Idorsia contract

Verbal offer and an email sent from Syneos (brief info to fill out) , nothing in writing. But should come in hard copy, unless I'm so ancient that offers are now only "scan QR code with your phone to see what's inside".

How do you get 'busted' for something like that? What does this even mean? Can you elaborate? Was the massage parlor illegal? Prostitution? Was it during work hours? What we do on our own time is nobody's business. Who busted him? Was he arrested? Is he considered dangerous? What exactly is the story? Is any of this even true, or is someone just out to get him who is angry about something? Lastly, if this is true and he was fired for something illegal or immoral, how do you even find a job after that? How do you explain that? It seems to be difficult enough these days to get a decent gig even with a spotless record and reputation, right?

What usually happens is the company allows person to "resign" so company doesn't acknowledge the incident(s) which eliminates legal action against company. & yes, it's called prostitution

Can anyone help out a “recreational” occasional bud smoker with any insight on drug screening? I’m sure there will be a few comedians with replies, but I was hoping for at least one or two sincere helpful responses maybe from some that have received offers and are in the know. Thanks and very much appreciated!

Know your company's in a state where it is legal...have a license with a valid diagnosis if that is in order. Most important...don't get into any accidents in the company car with a detectable level.

Know your company's in a state where it is legal...have a license with a valid diagnosis if that is in order. Most important...don't get into any accidents in the company car with a detectable level.
Solid advice and I DO appreciate it, but I’m really just trying to find out if I need to make a trip to the head shop and start my cleanse if a drug screen is required and if/when it needs to be completed. Might be a mute point at this point since I haven’t heard shit for the last 13 days! Not a good time to be dealing with stress without my medicine! Anyone got anything to offer on if and when preemployment drug screen please? And Thank you!

How do you get 'busted' for something like that? What does this even mean? Can you elaborate? Was the massage parlor illegal? Prostitution? Was it during work hours? What we do on our own time is nobody's business. Who busted him? Was he arrested? Is he considered dangerous? What exactly is the story? Is any of this even true, or is someone just out to get him who is angry about something? Lastly, if this is true and he was fired for something illegal or immoral, how do you even find a job after that? How do you explain that? It seems to be difficult enough these days to get a decent gig even with a spotless record and reputation, right?

Perhaps there were red flags, so someone paid attention to where his company cell phone or company car were and they revealed his location during working hours when he was supposedly with a rep etc. A lot of ways to get busted being in the wrong place when you should be working...

Going to a massage establishment, asian massage or otherwise is not a crime... The only way of knowing if he paid for "extras" would be if he was literally busted during the act, which did not happen. Sure it raises eyebrows if you are going to an asian massage, but as far as anyone can tell, it is a legit business.... Now, if he was there when he was supposed to be working, it doesn't mater if it was legit or with a happy ending.

Solid advice and I DO appreciate it, but I’m really just trying to find out if I need to make a trip to the head shop and start my cleanse if a drug screen is required and if/when it needs to be completed. Might be a mute point at this point since I haven’t heard shit for the last 13 days! Not a good time to be dealing with stress without my medicine! Anyone got anything to offer on if and when preemployment drug screen please? And Thank you!

Why not start the cleanse now just in case?