Idorsia contract

Some of the complaints thus far are fair, others not:

3rd to market DORA hard to sell: Well, that's our job. If you want to just take orders, go work at the Apple Store. And Q is different from others. If you don't understand this then go back and get retrained.

Company car sucks: No, it doesn't. It's a great car for pharma reps. What were you expecting?

Too much micromanagement: Yep, way way too much. Don't hire for experience then micromanage people like it's their first job. 3 different business plans is 3 too many. Nobody follows these plans unless they're on a field ride.

Not paying T1 bonus till deep into T2: Annoying but not unusual. All my other pharma jobs didn't pay the previous bonus until the LAST pay day of the current bonus period. And they all required you be an employee at the time too.

Too many field rides: OMG, yes... Don't they know that for every field ride day a rep spends a day pleading w/ offices to accommodate a manager visit? ..They're not out detailing doc on drug, they're pleading w/ staff, "On Wed, PLEASE say yes when I ask if Doc will see me w/ my mgr!"

Paid only on Targets: Bad idea. They should want us talking to every doc in our territory who will listen. And pay us if they write. That's what they do on EVERY launch but this.

what do you mean paying bonus deep into T2? I’ve been in this industry for a very long time and a sales bonus always came 2 months after the quarter ends. We are dealing with a metrics bonus which was handed to syneos April. There is no excuse for not giving us bonus on June 3. Oh wait, they want to keep the people who want to leave this place.

Seriously this is complete BS. I can’t wait to get the hell out of here. I was counting on the bonus June 3rd and then resigning. When are we supposed to get it ? Anyone know?

those of you who think this is a “blockbuster” new sleep aid that will go down in history as game changer are drinking the koolaid. Our district had only 4 scripts total. This thing is a dog.

Unfortunately I think that taking this job will hinder me from getting a better opportunity. I’m actually embarrassed that I thought this was going to be a good fit. This has been a nightmare.

Don't scripts take more time than just one week to start coming? Why is everyone upset after getting numbers for just the first week? I doubt this shows if the drug is going to make it or not.

Who you calling geek? You're the d bag working one of the worst possible contract gigs ever. Better bust out your personal credit card to pay for that Panera lunch.

i would never pay for a lunch with my personal card. They never gave us a printer and balk at everything related to copies or ink. If my card declines, there won’t be any lunches until the card is paid.

i would never pay for a lunch with my personal card. They never gave us a printer and balk at everything related to copies or ink. If my card declines, there won’t be any lunches until the card is paid.
I agree. No printer and they won’t even let us expense the ink. Im dreading going back to this mess tomorrow. Wtf with the late bonus payout?

It is a serious concern when you have been tasked with doing access meals , and you’re faced with the embarrassing moments of card not going through. Really, I’m the corporate world, zero excuse for paying out of pocket. Imagine what else may be going on behind the scenes? First it’s card declined, bonus late, what’s next on tap? The signs are definitely floating to the surface. Hoping this will last for one more bonus in the fall, then hopefully bowing out. There’s got to be better pharma jobs , even better contracts, vs this one.