canned: those with expense report "concerns", sample dilemma and worse you happen to be on your boss' shit list because you are "insubordinate". This is by far the easiest and the most rewarding sales job that I know!
Good for you!

All I want to know is when is the bonus coming???
This is complete BS
I have been in pharma over 15 years never have a company done this:
No notice it wasn’t coming
No payout information of what I got
I feel so punked and lied to about everything
Should be ashamed

All I want to know is when is the bonus coming???
This is complete BS
I have been in pharma over 15 years never have a company done this:
No notice it wasn’t coming
No payout information of what I got
I feel so punked and lied to about everything
Should be ashamed

The bottom line is that this contract is a dog. I was with the same company for 16 years until a layoff after Covid. Came here with hope that it might be a positive experience. What a freaking joke it’s been. No bonus, no explanation, no nothing.

I’m curious. Where is the most frustration coming from? Wondering if it’s regional. I’m in the northeast and it’s absolutely crazy. Is it just as bad in other regions?

Anyone had the numbers they were expecting for May?
Personally using the Nbrx until mid July, and if it appears the golden number is unattainable by end of August, not thinking that the goals will be adjusted.
In other words if it’s looking like despite efforts, the 1XX isn’t goi g to happen, would advice be to keep trying and expect like 60% bonus, or take as an indication that this could be a flop?

Our district has total of 9 scripts and we are all trying so hard for very little return. No samples to get back into offices and without a lunch no one will see you given the closed access of hospital associated accounts. It doesn’t look like they’re I’ll be keeping all of us considering those factors.

Is it me that thinks the men need to clean themselves up for these huddle calls, looks like they just got out of bed including the managers, I wouldn’t buy anything from them….

It’s sad but true. We all had high hopes for this contract. Even those of us who have never been on a contract before. It’s not good people. It’s not going to end well. We need to all be looking for new opportunities. I give this 6 more months max.

All I want to know is when is the bonus coming???
This is complete BS
I have been in pharma over 15 years never have a company done this:
No notice it wasn’t coming
No payout information of what I got
I feel so punked and lied to about everything
Should be ashamed

Syneos / Idorsia doesn’t care. They’ve made that very apparent. No bonus when they told us we would be getting it. No explanation as to why we didn’t get it and no update as to when we will see it. Need I say more ?

Bonus - a bonus is for meeting or exceeding goal expectations. I’m sorry but I wouldn’t expect a bonus if I didn’t meet goal no matter if upper management screwed up. In contract jobs don’t have any expectations and you will be much happier.